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Posts posted by notwoz

  1. For once? Donahoe/Williams and Mularkey didn't have a plan? Levy and Jauron didn't have a plan? They all had plans.


    What happened this past week was that the Bills drafted yet another RB in round 1(3rd regime, 3rd 1st round RB), then drafted a bunch of questionable players that they hope fit another new defensive scheme. After a decade of the same mistakes over and over and over it's not really the time to be singing the praises of the same old, same old. If it works out THIS TIME.....great. But it's the same draft formula that has failed the last two regimes.

    Elaborate please. Your argument is intriguing but somewhat vague. What were the Donohoe/Williams/Mularey and Levy/Jauron plans? How are they similar, if not identical, to the current regime's plans. Examples and specifics, please.

  2. After Ralph's quote about the team needing "excitement," etc., I am wondering how many of you believe that the selection of Spiller did NOT involve the sale of tickets and profit? To be clear, I make the case that taking a RB at #9, let alone a small one who might be more of a 3rd down back, was a poor decision. BUT, Spiller will sell tickets and Ralph will profit. This is a given.


    So again, without doing a poll, how many of you think that the Spiller selection was motivated more by Ralph's profit motive than Nix wanting him to improve the football team?

    Your question would hold a lot more water if the Bills took Tebow or one of those other "sexy" QBs. just my opinion

  3. To tell the truth, haven't watched ESPN for anything in years. The last time I saw boomer was when he introduced Ralph at the HOF. But I can't help thinking that it would be a total and complete humiliation if the NFL's own TV channel found itself to be out-researched or out-analyzed by any other channel.

  4. I've had it for about 10 years now -- the local Bills bar is too full of drunks (sorry but being s**t-faced by 1 p.m. ain't cool anymore. I'll probably follow the Bills to the grave, theirs or mine. I did drop the MLB package this summer. My team, the Pirates, have gone 17 years without a winning record. Enough's enough and I think the Bills will rebound before they hit the 17-year mark

  5. Some people seem very high on this kid. Only question which goes for any QB that comes in to Buffalo. Can they play in that weather.

    I'm not familiar with Levi Brown, so I watched some Youtube videos -- and his passes didn't seem to have a tight spiral. Not trying to judge the kid, but I seem to recall Jim Kelly once saying that the key to surviving as a passer in the Ralph is to be able to throw a tight spiral. Were these videos an aberration? Thoughts, anyone?

    By the way, this thread is hilarious -- best I've seen in ages.

  6. Dan Snyder is the worst possible example you can use here to illustrate this team. He splurged for and signed a respected coach, who while not great recently, brings respectability to that franchise. The Bills hired a guy who'd never been a GM before who then brought aboard a man who couldn't get a NFL HC gig in 10 years. They're far, far, different. Let's not conflate arguments here.

    Actually, Dan Snyder, the short, meddling owner of the NFL franchise with the racist nickname, spent the last 10 years treating his team like some sort of fantasy league team. He threw money at "big" names (think an over-the-hill Bruce Smith) and got nothing for his efforts. Actually, he got 10 years of sellouts, but that's another story, because the DC marketplace has a much wealthier fan base. But Snyder finally realized that throwing money at every free agent who comes into town is no way to build a winning team. He hired a legitimate GM and a well-known coach. We'll see what happens in the next year or two. But the point is, throwing money at free agents usully doesn't work, unless you are looking to fill specific holes or gaps in your lineup.

  7. This may come as a shock to some people but hype doesn't always equal talent. Vick is all hype and little talent. Setting aside his character issues for a moment, Vick never did anything as a starting QB. He got the Falcons to the playoffs once. He lacks accuracy. He can't read defenses. He has one skill: scrambling. You can't build an offense around a guy like him. And, by the way, spending two NFL seasons in the slammer did not improve his skills.


    So you want the Bills, who have not had a good QB in years, to trade or sign Vick, who lacks every skill the Bills need in a QB? Are you so starved for media attention? Because that's all signing Vick will get the Bills.



    Couldn't agree more

  8. George Edwards Timeline



    2002 Washington Redskins Linebackers Coach


    2003 Washington Redskins Defensive Coordinator

    Steve Spurrier was head coach of the Washington NFL team with the racist nickname in 2002-03. He was a total bust in DC (although he made a ton of money from Danny Snyder a/k/a the short meddling owner), but what do you all make of this connection -- is there something there, is it just coincidence, or a red herring. I honestly don't know anything about whether Spurrier ever gave defenses a second thought. Tho I seem to recall him being a totally hands off HC in DC.

  9. The way our front office handled certain personnel decisions in the recent past scared big name coaches away when it really counted.


    I really can't blame Cower or Shannahan for not wanting to come to a place that won't provide the personnel tools they need to win.


    Seriously, what would you say about a team that traded or released 3 of its 5 starting o linemen from the previous year, and released its Offensive Coordinator a week before the season.


    That's what you do if you want to lose.


    For the past decade this hasn't been a place where great careers go to flourish. Its where they go to get started...or ended for that matter.

    and your point is?

  10. Just curious what people think about Nix. When he introduced Gailey he was a bumbling fool that didn't even know how many coaches the Bills have had. A 70 year old goofball. So progressive! Typical Bills.

    You want an announcer? Hire Alex Trebek. By the way, a bumbling fool is not a that, a bumbling fool is a who. People are who, things are that. Just a little grammar lesson in case you don't want to sound like a bumbling fool. Or, maybe, an illiterate.

  11. The guy has turned a $25,000 investment into a $900M entity and Erie County/NYS supported it by building a stadium and giving him money. How come we as taxpayers (and season ticket holders) invested in this business, helped make it what it is but we get not even a reach around when this moron dies?

    I think that someone who turns a $25K investment into a "$900 million" entity is probably not a moron.

    True, tax dollars were used to build the stadium decades ago (I remember that it was decades ago because I went to the first game ever -- against the Washington NFL franchise with the racist name). However, the local governments put money into the stadium because they thought they could get something in return -- sales tax revenue, whatever. If the local and state governments don't get enough in return, it's not Ralph's fault, but the governments' fault. Maybe the state and county should have said, sure, we'll give you money, but we want a guarantee that the Bills will stay in WNY in perpetuity. In that case, there probably would never have been a stadium in Orchard Park and the Blls would have been history long ago.


    Likewise, people who buy tickets are entering into a business arrangement, not some kind of lifetime annuity. I give you money, you provide something in return, whether it's wings, pizza, beer or a football game. Once the game is over, the contract is over. Same holds true for season ticket holders. Once the season is over, so is the contract. You provided money, the team provided a product -- good, bad or indifferent (i don't recall any of the tickets I bought gauranteeing anything other than a place to park my fanny.) The argument that somehow Ralph Wilson owes Buffalo something rings hollow. He's actually tried to make a go if it in a market that can't compete with the high-profile markets .

    WNY doesn't hold any attraction for someone who wants to be an NFL owner. It has no economy and no economic growth that I can see. There's no big corporate base to buy up luxury suites (which is where the owners make a real killing, ask Jerry JonTes.) Taxes are oppressive. The city, county and state have been losing population for decades. The state government is a joke that borders on the immoral and criminal. And the situation shows no signs of turning around.


    So as much as it pains me to even think such thoughts, enjoy the Bills while you can, because unless Jim Kelly has a billion dollars hidden up his butt, they are history once Ralph dies.

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