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Posts posted by GaryPinC

  1. Another poster in another post made an interesting observation regarding the Gailey/Edwards fiasco. He stated something to the point that it was Wilson that was so high on Edwards and Gailey was more or less covering-his-ass by annointing Edwards the starter. The poster mentioned that he thought both Nix and Gailey knew Edwards wasn't going to cut it and they put him out there knowing that he was going to fail miserably, more or less a sink or swim situation. WIlson's meddling with the QB situation started this season out on the wrong foot and it's taken several weeks for them to recover.


    I can see where the poster makes some sense here. Obviously Gailey isn't a moron and he had to see what us fans had seen for the last few years with Edwards. The guy had no heart, no will or desire to become a leader, much less a productive part of this team. I don't see any other explanation except that maybe Fitz just didn't pick up Gailey's system right away, which most likely is not the case considering that Fitz is probably smarter than most of the people in that locker room collectively.


    If you believe it was a Wilson conspiracy, that's fine. I just don't understand why some folks find it so hard to believe that Gailey was willing to give Edwards another chance under new tutelage? Chan looked at Edwards' game films, couldn't distinguish Trent's ineptitude from Jauron's and decided to wipe the slate clean for Trent. Trent came in, did well in OTA's, training camp, and preseason. In preseason, I thought he looked a lot more confident and was making more throws downfield. Regular season came and same old Trent. Gailey coached him up for a couple weeks (he has had success with marginal Qb's in the past) realized Trent wasn't going to change and cut him promptly.


    I thought Gailey did a good job of making sure it wasn't a mistake to let Trent go. Why does there have to be more to it than this?

  2. This.


    I was on the bandwagon a few weeks ago to consider whether or not the DC should be replaced, but like Gailey, we have to give this staff some time. If the players start to get it and show enough improvement (read: putting up a whale of an effort against the elite teams they play...NE, Pit, NYJ), then we can consider keeping Edwards around.


    When you're unit is improving, THAT'S when you want the continuity in the coaching staff. If the defense takes steps backwards and gets rolled by those elite teams, then they may want to think about bringing in someone else to run the show.


    I've learned in my years of following football that when a team brings in a new coaching staff it usually takes at least half a season for the players to get comfortable with the offensive and defensive schemes so they can not think so much and "play fast." Usually the defense tends to settle in a couple games before the midway point and the offense a couple games after the midway point, but if you've got an experienced O-line, or a QB like Fitz who can help determine assignments it helps the process. When you've got a defensive coordinator who doesn't settle on a scheme until a few weeks into the season, well, that's where the Bills D is now.


    Win or lose (but hopefully wins) it should be fun watching the talent develop on this "talentless" roster.

  3. If Maybin is ever going to get into a game, and get his career started this has to be the week. I remember left tackle J. Scott from last year. I saw him two weeks ago VS the Pats, he gave up 3 sacks and multiple pressures. He has struggled against speed type rushers. Maybin knows this guy, he's practiced against him, this is got be his spot to play and gain some confidents. I don't think he starts, but he should be able to get things going. If he can't get on the field this week I think all hope with his guy is lost.


    I'd prefer to see Merriman at that spot, but who knows if he ever steps on the playing field for us.

  4. Fitz has a two game winning streak going and he basically won the game against the Bengals with his arm. Good for him - hey maybe the guy can start every day in the NFL.


    But if Fitz really expects to win the Bills starting job before the draft next April and allow Buddy the luxury of not drafting the best available QB with his number one, then I would demand him to put up over 3,000 yards passing with twice as many TD's then Int's, no matter what record the Bills finally end up with this season. Well, I suppose I should cut him some slack because he did not start until the great Trent Edwards experiement went down in flames. OK then, his final yards would need to be on pace to end up at or over 3,000 over 16 games, and he still would need to have twice the TD passes then Ints.


    I'm really tired of so many posters defending Fitzy every game and starting these "we don't need to draft a franchise QB" after he has a good game. Wait for his entire body of work, and enjoy the wins or get pissed about the wins, whatever your feelings are about getting the number one pick for Andrew Luck. I'm not convinced yet that he will turn his arm into Dan Fout's arm, despite the fact he is determined to turn his face into Dan Fouts' face with that stupid looking beard.


    Everybody likes Fitzy. Everybody wants to see him do well, accept for the number one pick fans, of course. But there's still 6 more games left and 3 are against perhaps the 3 best teams in the NFL right now. Cleveland has improved more then the Bills this season, and the Vikings are never easy to beat in the dome even though they are suffering through a lousy season themselves. That leaves only Miami as a game I might pick as a good chance for Fitz to win. So if he "leads" the Bills to a 1-5-0 finish, he had better have those stats to back up his case to "win" the draft choice of Nix not choosing a QB number one.


