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Posts posted by offsides#76FredSmerlas

  1. As an American in this country no one can be forced to stand for the flag in a respectful manner. Each person can do what ever the hell they want to. For me and my family we will stand, we will stay quiet or sing the words to the anthem and our hats will be off as we demonstrate reverence for this great land in which we live. If people want to sit, kneel, talk, or wear their hats during this time then so be it. Do I think they are idiots, yes! Do I think they are attention seekers, yes! Will I poke my buddy next to me after the anthem is over and say "look at those SOB's, yes!, but in the end they could do whatever they want. It is kind of like half the stadium that decides to get hammered beyond belief before they walk in to the stadium and then end up in fights, or they puke behind your seat, or they constantly bump in to you because they can't stand, or they get a DWI when they go home. I'm not their daddy. I can't tell them what to do and this is a free country. If you want to be an a$$hol# then be one. I may not like it but do your thing. I may not like you; I may not care to talk with you; and if I was an owner I may not have you on my team... But do your thing! You have the freedom to do what you please. Hell that is what this world has come to, everyone just doing their own thing, no unity, and no peace. Anyways, GO BILLS!

  2. NO

    This has to be one of the dumbest posts in a while. Let go. He's gone and not coming back. There's a better chance that John DiGiorgio will come back.

    You people just need to let things go.

    flomoe, I will get back with you in a few weeks tops and let you know why this isn't a dumb post at all. It is not about me letting something go; just posed a question. You may not know as much as you think you do.

  3. I fully canceled my DTV in winter. Resisted they're efforts to retain me.


    I fully canceled my DTV in winter. Resisted they're efforts to retain me.


    I fully canceled my DTV in winter. Resisted they're efforts to retain me.

    I did the same thing. They offered the NFL package for free and a huge overall discount for programming. I got the Firestick and will watch games through the stream.

  4. Day 1 starters (Watkins, Jones, Holmes)


    few weeks later (Matthews, Jones, Boldin)


    few days later (Matthews, Jones, Holmes)


    Who will it be next week?


    Tyrod must be building some great chemistry, hell Matthews may not take a practice snap, Streater hurt, Boldin quits, Watkins traded; only in Buffalo, only in Buffalo. I don't think in his 3 years Tyrod has ever been able to work with his starters during training camp and the pre season. Then we expect the offense to roll game 1.

  5. I think McDermott has been pretty transparent. The team wants to win now but get better going in to the future. Coach McDermott said they talked about it for hours. If Beane didn't need or desire his approval then there would have been no discussion before pulling the trigger. If the odds were they didn't want to sign Sammy long term then I'm confident they put feelers out for Sammy to see what they could get. Coach McDermott and Bean I'm sure discussed what they plan on doing with every guy on the roster; they probably discussed J.Hughes, K. Williams, L. Mccoy,and E. Woods to name a few other players. I doubt there is no plan in place and our coach seems very organized.

  6. You are missing the point then if all you care about is his on field play. He's good without trying. No arguing that he's not a good player. Just think how good he would be if he actually worked out, stayed off weed, took thinks seriously, gave 100% effort on and off the field.

    I am not sure where you get your information from about him not trying hard. He gets caught up in dumb things outside of football but I never heard the coaches say he was out of shape, overweight or that he is not giving his best on the field. I could have missed something but I never heard those comments from anyone inside the Bills organization. He is laid back and chill when he talks but that's just his personality. Rex used to rave about the things Dareus did on the field "when he wasn't suspended that is".



    life is tough for you isn't it.



    I suggest you get out and smell the roses and know that perspective is only through your own eyes so what you may see, others don't.



    have a great day and don't forget to smile, it's contagious...

    I think Niagara Bills statements were also a little harsh but there is some truth to what he is saying. We have seen this act by Dareus a few times already and until he can prove himself over time with his actions "not interviews" I will not trust the fact that he doesn't find trouble again. He looks to be a great guy but getting in to trouble has a pattern with him for a long time. He doesn't seem like he is very mature and he doesn't make wise decisions. He kind of reminds me of the middle school kids I teach. They can't look past today, but choices today can influence your future. I hope he can get his act together and be a productive person both on and off the field. I think he has one shot left and if he messes up McDermott will find a way to get rid of him.



    I cannot believe how many people have said London Fletcher.


    Where was all the love for this guy from TBD when he actually played for the Bills?!


    Hindsight is definitely 20/20 on this board.

    Hindsight or not the question was who was the worst cut in Bills history. You can make a better judgement after seeing how well a player went on to succeed after he left Buffalo. I was always a Fletcher fan but I was amazed at how many years he played at such a high level. I guess you want people to say names like Gilmore instead of actually evaluating their years after they left Buffalo. HOLY CRAP! lol

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