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Posts posted by notwoz

  1. Frankly, compared to TO's behavior in the past, I think he's been a model citizen in Buffalo. He's had plenty of opportunities to complain about not getting the ball and has been, for the most part, pretty quiet. Sunday we saw a glimpse of why the Bills signed him. Is he past his prime? Quite possibly. Is he still a force? Probably. What was his motivation for helping Wood off the field? Who knows, but I interpreted his actions as a show of support, literally and figuratively, for an injured teammate. So as far as I'm concerned, the Bills should try to re-sign TO for another year.

  2. I'm not all that convinced that Shanahan is what the bills need. I would much rather have them decide on a GM as soon as possible and let the GM pick the coach. Having a coach with a GM beholden to him is a recipe for eventual disaster and that is what would happen if they pick shanahan and appoint a "shanahan" GM. As usual the bills are going at this bass ackward.

    That's the ticket. Find a GM who: has a vision of what is required to build a successful franchise, knows how to evaluate talent that fits into his vision, knows how to assemble that talent into a successful team, and finally, knows how to pick a coach who can carry out that vision.

  3. I'm listening to WGR and hearing Jerry Sullivan's nasal whining about how awful everything about Buffalo is, and I'm tempted to punch my computer. The endless droning negativity is maddening. Then it hits me: maybe we all collectively will ourselves to fail? Failure defines us. If there was nothing bad happening, we'd have nothing to talk about. We only relate to failure.


    Two days after firing Jauron and most everyone is already writing the Bills off. We don't even wait for someone to be hired to doom them to failure. We condemn everyone in advance. I'm really starting to think this is partly mental....a WNY-wide depression that wills everything we do to fail. :lol::(:(


    Am I wrong?



    You're not wrong, but the issue is a larger one, and that's the WNY economy. Actually it's the NY State economy as well. I live in the Washington, DC, area and the whining about the local football team with the racist nickname is as bad as the griping about the Bills. But the big difference is that when the local football fans drive to work on Monday morning, they may be p*ssed about the 'Skins, but they're driving their BMWs, Mercedes-Benzes, Lexuses, etc. on their way to their decently paid to way-overpaid jobs that are the beneficiaries of being in the proximity of the federal government. Even during the recession when the area lost jobs and foreclosures were spiraling out of control, there were still a lot of people with good paying jobs -- contractors, "consultants," military, government, etc.


    In Western New York, the economy is contracting. Well paying jobs with promising futures are at a premium, there is no federal government to provide a steady stream of income for every defense or high-tech company that puts out a shingle and a bid for a government contract.


    If by some chance, Western New York could revive its economy, you'll see that the dark cloud hanging over the sports team usually lifts on payday.


    And as a WNY expatriot I really wish the economy would pick up -- I'd love to come back home.

  4. If the Bills charged an average of $15 more per game ticket, would you pay it if RW spent it on better personnel?

    It seems to me that the issue is not so much the price of the tickets, but the ability of residents to absorb higher prices. I live in the Washington DC area and have put in for several Buffalo-area jobs in my field. The salaries they were quoting would set me back 20 years. Maybe I'm in the wrong field (quite possible), but the offers were 60% lower than what I'm making now. I'll be happy to take a haircut in order to go back home, but I won't get scalped. My guess is that wages in WNY are not keeping up with a lot of other areas.


    Another problem is that the current structure requires teams to split ticket revenues -- so if the Bills were to raise their ticket prices by $15 a game, they'd have to give $7.50 of that to their opponents.


    However, they get to keep all their luxury suite revenues. That's why guys like Jerry Jones build palaces with enough luxury suites to house half of Erie County. I don't know if WNY has that kind of corporate presence, but my guess is that there's not much of a line to pay for luxury suites.


    I'm going to be in Buffalo next week to visit the in-laws. It'll be good to actually pick up a real copy of the Buffalo News and flip through the Sports section rather than reading it online.

  5. How great would it be if they brought someone in before the season ended - hovering over the team like some grim reaper - discerning which 30% of the players are worth keeping and calling Modrak and Guy every morning at 6AM "Good morning! What have you done in the last 24 hours to make this team better?????"

