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Posts posted by offsides#76FredSmerlas

  1. I am going to choose to go with the experts to make this decision. If they feel his value is that incredible and he can make a huge difference in our offense becoming better then do it. I heard he was an outstanding pass blocker and receiver so I won't cry over it if they grab this guy in round 1. Someone on here said the draft is deep on tight ends so don't grab 1 in the first round but from what the NFL scouts are saying it is a deep draft at a lot of positions so that excuse needs to be thrown out. I think we are going wide receiver in round 1 but again all I care about is that the Bills get it right and we won't know that until the games begin.

  2. I'm not disagreeing with you but I am not agreeing with you either. It is way to early to tell. Let's see what happens on the football field. I will say this, Aaron Williams will probably retire because of his injuries and if he doesn't he is one hit away from good bye NFL. You would rather take a chance on him staying and getting injured again or retiring instead of getting a quality safety now while you have a chance. The money we are saving on these guys will help us in other areas. We simply couldn't afford Gilmore and his shaky inconsistencies. He didn't play like he wanted to be here. How could you shell out big dollars for his up and down performance last season? I'm sure he will be an annual pro bowl player with the Pats but he didn't show us that type of play last year. I'm not saying we will be better but I honestly would take Hyde over Williams knowing what may happen with Williams. Lets hope Seymour gets better under our new coaching staff and we probably will draft another DB.


    Wait steroids don't cause brain tumors, try again.

    There is a lot we don't know about steroids. It hasn't been proven that steroids can't cause tumors, cancer and other health concerns. We do know that steroids enlarge muscles and the heart is a muscle we shouldn't be messing with. Check out the many WWF wrestlers who died that were juicing in the 70's, 80's, and 90's and tell me there is no correlation between their deaths and the use of steroids. Many of those guys died very young and had heart attacks.
  4. Bill Polian is god awful to listen to on the radio.


    I personally don't agree with him. They have people who are in the hall of fame who were busted for Drug use. Cocaine specifically. Michael Irvin and Bruce Smith to name a few. I love Bruce Smith. But why should they get a pass and TO/Moss don't because of their temperament.

    Kota he wasn't asked about Irvin and Smith, he was asked about TO and Randy. He probably would agree with you if he was asked about those 2 players. I am with you 100%. Bruce was not a team player; the guy barely practices and held out 3 times. He pro longed his career just to set the sack record and then retired. He was a very individualistic person and I never cared for him as a person. He was a great player but IMO he was an idiot as a person. Drug use and the poor way he treated fans off the field was another side of Bruce that has been well documented. Irvin "hookers, drugs, and ran his mouth"; not a fan of his either.

    Marvin Harrison MAY be a murderer but Bill was ok with him getting because he drafted him.

    Did he say he was ok with it and MAY is exactly correct?



    John, I've said this a million times before, but to repeat ... scoring simply is NOT a QB statistic. It just isn't.


    It's a whole offense stat, with a major defense and STs component in terms of field position (and the Bills offense had the 11th best average drive start field position in the league while leaving the defense screwed with the 23rd worst average drive start field position).


    Tyrod and our poor passing game should get down on their knees and thank our excellent run game for doing so much scoring to make the offense look good.


    17 passing TDs, 29 running TDs and three scored by the defense. Just barely more than a third of our scoring was by the passing attack ... in a league where not one single solitary lonely desolate unaccompanied isolated other team in the league scored less passing TDs than running TDs. Thank goodness the run game was so good. Because the passing game just wasn't.





    Tyrod's regression was indeed big. 20th in passer rating and 26th in YPA.

    The running backs and offensive line should also get down on their knees and thank Tyrod because he is the major reason our run game is so good. Teams have to key on him every play and this frees up our backs. He was also a major contributor to us having the best rushing yards because he was the number one QB rusher in the NFL. It works both ways.
  6. I honestly don't care what the Bills do as long as they get it right. Fans can all have their opinions but it really is just that, a bunch of opinions that really doesn't mean a whole lot. The Bills so called experts need to look at all the game film and all the practice film and see if he has shown any progression in his 2 years here. I only watch the game on a tv broadcast, and I'm not calling the plays. So, I the fan cannot be accurate in my evaluation. The Bills brass I'm sure also has a handle on how the players feels towards Taylor. I mean if the tight ends and receivers are ticked off every Monday when they come in to watch film because their not getting the ball when they are open then the Bills are aware of that. Whaley and the staff have to make a sound calculation on Taylor's upside and the amount of money they feel that he is worth, I think it is a no brainer that he is a main reason why we thrive in the run game. Teams have to focus on him as well as our talented backs. I think as a fan I like the idea that he doesn't turn the ball over, that he is the top rushing QB in the NFL, that he produced 24 points a game but I'm not going to sit here and say I know whether he is our best option or not. I can only hope Whaley and the coaching staff get it right.

  7. By most experts he really wasn't, but apparently he was to our guys!

    Mayock had him 41st overall, 2nd QB (link)

    Walter Football (yeah, I know) had him 85th overall, 6th QB (link)

    NFLDraftScout didn't have him in their top 100, which included 7 other QBs (link)

    Dan Kadar had him 99th overall, 7th QB (link)

    I guess this makes Whaley smarter than all the experts because even though EJ has had a bad career he still has done better than the guy the Giants and Jets drafted. He in my opinion sucks but I would still take him over those other two bums.