    After this weekend, Cleveland may be more beatable for Buffalo. Their defense is really missing Fujita at ILB, Steinbach's (LG) gimpy ankle is really affecting his play and Womack being out is hurting the other side of their OL. Now Colt McCoy's got an ankle sprain and their young receiving corps just isn't developing yet. Cribbs being out really hurts them too. Some or many of these guys will be back for the Buffalo game, nobody's saying much about Fujita and I suspect his injury will keep him down most of the remaining season.


    As for Fitz, the coaches and team believe in him. We'll see how it plays out at year's end.

  5. Watch Donald Jones block on run plays also. He brings an entire new element to the offense that you don't get with Roscoe. Don't underestimate how much it helps when Jones can seal the edge or chip somebody. Probably one of the reasons he is getting more time than David Nelson since Roscoe went down as well.


    +1 Beat me to it, he should give Lee some pointers. It was great to see a receiver taking out DB's on a running play. I hope he gets more playing time.

  6. But nothing would piss Marsha off more than losing to us. If we beat Cinci then I think we can win 4-5 games. CLE, MIN & MIA are possible. Beating the Cheatriots would make a painful season sweeter.




    Cleveland's not very possible. They are strong on both sides of the ball, Peyton Hillis is a strong runner and their TE's are very involved in the offense, everything our defense is weak at. Cleve's starting to shake off that losing mentality and believe in themselves. They're my dark horse to make a run and get in as a wildcard. Oh yea, Colt McCoy looks like the accurate version of Fitzy too. You know, any given Sunday..., but I'd be very surprised if Buff can pull it off on Cleve. Hope they can though...

  7. Wish#1 Win all 7 remaining games

    Wish#2 Destroy the patriots and not win anymore


    I prefer wish 1. would be ok with wish#2.


    There are some fans that want bills to lose out remaining schedule. If you feel like that, that includes the patriots game? You are really ok with that? giving pretty boy brady another reason to laugh at us?


    One thing's for sure: the last 7 should be a whole lot more fun than the first 7, especially since both defense and offense are getting comfortable in their schemes and starting to "play fast".

  8. I clicked on the link, got internal server error. Went up to the URL, changed # to 10350 (right after "av-") and it says web page not found.


    Still had my avatar pic on my computer and tried to upload but says it's too large. Previously, I thought the image was automatically resized upon upload.


    Appreciate some help on which/what to do next.


    Thanks a lot.

  9. I'm sorry, but no real fan would promote their team's losing.


    Losing only fosters a losing environment.


    Look at Buffalo and Detroit ... they don't know how to win. Both of us had wins handed to us on silver platters ... only to find a way to lose.


    It's because that's what both teams are used to.


    Winning games makes winning more games an easier thing to do.


    Better yet, look at Cleveland. Even at the beginning of the year it was obvious they could compete with anybody but found a way to lose. Now they've cast off that losing mentality and the players believe they're a good team. And they are.



    Even more absurd - they'll be whining over losing our chance at a guy that won't even be in the draft this April :wallbash:


    Sadly, I could see Luck staying in school if the Bills draft first but deciding to declare if the Cowboys get the first pick. We'll see.

  10. I think Fitz could cut into his interceptions if he put a little more arc on the ball for intermediate post-route type plays over the middle. It's one thing to zip the ball in there on an out route, but to do it when your receiver is running 15 yds downfield through the middle is asking for deflections/INTs.


    In my mind at least part of his accuracy problems are due to the fact that he's about to get creamed and doesn't get to make a perfect throw on the ball.


    He should get at least 3 more games before they even consider working Brohm in. I like Ryan and he deserves more than his fair chance to prove himself, especially as the O-line continues to gain confidence. He's already impressed me in many ways, let's see if he can step up his game as he continues in the starter role. I think the final answer will be clear if we remain patient till the end of the season.

  11. I don't get it...it seems pretty clear to me.


    Gailey is an offensive-minded coach, and our offense is improved. We are making big plays, our receivers are involved, and we're competitive in these games.


    The problem is that we have a fuktard running the defense and we have a scheme that caused a bunch of players to be playing out of their natural (and best) positions, and one that doesn't have the right players in place to run effectively.


