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Posts posted by VOR

  1. For Hardy to be effective as you describe, he will have to get off the line and get separation from the CB- 2 things which he struggled with at Indiana - and why he did not go in the 1st round. He has yet to prove he can do these basics, let alone learn the blitz adjustments and other intricacies which typically take 2-3 years to master.

    No WR went in the first round. Does that mean they'll all have trouble getting off the line and getting separation? And how much trouble did Hardy have getting off the LOS and getting separation compared to the other rookie WR's? Take a look at their college stats. Hardy's are better than most of them, while his total TD's are sick.

  2. Josh Reed was very productive last year playing out of his position. Josh Reed is likely to be the opening day starter at the #2 WR position. And if JR is mediocre, just based on his numbers, what does that make Parrish, a guy who had maybe 15 catches last year? He's been here for three years and hasn't done squat. If you want to argue that we should cut anyone, it should be Parrish. He's even expendable on in the punting game now with McKelvin coming onboard in the Draft. Josh Reed was clutch last season, but for soem reason people continue to hate on him.


    As for Hardy, I do expect that he will come in and participate in a big way this year. I think that 50-600-8 is a relatively realistic expectation, but his numbers could be even higher if our #3 and #4 step it up. Don't be surprised if our seventh round pick comes in and plays well in the four receiver set. He has shown good hands in camp and runs very good routes. He also has very good speed.

    I just don't see how Hardy could be anything other than the #2 WR going into the season, with Reed in the slot. Those are where they are best utilized, and at worst, Hardy commands attention given his great size and good speed.

  3. Yeah we were running the 46, with the absolute worst compilation of 46 personnel ever. I doubt we would've re-signed Cowart, he was not a Donahoe guy. Donahoe only liked Donahoe guys, I can't remember him re-signing anybody from the previous regime at ANY point(although I can't remember when Moulds signed his deal) . We let Antoine Winfield and Pat Wiliams walk. Cut Ruben because he didn't get along with the coaching staff/administration anymore. Meanwhile Ruben signs with the Bears and plays at a respectable level for another few years while we fill his place with scrubs like Bennie Anderson and Tutan Reyes. Brilliant.


    The point is that I think its unlikely we would've kept Cowart, who earned a pretty hefty payday in spite of the fact that he was coming off of a major injury.

    One of TD's first moves as the new Bills GM was deciding between re-signing Marcellus Wiley or Eric Moulds. Both were pretty young and coming off good seasons, but only one could be re-signed, because of the cap mess Butler left, and TD chose Moulds. Had Cowart not suffered the Achilles, and given his age and the improved cap status, I think the Bills/TD would have re-signed him. In the case of Winfield, although he was good and young, the Vikes were offering him mad money (I believe he received an $8M roster bonus) and the Bills didn't believe he was worth it.

  4. I agree that we need more depth at the OL position, however, its highly foolish to start acquiring early round backups at positions when the team has significant other holes on the 1st string team that need to be addressed.

    Bingo. Let's worry about fielding the best 22 starting players before worrying about what would happen if they got injured and drafting their backups.


    But since we're on the topic, who are these "great backup LT's" that the league is replete with, outside of the Bills of course? Anyone?

  5. Its not that they are innocent; it is that these tapes show nothing we didn't already know. There is no new evidence or smoking gun here.

    It's not exactly "no new evidence." Goodell admitted months ago that the Patriots have been illegally videotaping since 2000, but didn't give specifics. Furthermore, that admission was largely (conveniently?) ignored by many. Now everyone knows the specifics.

  6. I hate the Pats as much as the next guy, but I just don't think this is that big of a deal.


    Teams can videotape other team's signals, just not from the field. So they did it directly from the field. Is that really that much different than just zooming in from the press box?


    They broke the rules. They should definitely be punished, but to say this is the reason the Bills can never beat them is stupid.

    Obviously there is some advantage to taping on the field versus a press box, otherwise the rule wouldn't make a distinction. And I won't claim that this helped them beat the Bills, but it sure nullifies those 3-point last-second SB wins.

  7. I know I am going to get blasted for saying this. But if no proof is presented, all we will be left with is a bunch of conspiracy theories and feel-good discussions about how we all know the Pats* cheated.

    Re-read my post. Goodell stated that the Patriots have been videotaping (illegally) since 2000. He didn't name any other teams, nor have any other teams been accused of doing it. Therefore it's more than just a bunch of conspiracy theories and feel-good discussions.


    Why more hasn't been made of this, I don't know. But they're guilty no matter what Walsh produces, based on the Commish's admission, in light of getting caught red-handed in 2007.

  8. The Commish already admitted that the Patriots have been illegally videotaping since 2000. So they've been cheating all along. And without anyone else being implicated, it's just been them. So there's really nothing more Walsh can add, other than a tape of the walkthrough which will allegedly earn Belichick a huge 1-year suspension. Please.

  9. I'm so sad. ;) Sharks totally outplayed them for all of the OT. Since they played so hard it's difficult to be mad at them. They played their hearts out. Very young squad. Congrats to the Stars and I think they will go all the way.

    I'm predicting a Wings championship.

  10. you are correct


    how productive he is in the NFL will depend solely on how hard he works and pushes himself to correct all of thoee deficiencies and learn the playbook inside out.


    He has the size and speed - chances are though that his tools do not translate to mch productivity on the field in 2008.


    It' all up to Hardy

    True, Hardy will need to put in the work to succeed. And that's true of any rookie/player. From the sound of it, he realizes this.


    But to say he won't have much productivity as a #2 WR is curious. If he were expected to be a #1 WR, I'd agree. But as a #2 WR, his main job will be to draw coverage away from Lee and to score TD's in the redzone, at least initially. Anything more than that will be a bonus. I don't see why he won't be able to do that. It's not like they can totally ignore him when he's lined-up opposite Lee.

  11. Welcome to the board. We're glad you're hear and we appreciate your thoughtful post.


    The fact that you elevated how much obie wan looks like a doof is duly noted.

    Despite lurking, I've gotten the distinct impression that "obie_wan" (shouldn't that be "obi-wan?" or is it supposed to be "obie" as in that weird-looking stress toy that you squeeze and the eyeballs and ears pop-out? But I digress...) doesn't like the Bills too much. I guess it's just frustration from years of them missing the playoffs.

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