    The problem with this scenario is that you creat a CYA culture. Trust me, I've in situations like that.

  6. Saints - Sean Peyton

    Steelers - Mike Tomlin

    Colts - Mike Caldwell

    Broncos - Josh McDaniels

    49ers - Mike Singletary

    Dolphins - Tony Sparano

    Vikings - Brad Childress



    Instead of hiring a "name" we should hire a competent GM/Ops guy who knows what to look for in a coach whether they have a name or not. I worry that hiring a head coach on name recognition alone will backfire on us.



    Amen, brother -- a "name" is no guarantee of success. The Bills need a GM who has a vision about what the team should be and who can build an organization to carry out that vision, from scouts to coachs. In my neighborhood, Dan Snyder buys the sexiest names he can find (think Steve Spurrier) and falls flat on his face. (OK that's partly because he is a meddling jerk.) The Bills need to find someone who knows football, and more importantly, someone who knows what makes a good football team.

  7. I'm reading Lombardi's column and this sentence stops me dead in my tracks (I haven't read the rest of the article yet): "They have breakdowns in three areas: players, coaching and scheme." I read that sentence over and over and asked myself: "Are there ANY other areas in which a team could have breakdowns." I mean this sounds like the mother of all dysfunctional organizations. (Although I am glad that they took the baby step of firing an inept coach. Let's see if Ralph has the stones to clean house.)

  8. Good read - he left off - need a QB with a cannon because if you have to throw in the Ralph you better have the arm. There is at least one if not two very windy games played there every year the Bills need to use this to their advantage. Trentative was way too much of a finesse, if not simply crappy, QB.

    I seem to recall that when Kelly was around, the word was that it was the ability to throw a really tight spiral that determined a QB's success at the Ralph. Is that my imagination, or does anyone else remember that?

  9. About time! Jauron's a goog guy and its always bad to have to fire someone, but this really did need to happen.


    Here's a thought about the timing: Given Bud Adams' display at the end of the Titans game, does anyone think that maybe 2 old school owners had something more riding on that game? And losing to Bud Adams was enough to finally push Ralph over the edge? Because, lets face it, as bad as they looked, it really wasn't any worsre than they've looked several times already this season?

    Wonder if it was Bud Adams flipping the bird to the Bills that pushed Ralph over the edge.

  10. Buffalo sports have blown long before you paid to watch them on TV. You give yourself too much credit.

    That's true, but frankly how many time can you read message boards that say: Ralph sucks, the front office sucks, the head coach sucks, the offensive line sucks, (name your favorite whipping boy here) sucks. we should hire (pick your favorite here) as coach or GM. I think everyone who has a pulse realizes just how dysfunctional the franchise is. I just wanted to see if anyone was willing to have a little fun.

  11. No, was not was.

    You mean Was Not Was, as in Walk the Dinosaur?


    Open the door, get on the floor

    Everybody walk the dinosaur


    I met you in a cave, you were painting buffalo

    I said I'd be your slave, follow you wherever you go

    That night we split a rattlesnake and danced beneath the stars

    You fell asleep, I stayed awake and watched the passing cars


    And walked the dinosaur, I walked the dinosaur

  12. I first subscribed to Directv's NFL package nine years ago. It's been nine years of disappointment and wasted money. It's my fault the Bills suck. I'm a jinx (and also a Pittsburgh Pirates fan--17years of losing and no end in sight. That's right I subscribe to the baseball package. And while I'm confessing my sins, I also subscribe to the NHL package to watch the Sabres.)

  13. So I turn on the game today, cozy up to the TV with some wings and pizza and a nice tall Blue Moon. Watch the first half and realized something. My emotion was gone. I didn't react to a single good play or bad play. I watched as if I was viewing a documentary on atomic theory.


    In 20+ years of being a Bills fan I've never felt nothing. Today I felt nothing. I'm afraid they may have killed my very last cell of caring. :oops:

    I know how you feel. My wife asked me why I wasn't swearing at the TV. I said, "Why waste my energy?" No emotion left.

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