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Posts posted by notwoz

  1. He owes us nothing.

    That's the sad truth. the Bills were a business decision, not a civic endeavor. As a businessman, his goal is to get the greatest return on his investment. The whole issue wouldn't be such a concern if the Buffalo area had a multi-billionnaire who was a great football fan. How about the Sabres owner, or maybe the Rich Products family. They've got the cash. Or maybe the family that owns Delaware North (the Jacobs brothers?). Outside of those two names, I don't see anyone in WNY with pockets deep enough to invest in a football team that is in a small market with little likelyhood of turning it's situation around. It pains me to think about it, but when Ralph goes, the Bills are probably gone as well.

  2. Quite simply, too many people don't like the Chan Gailey because he is not a marquis name. He's not Marty Schottenheimer, he's not Bill Cohwer, he's not Knute Rockne, he's not this season's hot coordinator. In other words, he's not the "easy" choice. A few years ago, the Washington NFL team with the racist name hired Joe Gibbs for a second go-round. That was a great marketing move. Everyone in DC envisioned a return to the glory days. Unfortunately, it was a terrible decision for the team and for Joe Gibbs, who only tarnished his reputation. In a way it reminds me of what corporate IT people called the "IBM" syndrome back in the 1980s. Corporate types would pick IBM for their computer needs and if it turned out badly, they'd say "But it was IBM, how could we know they couldn't do the job?"

    As for me, I'll wait and see. Gailey seems to be a decent offensive mind. If he and Buddy pick a good defensive coordinator and staff, pick some good talent in the draft and free agency, then we could have a good team again.

    If that happens I'll be happy. If if doesn't -- as Scarlett O'Hara says in Gone with the Wind, "tomorrow will be another day."

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    Everything on these boards has ben discussed to death. But thanks for the reminder. I'll keep searching for "something new"

  4. TO's history is that he's a pretty good soldier his first year (so far that's been true in Buffalo). It's the second year and beyond that he turns into a prima donna. That said, I'd be quite happy to see him come back for another season. What's the probability that he will return? My guess is somewhere between no way and probably not. That equation depends on which other teams might be interested in him.

  5. Owens was not running up the score. Jackson was. They could have taken knees at that point.

    Actually I liked Jackson's score. Or more accurately, I like the attitude in going for the score. The Bills had their collective foot on Miami's throat and decided to stomp on it.

    If the score were 31-14 before Jackson scored, I would have thought taking a knee might have been appropriate. But with a 10 point margin at the time, the Bill decided to go for it and end any fantasy the Dolphins might have had in staging a comeback.

  6. The problem is that if you want those coaches, you are not going to be able to bring in that top-notch GM....They just cannot co-exist.


    If the Bills cannot hire any of these coaches, they need to then hire a excellent GM and let him bring in his HC.

    that's the name of the game. Get a GM who knows football and how to put football talent together into a cohesive unit and how to hire a coach who can fulfill that vision. Then you have a fighting chance.

  7. I'd rather take a flier on Perry than bring in a known quantity, if the part we know is that he is not a winner.


    Why does this name keep coming up??? LINK: http://bleacherreport.com/tb/b1Gqa



    My guess is that Haslett's agent is working the phones with every number in is Rolodex (OK I know I'm dating myself by using Rolodex). But Haslett's agent has a real good incentive to get Haslett a job, it's called money.

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