    We also have a QB who has a lot of positives, but who is snake-bit in the 4th quarter and often does boneheaded things to take us out of position to win the game (after just getting us IN position to win the game :wallbash: )


    We need to fix the defense and find a QB who plays mistake-free ball in the 4th quarter. Get that done, and we're in good shape.


    Agree completely and just wanted to add that said fuktard also decided to shift back to the 4-3 instead of sticking with one defensive plan. So as bad as our talent is on defense, they also spend time trying to figure out what they're supposed to be doing. Saw more than one play today where Puz was trying to get players lined up correctly.

  12. Saw the game from the second quarter on and I agree he struggles with his accuracy at times. He also was crunched in a very small pocket or about to get nailed before he threw. He had little to no time today to set up and throw the midrange/long ball and he did a fantastic job of just getting the ball away and I think he gets some slack with the accuracy because of all this. A lot of other QB's would have taken a ton of sacks or throw-away passes today.


    With that being said, I realized what Fitzy's problem is that causes the INT's. He needs to put more arc on the ball for some of his intermediate post routes over the middle. Most of the time he does ok with arcing the sideline routes but he always throws a low, direct ball over the middle. That's fine for the slants and outs but any type of post pattern is just asking for a deflection/INT.


    He still gets at least 3 more games to show he can be the man in my book. If he's plateaued out, give Brohm a chance in the last 4-5 games.


    If Luck doesn't come out I'm ok with Fitzy till the team improves and we find a franchise QB.

  13. This whole thing is just shameful. Maybin's young and he may or may not be able to play in the NFL. Coaches haven't given up on him. I don't think much of his efforts to this point but to have a contest to call him the worst football player in the NFL and have the national media run with it is just wrong. The only reason it went national is because the Bills are such a laughing stock this was an opportunity to annoint a poster child. As a Bills fan I'm disgusted and it doesn't matter to me if Maybin never sees the field again. It reflects poorly on Buffalo and the Bills. Sullivan should do an apology for going too far on this.

  14. You're right, Trent's benching should have happened much, much sooner, and for that Jauron is to blame.


    But again, I don't know how we can lay the 'conservatism' at Jauron's feet given the meter-busting level of 'conservatism' (read: incompetence) at which Trent played.


    Otherwise, I think you're right on the money with everything you've said.


    There are a few other anecdotal things I can add about Jauron and his conservatism. You've got Schonert's comment about Jauron's "Pop Warner" offense after Schonert was fired. Jauron went through 3 offensive coordinators, 2 of them ex-QB's. When I watched the odd game for each of the different OC's, I thought I could see a difference in their style of attack between the 20's. Inside the redzone or when backed up near our goal line the playcalling seemed different, horribly conservative. Then there was all the timeouts we wasted down in or near the red zone. To me, that was Jauron and his OC debating about the playcalling, but I believe Jauron called the shots in the critical areas. Also, Trent's quotes about hearing different things from different coaches. I think this was Jauron's philosophical differences with his OC. Also, before Schonert and Van Pelt got hired people like Lee Evans and Jim Kelly had the odd quote that they liked what each of these OC's was saying they would do with the playcalling. But once these guys got the position there offense wasn't very aggressive. Finally, at one point last year when people were being critical of Edward's checkdowns he had a quote saying that's the way he'd been coached.


    Sadly, I don't think anyone will ever set the record straight about what really went on there, so we're left to speculate. And when Gailey proved Trent was incompetent I thought the same thing as you, maybe Jauron wasn't that bad a coach. I really don't know but for all the reasons I've posted I think Jauron's incompetence still largely overshadows Trent's (though slightly less). I respect your opinion on the matter though and thought I'd share mine. Thanks for the great discussion!

  15. I'm just in a pissy mood at work and want to play the "I told you so game."


    Granted, Jauron was never going to be crowned World's Country's League's Conference's Team's Greatest Coach, but I often took umbrage at how quick everyone was to spout vitriol about the guy when we obliviously had a crippling deficiency at quarterback. Many MANY times I implored fans here to consider a universe where ANY coach could win with Trent taking snaps.


    For some perspective:


    Last year league AVERAGE ppg was 21.4


    We scored 16.1


    One more touchdown per game (not a major leap if you implement even a shred of quarterbacking competency) and we're scoring right around league average.


    Scoring at league average, would have won us four different games, since four of our 10 losses came even when our defense held the opponent below league average. That gives us a record of 10-6 under the much-maligned and "totally hapless" Dick.




    Scoring an extra 5 ppg alone would have netted us three more wins, putting the 2009 record at 9-7.


