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San Jose Bills Fan

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Posts posted by San Jose Bills Fan

  1. You mean the Alex Smith who got outplayed by Jeff Tuel? Or you mean the Smith who threw 1 td and 11 ints as a rookie? Or the same Alex Smith who had a career high of 17 tds before this season? And he was the #1 pick! But EJ only threw 11 tds in 10 games as a rookie. He obviously sucks & Smith would have led us to he playoffs!


    Yeah, Alex was horrible as a rookie, especially when you consider he was the first overall player taken in that draft.

  2. Let me ask this: if EJ was coming out with this year's crop of QB's and we hadn't drafted one in 2013, would anyone be saying anything about the Bills drafting EJ in the 1st..or at all?


    You don't remember last year when people were talking about the Bills taking Geno Smith (2nd round), Matt Barkley 4th round), Ryan Nassib (4th round) and Tyler Wilson (4th round) in the first round?

  3. I think Da'Rick needed to be humbled in order to succeed, the release followed by no one claiming him might have been the wake up call he needed. I hope the he does well and has a successful career just not when he plays the Bills.


    I think there's some wisdom in this.


    It's possible that Da'Rick needed one more negative episode to burst his bubble and finally wake him up.

  4. I feel such negative emotions toward the Colts and their gutless tanking of the season in 2011, not to mention their fans who seem to think that the drafting of a couple of great QBs makes them into football geniuses, that their flopping on national television at home in the playoffs warms my cold, dark, bitter Buffalo Bills fan heart.


    I'm not saying that makes me a good person. Indeed, it probably means the opposite. But it's the truth.


    Go Chiefs!


    Great post, RJ.


    Well, Da'Rick Rogers and now Kelvin Sheppard.


    What's next?


    :D :D :D

  5. Again, Lewis was undrafted and was released by 3 teams in 3 years. He has no relevant experience in any NFL team system. Yet he walks in and there's no significant dropoff. How is this evidence of a good year by EJ??


    And when I pointed out that there was no similarity between Luck and EJ except that rating number, you said it wasn't the be all metric, yet you keep going back to it


    To your first paragraph, it's indisputable that NFL quarterbacks with experience substantially outplay rookie QBs. Yet you said yourself that you saw no significant dropoff.


    As for your second paragraph, like I already said, forget about Andrew Luck if you think he's a statistical anomaly.


    How does EJ compare to all the other rookie first rounders? He compares well.

  6. If that and staring at his and Luck's rating are all you need to conclude he played well, then I won't wake you from your dream.


    Come on SJBF! Thad is a journeyman career benchwarmer on his 4th team in 4 years and he comes in for our big stud 1st round pick and the Bills don't miss a beat--they both lost 60% of their starts. That means EJ played pretty well?


    My eyes tell me EJ had a good rookie season.


    His passer rating backs up what my eyes tell me.


    Thad is in his 4th season. That counts for something. He's not in the league because he was a high draft pick. He's earned his place in the NFL unlike many highly drafted QBs, some of whom have already flamed out of the league.


    And for those who say EJ was awful as a rookie, why doesn't anyone take a poke at these comparables?


    Robert Griffin III: 102.4 (an NFL record)

    Matt Ryan 87.7

    Cam Newton: 84.5

    Tim Tebow 82.1

    Joe Flacco 80.3

    EJ Manuel 77.7

    Andrew Luck 76.5

    Sam Bradford 76.5

    Ryan Tannehill 76.1

    Jake Locker 74.0

    Matt Leinart 74.0

    Brandon Weeden 72.6

    Christian Ponder 70.1

    Vince Young 66.7

    Blaine Gabbert 65.4

    Mark Sanchez 63.0

    Matthew Stafford 61.0

    Josh Freeman 59.8

    Brady Quinn 56.8

    Jamarcus Russell 55.9


    The people who are dreaming are the ones who think that EJ was awful for a rookie.


    Let's pretend Andrew Luck doesn't exist.


    How does EJ stack up to the others?

  7. I quit betting awhile ago, but always look at lines. Definitely would have taken the colts today. Like the saints in the night game




    Unfortunately this is the worst kind of game.


    Besides being wrong, the game's become a blowout.


    More than anything, you want to watch a competitive game.


    Shoulda stayed at work.


    :wallbash: :wallbash: :wallbash:

  8. I've been a defender of EJ against the harsh critics but I'm not sure id term his season "good" even for a rookie. Granted, I wouldn't call it bad either...it was okay.


    You've made a point of saying passer rating differential is one of the key metrics in today's game but forget to mention that passer rating can be dramatically impacted by turnovers. Turnovers are THE key statistic.


    As such a passer rating of a more aggressive rookie - like say Luck - is going to be negatively impacted by turnovers. Conversely a guy like EJ, who played it very safe, is going to be protected. So Luck's ypa will be higher but his numbers will be dragged down because of his mistakes. The difference is that the aggressive QB is getting more if a trial by fire and once (if) the game starts slowing down for him his numbers are going to jump. We saw this with luck this year. His his INTs dropped and his passer rating jumped a full 10 points even though his ypa dropped a bit.


    I think EJ has a lot of tools and I hope that a full training camp and an uninterrupted season next year give him the confidence to just let it loose without playing it so safe. The one thing that is really encouraging about EJ is that when the game is on the line and he's not thinking so much we see his best football. That's the EJ I want to see all the time.




    Passer rating is not an exact science but it is an accurate metric.


    Both in the short term and historically, EJs passer rating is very good for a rookie.

  9. Eric Moulds was only 6' and he seemed to do alright.



    Regardless of Moulds' size, I've said that size is not an issue with Watkins.


    I also said that he reminds me of Justin Blackmon in that he plays larger than his listed height/weight.


    My comment was directed more towards Evans backers. I think Watkins is probably the better player.


    I would only draft Evans if I was convinced he was a better player than Watkins.


    For me, size is a tie-breaker, not the primary consideration.

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