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San Jose Bills Fan

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Posts posted by San Jose Bills Fan

  1. Maybe they weren't concerned with special teams abilities when they were building the roster? I saw somewhere on here that there was a lot of turnover on the roster, I think a lot of that was in backups which are normally your St players. I think next year is the make or break season for Danny.


    Well criticism aside I'm happy to give Marrone another year before I pass any judgement.


    But this Crossman thing bothers me. It bothered me when he was hired and it bothers me even more now.

  2. The part of the no huddle I like SJBF is that when we need to pick up the pace and get points quickly, whether because we're down big or in a 2 min situation it's no different for us than any other possession. we're at full speed all the time. live action, and at practice. I wonder if that might've helped EJ execute the drive against Carolina as early on as he did. Again as YOLO said, not sure that outweighs what you're talking about considering the inexperience with EJ, Tuel and Thad alike.


    Yes I think these numbers may be an indictment of the decision to use the no huddle full time in EJ's rookie year. But I kinda like the idea going forward, in today's pinball wizard NFL.


    I really like the no-huddle concept quite a bit.


    I hope for the day that the Bills become very adept at running it. I think the offense needs more talent though.


    I also agree that the no-huddle might be more beneficial in the long term than it was in the short term.

  3. At the very least, he should be able to read a resume and pick someone with a credible background to be GM.


    I think also it speaks to the difficulty and competitiveness of the league.


    Most of these owners are intelligent and successful people.


    And yet how many of them own teams which experience consistently excellent success on the playing field?


    Even many of the "hands off" owners preside over terrible teams.

  4. Sometimes a no-huddle helps a rookie QB because it prevents the defense from substituting and therefore the QB doesn''t need to adjust so much during a drive. But not sure if that outweighed the fact that they went 3 and out in 25 seconds and our D was on the field the whole game.


    I'm not really considering if slowing down the offense would have helped the "offensive" performance but simply running a bit more time off the clock seems like it would have helped the defense see fewer possessions and be a little bit more well-rested.


    Would you buy that?

  5. I think the main problem with our leadership was that we let the 2 best leaders walk early in the season. Though Justin Rogers and Colin Brown might have been bad players, they were clearly great leaders in the locker room and their influence on the other players was obviously missed later in the season(re: Darius issues).


    I think you underestimate the loss of Chas Rheingarten in the leadership department.

  6. He is like Stevie though in that he makes costly mistakes (Atlanta & SF fumbles, drop on 3rd down last week). As a possession guy and a limited athlete he cannot make those kind of mistakes because he does not offset them with game changing plays. I can deal with an occasional CJ fumble because the next drive he may bust an 85 yarder. When Chandler makes a mistake it is always costly.


    Exactly right. Chandler has 4 fumbles in 135 receptions. Tight ends and fullbacks are NEVER supposed to fumble. And a few of Chandler's fumbles were very avoidable being caused by people he had beaten on the pattern who caught him from behind. That shows a glaring lack of awareness IMO.


    That said he's a good receiving tight end who is open even when he's covered. I'd like to see him re-signed and I'd also like to see the Bills upgrade the position.


    Btw, I was trying to do a little research on Lee Smith. The guy had more penalties than catches!! He had 5 catches (I know that he is a blocker) but that is wild. I cannot find his number of penalties but I think that I remember more than 5.


    It seems like most of those were drive-killing holding penalties too.

  7. I mentioned upthread how Aaron Rodgers' mechanics improved greatly AFTER working with Tedford.


    However in fairness to Tedford, he's credited with developing Billy Volek, Trent Dilfer and David Carr at Fresno, Akili Smith, Jay Feeley and Joey Harrington at Oregon, and Aaron Rodgers and Kyle Boller at Cal.


    My main reservation about Tedford would be that he has zero NFL experience.


    Of course I didn't like that about Chip Kelly and Kelly did a brilliant job this year.

  8. Interesting topic.


    I think saying that you're starting on your own side of the 50 is way too vague. That could be your own 1 yard line or your own 49 yard line.


    Off the top of my head I'd start with a fantasy football-based model: I would say that offensively you should give 1 point for every 10 yards and 6 points for a TD and 3 points for a field goal.