    Either way, winning seasons. And not in spite of Dick Jauron, but because somebody with just a smidgen of a clue could have been back there throwing.



    You're right, TE's utter failure vindicates Jauron to a small extent but let's not forget Jauron's "play not to lose" conservatism which was infuriating late in close games. Also, Jauron should have been the one to yank Edwards. He looked at all the game films. Anybody who watched Trent play could see the guy wouldn't throw downfield unless the receiver was wide open and Jauron was ok with that. Fewell took care of the problem as soon as he took over. Finally, seems like Jauron got canned in Chicago for pretty much the same reasons he got canned here. It's a shame a decent, intelligent man like Jauron can't learn from his mistakes but that's who he is. The fact that he got fired from here mid-season and couldn't get a coordinator job tells you what the league thought of his head coaching abilities also.

  16. Like most everyone else I'm more than a little surprised to see the level of play that Fitz has shown over the past 4 weeks. I really, really hope he proves me and a lot of people dead wrong about thinking he was nothing more than a decent backup QB. The Bills need this to be the case so they can move on and start filling some other serious problems.


    But I can't help not thinking about what Derek Anderson did a few years ago with the Browns. A pro bowl year had everyone fooled into thinking he was going to be the man in Cleveland for a long while. Hasn't done anything since that ONE big year.


    Man, I want Fitz to be the real deal!


    Actually, he didn't fool too many people on the inside. After he made it to the pro bowl, there were anonymous rumblings from within the Browns camp that Anderson really wasn't that good. Players nor coaches came out and talked about Anderson being a potential franchise quarterback. I thought it was odd considering the banner year he had, but he proved all the naysayers right the following year. Anderson never had the support and confidence of all his receivers like Fitzy does. Anderson never had O-linemen talking about how much he knows and helps the offense like Fitzy does. There was almost none of the buzz that Fitzy is getting right now. We need to let the season play out, but if Fitz continues to perform I'll be confident he won't turn into a Derek Anderson.

  17. Somebody is not receiving the proper credit here, Chan Gailey. His reputation is quarterback development and he has done a fantastic job.


    If Fitzpatrick can keep this up, the Bills have eliminated the need for a QB, 2nd receiver,a new offensive line,and the Bills can focus on defense. That's would be quite an accomplishment in 3 months.


    Seems like yesterday we needed a completely new team.


    I like your thinking and hope you're right, but let's see how the offense performs as the season plays out. The good thing about our tough schedule is we'll know what this team is made of by the end of the year. You're right about Gailey also, he definitely deserves kudos. Our offense is finally settling in to the new system and now Chan can really go to work on opposing defenses.

  18. I apologize. You guys are right. There was someone else wearing a Bills uniform and playing RT yesterday. My mistake. O, and he didn’t fall on his face, he was pan caking the turf! And what dominating blocks they were…. I mean, why should I have a realistic attitude anyways, we did win the game after all, and are a lock to make the playoffs for the 10th time in 10 years. Forgive me, for when I went back to my new fancy DVR and re watched the first half, I didn’t see the exact things I was talking about earlier – my mistake!


    Now on a serious note, Im sorry if I call a spade a spade, but sometimes the truth hurts. You guys probably think “hey Fitz did well and Corado didn’t give up a sack, he must of played well” Well that’s where stats don’t tell the whole story. The fact is that he was beaten many times yesterday, go back and see for yourself if you have the ability, because you wont have to watch much more than the 1st Q to see what I am talking about. Did he play better than Green? Sure, but all you have to do is be the 2nd worst T in the NFL to play better than Green. He didn’t give up a sack, and it didn’t affect the offense as a whole much, but that doesn’t mean he played well in his 1 v 1 matchups.


    I didn't focus on Cordero individually yesterday so I can't say how he played. After listening to Gailey's PC from today he said Cordero held his own but didn't grade out that well, so I'd say you're correct in your assessments Thoner. Howard seemed pretty decent when he played at the guard position, hopefully he can adjust more to playing tackle and be reasonably solid there. At least yesterday he wasn't a blaring liability like Green.

  19. Put it on another thread, but during the bye week I think the coaches worked with the o-linemen to keep their feet moving and give up more ground to stay in front of their assignment. In past games, seems like O-linemen stopped moving after they engaged their blocks and the pocket was wide and close to the line of scrimmage. Yesterday the pocket was narrower and the tackles dropped way off the line of scrimmage but didn't let their guy get by them. The o-line definitely seemed more mobile with their pass protection to me.

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