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Posts posted by VOR

  1. The only thing that I don't like about this article is the assumption that no matter what, they would have won those superbowls and that Belichick is still the best coach.


    "The sad truth is that he is the best coach. All reasonable people know that the 2007 season was 100 percent legitimate."

    I agree. It was legitimate all the way and to and including them losing in the Superbowl. If Ryan's aim were to try and claim that last year proves anything other than they can't win the Superbowl without cheating, he failed. Those Superbowl-winning teams had far less talent that last year's team, yet won...barely.

  2. You guys take homerism to a new level.


    With his history of unstable, if not violent reactions to stressful situations, it is only a matter of time before that gun he is waving around, goes off and wounds or kills innocent bystanders.


    But as long as he is a Bill, we should turn a blind eye to this behavior and create endless excuses.

    You're right. Let's execute him now.

  3. IMO, nobody who's rational pulls a gun on their father without good reason, like he's trying to kill you. We don't know what really happened but from the outside it looks irrational due to the fact there are so few reason's it could be considered rational.

    I'd say that as a deterrent to further escalation, pulling out your weapon is a very rational response. I highly doubt that dad said "Hi son!" and junior whipped out his piece.

  4. That sounds good and does seem to be better than I thought but he still pulled a gun on his father. I can't think of any reason to do that other than irrational anger at him.

    "Irrational anger?" I think his anger is very rational, being the product of an embarrassment of a father who was never there because he was locked-up and/or high and/or on the lam. If he were "irrational," he would have bust a cap in dad's behind, or at the least hit him. But no matter which way you look at it, it's sad.

  5. I think you're right. There isn't any grand conspiracy to help the Pets* here. It's only wanting to protect the image of the league.

    Yeah, why would the NFL care about their image? Why should it try to protect their latest "dynasty" from allegations that they cheated their way to 3 SB wins? I wonder. Come on Steely, you're smarter than this.

  6. After the taxpayers have made the Buffalo Bills the largest form of pork spending for Erie county over the last 4 decades, I think gratitude is a small price to pay.

    And this is different from other NFL cities...how? And the Bills' prices are the lowest in the NFL, so it's not like taxpayers are paying for a new $800M stadium and then being charged top-10 prices, like in Houston or Chicago.

  7. Why was he fired? Why did he say he was wearing Pets* garb at the Rams practice when he most likely wasn't? Why is he coming out with this now?


    There are some serious questions about him. I think he's been at least 80% truthful but there are valid questions.

    Yes, and there aren't serious questions about the league.

  8. I don't think so--they said it was someone who was there that first season they used this (2000) and Dillon didn't come on board until 2003 or so, I believe. I'm sticking with my guess it was Antowain. I'm actually surprised this part of the story hasn't gotten more play--nothing in this morning's NYT on it, for ex.

    Antowain joined the Patri*ts prior to the 2001 season.

  9. I think that makes a total of 6 of us on the board.


    Nobody has any discernment anymore. The way some of the clubs downtown have been going, I would open the line at 3-1 that we hear a story involving shooting, Hardy, and a bar in the general Chippewa district by January.


    At least when Willis did stupid things, they were innocent enough. I can't blame a guy for being stupid. I can however blame a stupid guy that likes to throw violent tantrums against 3 generations of his family.

    Please. His son was inadvertently hit, and barely touched at that. And his father didn't have any signs of injury, which is why the police dropped the case (not to mention the unreliability of the "witness" and no one else willing to give testimony). I guess some would call brandishing a weapon "violent," but I certainly wouldn't, and given dad's history, he probably wouldn't either.


    And as for the incident with the girlfriend, she was described as having red marks on the side and back of her neck. That sounds like he grabbed her. While that's violent in nature, it's not exactly hauling-off an punching her. And it happened 2 years ago. You'd figure that if he couldn't help himself, he'd have "hit" her again sometime within the past 2 years.


    True Hardy has some issues to work out. But to start a "countdown to arrest" is premature.

  10. So what if Ralph doesn't sell naming rights for (and I'm being generous here) $2M a year? What business is it of yours? How does it affect YOU as a fan? The answer is, it doesn't, so stop talking about it like it's taking money that's been taken away from you. Oh wait, it "embarrasses you." Grow a pair, children.


    The new CBA was practically a death knell for the Bills. What gets me is that the owners were more than willing to give ~5% more to the players to "keep labor peace" despite the cries of the Wilson and Brown, but when it came to subsidizing the lower revenue teams, it was "we need to see more effort on your part." Gee Danny, Bobby, and Jerry, maybe if you hadn't taken it up the backside by the NFLPA, Ralph wouldn't have to be "whining," would he? What's even more funny is, after tapping into new revenue streams (i.e. Toronto), Ralph is getting blasted even more.


    Enjoy the Bills while they last. The more time passes, the more I realize that Ralph WAS a fool for keeping the team in Buffalo so long in the face of a largely ungrateful bunch of fans, and that the Bills aren't long for the area once he dies.

  11. It's not going to make a difference, anyway you look at it, the commish has already said he isn't going to do anything else about it... sadly they have gotten away with being cheaters and just got a slap on the wrist

    Actually the Commish stated that Walsh was in Patri*ts gear in full view of everyone, and thus Martz knew and had no problem with him being there. Now Martz is denying that, and it only makes sense what he WOULD remove anyone wearing Patri*ts gear, meaning that Walsh was there illegally. So something SHOULD be done.

  12. When I first heard that Matt Walsh was in Patri*ts gear on the sidelines during the Rams' walkthrough, I thought that it was highly suspect, but was waiting to hear from Martz. Well he finally denied that Walsh was in Patri*ts gear, otherwise he would have thrown him out. This is little different from taping the walkthrough. Looks like the NFL is getting caught in their own web of lies. How pathetic.



  13. I was thinking about the show today, and remembered an article I read before this season started (can't find it online) that said they will find earth, but that it could be during any period of time, like past, present or future. So here's my theory of who the last cylon is and when they find earth.....



    I think the last cylon will be Baltar, and they'll find earth about the time of Jesus Christ. Reason being, in the first few episodes when Baltar still had his beard, and the women were escorting him around covered up, I could see a resemblance. And there's the whole, Baltar talking about God. Plus JC and the whole cursifixation, rising in three days. Cylons come back from the dead.


    Interesting theory. Except that humans were fairly primitive back then compared to now, and especially the technology that brought Batlar et al to Earth. Humans would have been much more advanced back 2000 years ago.


  14. That argument is entirely stupid. This is a huge difference between knowing a teams tendencies and making an educated guess as to what defense they will try in specific instances and knowing the actual !@#$ing play. These league-memo talking points are a joke.

    And it still doesn't answer why, if it truly means little, did the Patri*ts continue to do it for 8 years, especially after getting caught and warned? Also, why was Walsh instructed to conceal what he was doing, if it was simply a "misinterpretation of the rules?" I think we all know the answer.

  15. bull sh--. the cheating exposes him as nothing more than a system QB, with that system being "cheating" and "holding." On any other team in the league, brady* would be a slightly above average QB with 0 rings.

    Bingo. It's not as if the Patri*ts won their SB in blowout fashion. They beat every team by 3 points, with it coming down to the last series of the game each time. Any advantage, even a "slight" one (as if anyone can really quantify an advantage like this), would lead to those SB wins, or even wins in the playoffs to get to those SB's.

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