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Posts posted by VOR

  1. I think I'll hit more than 1. If he gets arrested or suspended or injured big time, the rest is moot anyway.

    Again, arrested and/or suspended relates to character. Injury can happen to anyone. More on that below.


    As for 40 catches, he was one of the top receivers taken, so I think 40 is a reasonable expectation. I think three things will hinder him on the field...limited to straight line speed, poor execution in general, injury risk. The character thing is a bonus. I'm getting a Reggie Rogers vibe comin' on.

    Limited to straight line speed? He was among the top WR's in agility tests, comparing favorably to guys who were half a foot shorter and 40# lighter. And he didn't have a problem with injuries in college. Why he should be more prone to them than any other rookie WR is curious. As for execution, yes he needs to run better routes. So do most of the rookies. He also needs to get stronger.

  2. I understand.....I am not saying the guy is all bad news. I would say though that if I were an unbiased observer, I would have to move young James a bit to the right on the troublemeter given what has gone on with him.


    In my opinion he was a risky pick because of his on-field ability. When you throw in the character stuff, he really has no room for error before the pick starts looking geared towards foolish. In fact, I will make a few predictions for the rest of 2008 for Hardy.

    I'll take the risk, on-field versus off-field, on a guy who is 6'5" and 220#, runs a 4.45 40-yard, has good hands, good agility, and caught 36 TD's in 36 games, and who has room to improve his game, versus a domestic disturbance, in light of a lousy upbringing. The kid has issues he needs to work through no doubt, but he's far from Charles Manson.


    If one of the following doesn't happen to James Hardy by the end of the 2008 season, feel free to ban me from the website.


    1) Suspended for NFL substance violation

    2) Getting Arrested

    3) Misses Team Flight to Away Game

    4) Catches less than 40 passes

    5) Misses at least 1 full game for bruised/broken ribs

    6) Misses at least one full game for a hyperextended knee/patella injury (bone,connective tissue, bursa)


    If all 6 of those happen, I want $1 from all who mocked my stripper analogy, in word or privately (there had to be at least 20), so I can go get a lapdance. I'll even splurge for the 81 jersey to put on the girl, and I'll take a picture of us as I'm giving a double bird to everyone.


    I'm guessing I'll be off the hook by September 30th at the latest.

    Looks like you covered all your bases. Out of that list, I can see #6 happening, since I think his knees will be the target of a lot of defenders, given his height. Next would be #5, since he'll be catching jump balls in the endzone and leaving his ribs exposed. What that has to do with his character problems is anyone's guess.


    But I'll create a "Dwight Drane was right" thread if any one from #1-3 happens, which are character issues. The number of passes he catches has less to do with him than the design of the offense and is a tall order for most rookie WR's (only 3 rookie WR's eclipsed 40 catches last year, with 2 of them by 7-8 catches).

  3. It was a close game and the defense let the team down as the offense did their job and put them ahead with over 2 minutes to go. You can't let a team drive the ball 80+ yards. Congratulations to the Giants!

    LOL! You mean the offense led by Tom Brady, who guffawed at Plaxico Burress' suggestion prior to the SB that the Patri*ts were "only going to score 17 points (

    )?" The highest scoring offense in history somehow couldn't manage more than 2 TD's against a defense they shredded for 38 points 5 weeks earlier, on the road?
  4. I love how everyone cries "we don't have the facts". We do have the facts....Hardy didn't deny anything happened in his statement, he was playing the sorry card.

    He said reports were exaggerated, which is basically denying everything, except that there was a situation that put a negative light on himself and the team, for which he apologized. We don't know what happened, but given that his father is a far more violent and dangerous man than he is, most would be willing to side with junior on this one.


    Is it unfortunate? You bet. But maybe this will send a message to his father to leave him the frick alone, like he did for most of his formative years. I'd even go so far as to suggest a restraining order.

  5. Reality is jumbled these days cale. I'm all for fans of a team or the front office to come up with some rah-rah BS to explain off the situation. What I would like afterwards is the fans admit that it is rah-rah BS. People here are defending Hardy like they are some ambulance chasing lawyer. Do you think the Bills front office is 100% with all this. HELL NO! I think when Dick Jauron heard the news, even he went "Aw F#@K".


    Let's try to translate this situation into another grimey area. Let's say everyone here is one big happy family, and the Buffalo Bills as a whole are our brother. Well it seems as if our Brother was interested in this girl and started dating her without anyone knowing. Things started to get a little serious over time, and our Brother thought this girl could be the one he's been waiting for. He proposes to her and she accepts.