    You could give an additional 1-2 points for each first down.


    To me this would be a better starting premise.

  9. I have no clue about leadership among the Bills players.


    The following are some personal guesses:


    Fred Jackson is probably the best leader on the team.


    Eric Wood is a quiet leader.


    I would say that Kyle Williams is a "standup guy" but not necessarily a leader.


    Mario Williams does not seem like a leader to me.


    Kiko can be a leader but he's a rookie and hasn't earned his stripes yet.


    Stevie Johnson is not a leader.


    I would also say that the roster has a lot of young and unproven players.


    Partly due to youth, this is obviously not a team with a Lewis/Suggs/Reed or Urlacher/Briggs/Tillman dynamic or anything like that.

  10. What about the analytics guy? Seems like a waste.


    :lol: :lol: :lol:


    You mean the guy who was hired 2 months ago?


    Before everyone summarily dismisses the "core" concept I think it should be discussed and evaluated.


    Who are these talented, underachieving STers that Crossman is unable to coach and motivate? Easley was great this year - he is a great athlete and a physical specimen who could be a high level WR if he could actually catch and get open. Because he can't, we have a great athlete playing balls out on ST to maintain his livelihood. Other than Easley, who do we have that should be a great STer? Does anyone other than Garrett Sanborn have a track record of being an effective STer?


    McKelvin had a huge drop off, but it cannot be easy to be in pass coverage every down, then run down the field to catch and return a punt. He was barely getting on the field for anything but PRs for much of 2012.


    I think what Marrone was saying was b.s.


    He and Whaley assembled the roster. By absolving Crossman of blame by pointing the finger at the players, he's indirectly pointing the finger at himself and Whaley.


    I really hate to say it but while this doesn't stink as much as the Wade Phillips-Ronnie Brown fiasco, it has a similar smell.

  11. Hi everyone...stumbled upon this board the other day. Coming over from another board, which reading through some of your topics, has the same issues as your board with losing memebers and things going stale.


    Hope maybe i can contribute what i can, meet new peeps, and talk some sports.


    I am 37 live in Warsaw, NY and am male...like long walks on the beach, moonlight dinners, and it rough between the sheets!


    There's beaches along Oatka Creek?


    Welcome aboard.

  12. After all, Jim Kelly wasn't drafted in the top 10 and he wasn't all that bad. :)


    Realistically, the way the game has changed in the 30+ years since Kelly was drafted, there's no way he would have lasted till the 14th pick in today's world.


    After one week of camp, threads were being started here opining on the "staged" QB competition between Kolb and EJ, with EJ being the obvious starter going into the season. There was near uniform agreement event that early that he was the putative starter and "ready", compared to the rest of the roster. No one was saying--"hey, he's too raw, not ready".


    With this thread, I am just pointing out how a division rival, another bad team with a shaky rookie QB, has gone in the opposite direction by announcing, essentially, their intent to open a QB competition next springand it will likely include a rookie QB.


    To your first paragraph, one thing that happened in preseason was that Manuel was looking better than Kolb. That's where all that talk started.


    And do you remember all the Tuel buzz after his performance against Indy?


    As you know, casual fans will sway in the breeze.


    Hmmmmm, his injuries were one of the key reasons people used then to tell me how out of my mind I was. Now the injuries are the reason that it is ok to look at a QB.


    That's not entirely fair, Beerball. I'm not sure when you posted but he might have missed a game or two after you posted your thought and subsequently, EJ then missed the last 2 games of the season.


    On a grey scale, the tipping point for many people's opinions certainly could have been determined by EJ missing the last two games.




    An editor choosing a sensationalist headline does not mean any of the quotes from the Jets support that narrative. You should have read the whole article.


    Agreed. As I said upthread, lets see the actions of the teams in a few months compared to the rhetoric.


    At this point its only words which to me is meaningless.

  13. Lovie wanted to be the HC in Buffalo before Marrone got the job. Just like Marty Schottenheimer wanted the job before they hired Gailey. Whatever....


    That's fine but what did Schotty do after the Bills ignored him?


    Fair question, no?

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