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Posts posted by Pilsner



    I am annoyed when people post annoyances without remedies in the annoyances and remedies thread. I think those people should self administer a tablespoon of cod liver oil.


    I think I just annoyed myself for not following the thread rules.

  2. California stops always make me shake my head. A nice pet peeve is when people use your instead of you're. I recently saw someone on here post with you're instead of your several times which almost put a cramp in my neck. I know I make my fair share of spelling mistakes but if you want to be taken seriously then try and spell properly.


    Also it's always interesting seeing some police officers switch lanes without using their turn signal.


    Oh yes I almost forgot, sloppy boob jobs and overdone fish lips :)



  3. Jerry Rice (same height as Stevie 6'2") but a tad slower at 4.71 vs. 4.59, and with the same quality of "Every route looks the same initially" had a fairly good career for being a slow guy. Stevie never has had the benefit of having a Montana throwing to him or a John Taylor drawing the respect of coverage or even a TE such as Brent Jones, not to mention a bruising running game with Roger Craig. If Kolb can show something or if EJ can be half of what Montana was then we can see what Stevie's ceiling is.


    Personally I'd be interested to see what he can do in the slot similar to what Welker has done. He can get it done if only someone would get him the ball. The man just gets open.

  4. Not much of a breakdown really. Sponge Bob is a hard worker. A team player. Mr Krabs likes money. He's a steeler. Patrick sleeps under a rock. Don't know how he sleeps there without suffocating. Squidward looks like the white guy with a big nose who has his cheeks full of a hot dog.


    I was hoping to hear something a little more insightful than that. What a let down. I don't think CJ has much of a future as a movie critic.


    I wonder how Patrick keeps comfortable under his rock as well. Perhaps his home is a hollow rock or pumice?



  5. No one has a more vested interest in your investment success than you. If you think you are worth it then keep doing your due diligence and keep forging ahead.


    I haven't had any problems with Ameritrade. They are cheap and easy to use. If you are willing to do your own research then don't get distracted by extras that some services might offer.


    You are already ahead of the curve by putting investments in your own hands. Just do your proper research and take all advice with a grain of salt.


    Ya our D would b like WTF are the coaches thinking, while the other teams scores!


    Unless you mean O, but i still think you hurt your team by taking 2 of the top3 D players on the team!


    I say bad idea man!


    SJBF was having some clever fun.


    Knowing is half the battle snoops.



    That was the second time the same guy tried to rob their house.


    In any case, good for her. Killing ain't pretty but she did what she had to do.


    That's right.


    Women aren't as weak as society sometimes makes them out to be. What they usually can't make up for in strength, they can make up for with smarts, quick thinking and tools. In a scenario such as the topic of this thread, if a lady can think and act quickly she can help turn the tide in a scuffle/fight for life. Ladies need not cower in the corner to await the outcome of a life or death struggle with an intruder. They can make a difference if they have the willpower to do so.

  8. Not one of the actors and the one actress considered that a patron carrying could have cut their aspiring careers short? Idiots are being produced at too high a rate nowadays. I'm guessing not one of them has responsibly handled a firearm before.


    A responsible person carrying would not have outright stopped the actor's/actress' careers cold but that carrier would have had his/her hand on their sidearm just in case any nonsense happened. A carrier with a jittery hand might have drawn though.


    If the actors/actress had a clue they would have gone hmmm...maybe this isn't the most ideal career move, before signing up for this. The higher ups should have used their brains as well.


    If the kindergarten or elementary police were on hand the participants would have been cuffed and stuffed in quick fashion or expelled. No bang bangs allowed.



    Yeah....tell that to Jerry rice, Anquan Boldin and Larry Fitzgerald.


    Maybe Ed McCaffrey too.


    An extra tall body in the end zone who can also jump for balls would be quite an asset. He could be a David Nelson with more reach. I'd like him to push Smith for the 6th spot at the very least.

  10. Kelly I agree with you that every passed over player feels a sting in their heart. What matters is how they act towards it. I can only go by what I saw on tv when the cameras were panning on Geno's downtrodden look. Perhaps due to his descendancy the camera crew took advantage of this. Who knows really? It's to keep viewer's interests. But if there was no bias involved with the crew, he had a hard time dealing with being passed over. Some players may grow up and overcome this. His reaction though isn't inspiring.

  11. His name probably only matters if he does something of significance such as winning a SB or two or even three in a row. So how do we pronounce it? Is it like reading a Manual? Or is it pronounced traditionally in Spanish to sound like Manwell? Or is it just safer for us illiterate folk to just call him EJ? I propose EJ. What say you? Choose wisely.

  12. Every time ESPN showed Geno in the second half of the round he had his head hung low. Of course there's the chance that the camera crew picked and chose its times to show him in a dismayed light but odds are against it. He hung his head low and he kept it low. A little texting here and there is fine but man, if you are confident in your abilities and in what you have to offer then hold your head up high and keep it up. To me how he reacted to unexpected bumps in the road showed a lot. Perhaps I'm reading too much into this but maybe not. What reveals a man's character is how he handles adversity. Geno did not handle it well at all. If anyone had told him how to handle it, he did not take the advice. This could be very telling.


    And therein the drop continues...

  13. Only a fool would want to discard Fred at this point. Loyalty and productivity must come into account. He can be productive, yes he gets injured as well. But if he wasn't getting the Lion's share of the carries next season he would and could last the season. I may be part of a minority here, but I would rather try and win AND show loyalty to those productive and loyal players who want to be here rather than say bye bye to them. Make this more than just a business. What fanatic wants to root for a business? And what fanatic wants to root for a team with some values? Think about it.

  14. If Fred is sincerely ok with being a backup now then (not than) he is a team first guy which I want on this team. He is a starter at heart but realizes his body can't keep pace with his mentality and CJ is faster, quicker and younger. He can play the Marcus Allen role when Allen was at KC. 2.+million a year for Fred is fine by me as long as the run game is a priority with the new HC. We'll need a new RB in a year or two to be groomed for a back up (gunning for a starting role (who wants a player doesn't vie to be a starter?)) Would be nice to still have Joique Bell. Fred deserves to stay here. Fred's price is not extraordinary. I'm prolly speaking to the choir tho. He shall stay and the 2nd string rb position will be the least of our worries. He would be a great complement (not compliment) to CJ. Unless of course he wants to compliment CJ for a good play.

  15. I nominate myself to be in charge of the concession stands. Particularly dispensing of an ever growing variety of beers.


    O-Line: I nominate John from Hemet to hold sway in this category.


    GM: In addition to his duties of enhancing the Jills' role, I nominate San Jose Bills Fan.


    Marketing: Nomination for The Senator due to his untiring devotion for the goal of undefeated seasons.


    Security: DC Tom has this one wrapped up. A volley of words will be good enough to keep unruly fans in line.

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