    Now here's the thing about the girl......she has been working as a stripper the last 4 years. She says she only dances on stage, and sometimes will do a lapdance if the guy looks presentable. Word got around though that she was doing favors in the back room. Now...she tells our brother that dancing is in the past and people were blowing a situation out of proportion so to speak. Our Brother accepts that as fact and puts the ring on her finger.


    Three weeks ago our Brother brings the girl to a big family party to meet everyone. He tells the rest of his family about her history. Some are fully supportive and trust Brother's judgement, some don't feel very good about the situation but are willing to give everyone a second chance, and some think that Brother has lost his mind and is only asking for heartache.


    Fast forward three weeks. Brother gets home early from work and walks into the bedroom where he sees his best friend pulling up his pants, and his fiance is in her bra and panties.


    This is obviously an innocent event and it should be clear to everybody that the friend came over to drop off something he borrowed, the fiancee brought out a pitcher of Cherry Kool-Aid and offered the friend a drink, and she spilled the pitcher all over the two of them as she was pouring, so they had to get their clothes off so the stain wouldn't set in.


    Now who here would believe that????

    I wouldn't. Grape Kool-Aid stains, not Cherry.

  6. For the record, so far in their distinguished careers Sweed has shown better judgment but not nearly the toughness of Hardy. As of three weeks after the draft I would say their careers are a wash.

    Well, in the statistical category of "embarrassing incidents," it's Hardy 1 and Sweed 0.

  7. There is a good reason why Jacksonville chose to trade Stroud and it's not because he's on the upside of his career.

    Stroud should call Rodney Harrison and hook him up with some HGH. Prior to that, Rodney WAS on the downside, but suddenly/miraculously came back to begin delivering his patented cheap shots anew.

  8. The latest excuses I've heard are "well the players still have to execute the illegally obtained information," which now makes me realize that Bonds truly isn't guilty, since he had to hit the ball, and "well, teams should have changed their signals after the games," which now gives me the right to rob my neighbor after making a copy of his front door key, because he didn't change his lock. What is this country coming to? :blink:

  9. Still, you don't pull a gun on someone. As I stated before he obviously hasn't let his anger go over this and it will probably cause more trouble in the future until he does.

    I have yet to read a credible account that Junior pulled a gun on his father. All I think I know is that Junior had a gun on him, the gun was legally registered, and it was unconcealed. I believe he was letting his father (again a guy who had done 9 years in prison for drug dealing) know that he shouldn't mess with him. Had Junior actually pointed it at someone without a shady past, I'd be concerned.


    But I think that Junior should get counselling and get out of Indiana permanently. Or get a restraining order against his dad.

  10. No he wasn't, there was no gun, he was just putting it down because he didn't want it to go off during a fight, he didn't point it at anyone, his father was a deadbeat and he was in prison while he was growing up, he had a permit so its fine, his father was threatening so he feared for his and his families safety, no crime was committed cause the police decided not to press charges, nothing happened because the story is coming from an old lady who lived next door............

    Where did you read that Hardy was putting the gun down so that it wouldn't go off?


    This situation is unfortunate. Not because Hardy allegedly pulled a gun on his deadbeat, drug-dealing, hanging-on father, but because he has elements like this in his life which will make it difficult for him, and keep "pulling him back in." Hopefully he can leave it all behind.

  11. Bell looks like he could be really good. I like those athletic/agile guys at LT with all the speed rushers teams have nowadays. He seems to learn really fast, and I'm anxious to see him in the preseason against NFL players. Should be interesting.


    I love Omon's vision. That guy has great cutting ability. He might not be able to hit the home run, but he can definitely break mid-distance runs and move the chains.


    Johnson's key will be whether or not he can play special teams. He might have some good WR skills, but competing for the 5th WR spot, he's never going to get the chance to use them. That spot is more about special teams ability, and right now Justin Jenkins is pretty damn good at it. If Johnson wants to make this team, he's going to have to impress on special teams first, and then try to move up the depth chart by showing his receiving skills.

    Then again, if he shows enough as a WR, the Bills might keep him as the 6th WR instead of potentially losing him in the hopes of trying to sneak him on the PS.

  12. Ralph Wilson has been crying the Blues since he bought the team..He even went as far as going to Seattle in the early 70's aboput relocating the team due to the economy..Broken record..The man knows how to pull every last penny and uses every option to get it...Dumb like a fox...

    True, he was dumb to not move the team to Seattle, or anywhere else, when he had the chance. Thank goodness for that!

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