  8. Ricky P wants to spend time with his kids he said. I think one plays college football. I think the reason it took so long to interview Dorsey is because he wasn't the guy he wanted. He was hoping for McCoy and then his next choice went to the Rams. If Dorsey was a guy he wanted this would have been a done deal a long time ago. It has me a little worried. The Panthers offense really digressed this year. Shula is probably a year away from being fired.

  9. I am all for risks. I'd have played Cardale from last week on. At this stage it seems he has more to lose than to gain from playing just a week 17 dead rubber.

    I understand what you are saying but when you don't ever see a guy developing in practice it is pretty hard to make the assumption he is ready to play.

  10. Havent got into them to much yet but have three Ideass that will give me currently level of QB play with great upside



    But no lets just stay put and run that drought to drinking age.


    Keep rewarding players with security that don't deserve it


    You know all the things we have done for the past 17 years

    Exactly why Gilmore needs to go...

    I will when i get into the QBs more. I was hoping i didnt have to so havent watched QBs a ton in college yet.


    But my ideas are Trubinsky, Watson, Kizer, Kaaya and Mahomes.


    Some of these barely hanging on and might fall off as i watch more like Kizer and Kaaya.

    I thought this was why we drafted Cardale. I would like to see him develop and maybe get an opportunity to play next season.

  11. The burnt often part lovely. Completely false but doesnt matter i guess


    So when we run Gilmore out of town this offseason who it the next player we are gonna scapegoat for wanting to be paid?


    Sammy? Just starting my offseason prep and want to know who i need to sharpen pitchforks for

    You don't pay top dollar for guys with no heart and guys who underachieve. You try to come off like an expert but you are lacking common sense. If you have that big a man crush on him then you can follow whatever team he runs off to. He will probably get big money but if were the club that does it were crazy. He is one of the worst tacklers I have ever seen and yes he often plays timid and scared. I think he had one game where he had 2 picks but other than that he doesn't even have big play value. dump him

  12. I understand that Petine had a tough time against the run but we did have a ton of sacks and a boat load of turnovers. If he tightened up the run defense I wouldn't mind seeing him here again and the players loved playing for him. They were all for an aggressive approach. Swartz was my favorite but he's not leaving Philly. Would Ron Rivera be a good choice if he gets axed in Carolina? I don't see that happening though.

  13. I get it, Gilmore wants to stay healthy for a big contract somewhere else next season. Remember how bad Clements wanted out of Buffalo? We have seen this before.


    Even given the above, Gilmore (imo) is a disgrace and I truly do hope he moves on. A case could be made that his attempt at a "shoulder tackle" cost us a game with playoff implications, on Christmas Eve.


    I like when we fans disagree. It makes this board great and I learn from good dialogue. Can anyone explain to me how getting rid of Mario was good but losing Gilmore would be bad?


    My take is good riddance to both!

    I doubt that in the heat of the battle Gilmore is pondering his contract. I mean if anything, he would get better money if he made more tackles and played better. The bottom line is he lacks heart and is not tough, Seymour in my opinion plays the same way. I would not give him a big pay day, use the money elsewhere.

  14. #1 -- failure to call TO before last-second Fish FG

    #2 -- punting from own 41 with 4:00 to go in OT

    #3 -- not knowing Gilmore couldn't return and having 10 men on field for Ajayi's 57-yard backbreaker


    Individually they're awful; collectively, they're evidence of gross incompetence and grounds for immediate firing.


    And then, of course, there are the continuous "communication issues" (probably because the Bills have 432 assistant coaches), and the lack of discipline and player accountability that results in a pathetic display of tackling.


    I don't know how any fan can support this team if Rex isn't shown the door.

    4. allowing a reverse call to Bush to further a short field goal

    5. only taking 1 shot at the end zone at the end of regulation and by the hair of their chinny chin chin completing it to Clay for a TD

    6. for allowing the only kicker in the NFL not to be able to kick the ball deep in the end zone to do your kick offs, absolutely killed us

    7. for having the same old excuse in press conferences that you can look at his reputation, bottom line is he made our defense putrid

    I've been seeing a lot of talk about fireable offenses and final straws around here lately. Just look at the body of work. Rex Ryan cannot manage a football game. He couldn't in New Jersey and he can't here. This is nothing new, he has shown from day 1 that he's all bluster with no backing it up.


    Introductory PC

    Coach will having Dareus in the line up make a difference this time against the Dolphins running game. "All I gotta say is you wait and see"

  15. Yep. And !@#$ing run it twice.

    Nobody is talking about it because we ended up scoring on a pass to Clay. But at the end of regulation the Bills only take one shot at the end zone. This put all the pressure on one play. For all the nice stuff they did on offense they also did some very bone headed things, won't even touch on doing a reverse to Bush.

  16. I think most of us are saying he deserves a look and of course every guy they interview will be asked probably hundreds of specific questions about Tyrod, the offense and the entire football operation. I think it is most important to find out what kind of coaches he is connected to and who would come in as our assistants? Would he run the offense or would he have someone like the wide receiver coach "just to throw something out" run the offense? It would probably be someone who knows him and that he has worked with. I wouldn't be surprised to see Petine come back because they worked together in NY.

  17. Lynn scares me in crunch time. To end the game in regulation he only takes one shot at the end zone. He gets away with it because we connected with Clay but he put all the pressure on one play because he kept running the ball. His razzle dazzle reverse to Bush was one of the plays that cost us a victory. You made our already shaky kicker have to kick a longer field goal instead of just running it up the middle. I agree that Rex is a total bum and he proved it again today with his putrid defense but I'm not so sure I'm ready to anoint Lynn.

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