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Posts posted by Pilsner

  1. 6 hours ago, BuffAlone said:

    500 bce? YOU are the ignorant one, sir. They debated because they pondered how they could change the truth to further advance their own agenda. Hence the Bible states, God created the firmament to seperate the waters Above, AND Below the Earth. Van Allen asteroid belt? Sorry, I meant to say Van Allen radiation belt, which even Armstrong and Aldrin claim humans cannot penetrate. Its a firmament

    P.s....dont be calling me an idiot you old, uneducated !@#$. Regardless of our difference of opinion. Also, look at any pucture of earth from space over the last 40 years. Not ONE look the same. Why? Because they are artist renditions! Do homework and come back.

    For the record, im not sold on it. But im certainly not obtuse like you. Im open to ALL evidence to make my OWN opinion. Dick


    As much as I respect DC Tom, I will have to veer towards your viewpoint BuffAlone on this topic over what the majority is espousing. I am not a true earther (although I have been researching the subject) and I am not a globalist. I am in search of the truth. Since I now believe that God exists, why can't there be the possibility of a form of earth that does not fit the standard issue narrative? I don't believe we ever made it to the moon. I will not go into detail as to why I believe this at this time but anyone who puts some time into researching this should come to a similar conclusion as I have made. I often times look at the moon. If for example you were inclined to hold up a balloon in your living room with all lights turned off and have a family member shine a flashlight at said balloon, what would you see? Some light reflected off of the balloon obviously but it would be hard to ignore the brightest of the light being reflected off of the center. Now if the moon was a sphere, wouldn't it reflect the sun's light in the same manner? But it does not. The moon 'reflects' light as if it were a round, flat object. You might as well hold up a round piece of paper and shine light on it. This should cause any person who pays some attention to this to go... hmmm....  The next time you have a nice view of the moon, go take a gander.


    edit: Argh, it pains me to even for a split second think a similar thought to Geno. Argh!

    • Haha (+1) 1
  2. Kaep is welcome to exercise his free speech when NOT on the clock. If I spouted my political views while at work I would and should be reprimanded and/or fired.


    If he keeps his antics up he will be quite the distraction to any team that picks him up. If he wants to be a social justice warrior then being a football player is the wrong profession for him.


    If he does get signed he will probably let his activism get in the way of his production. This would not bode well for any team that focuses on winning games and relies on fan support.

  3. Ok, maybe we now have the equivalent of Rommel (Desert Fox) and Patton (ol' Blood and Guts) mentality in charge. Efficiency, making the most of your resources, keeping morale high, hitting hard (and perhaps eventually hitting where not to be expected). I suppose the trade for Benjamin could relate to this (unexpected).


    This is year 1. Year 1 is almost at the halfway point and there is still a way to go. I have seen a lot over the years and I'm cautiously optimistic. So far (lately) I'm liking what I'm seeing. We are long overdue. There's a lot more football to be seen. Our Rommel and Patton will be busy.


    We shall see... how things develop.

  4. Biscuit and 1987 almost seem like yesterday in Bills history to me. How did the time pass so fast? I truly hope the current resurgeance is a doppelgänger of 86-87 or even better than that! It is time. We have suffered long enough. Multiple runs at the Super Bowl are in order. So many good fans have passed during the drought. It's soon time to get it done. Then get it done again. Then yet again.

  5. I have started threads too John and then woken up in the morning with a healthy, robust hangover with the realization "what have I done?" In my case I've made a fool out of myself more than once. In your case you're probably just tired and need a good nights rest. Everything will be clear as daylight in the morning.


    Who here hasn't started an inebriated thread?

  6. Is this upcoming planet populated by any Dems or Republicans or anyone in between or further out in the periphery?


    Just in case I would bring:


    -my M1A along with 10,000 rounds (not that it would really halt any advances by hordes of the locals. Perhaps I could make them think twice though for a few minutes). I'd rather have the chance to confer with them at a table but if they preferred to assimilate me and my buddies and my hot lady friends then I would take issue and assimilate as many of them as possible before they made me into a meat pop.


    -10 years worth of stored (mylared and prepackaged food).


    - 5 of my bestest friends who are level headed.


    - 10 of my bestest female "friends" who aren't too much drama (who am I kidding) and who are hot.


    -rifles and plenty of ammo for my friends and cleaning kits galore as well.


    -seeds, none-Monsanto seeds up the ying yang.


    -gardening tools (none of the Chinese crap. Their stuff has fallen apart on me or bent out of shape time and time again).


    -an interplanetary drilling company with supplies to drill a more than adequate well.


    -an abundance of medical supplies to deal with some contagion.


    -Genie (so she could summon any more obvious things I forgot).


    -I wish I would have made room for McGiver and his paper clips. Argh.


    -The Constitution. Molon Labe version.


    -I suppose Robbie the Robot as well for good times sake, and Leslie Nielsen for some comic relief. He can also play the Swamp Fox when nothing else catches on the rabbit ears.

  7. I brew my own at home. I buy cheap too. I only have one cup to wake up so why buy the good stuff when I'm half asleep. Also I get a month's worth of coffee for the price of a large caramel macchiato at Starbucks.

    I agree with you there. I do the same. I'm a weak ass coffee drinker.

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