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Da Big Man

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Posts posted by Da Big Man

  1. You're the typical "full of crap" apologist that keeps these imbeciles in power. If you think someone like you is going to teach me something than your balls are obviously bigger than your brains.


    Don't pretend to speak for me or loop me in with the rest of the apologetic retards that refuse to

    I'll let you know the very second I give a crap what you think of me. Do us all a favor and hold your breath waiting...


    The difference between the Democrats and Republicans in America are who they pander to. You can pretend it's not so but that just means you're stupid.

    Yeah I'm stupid. You couldn't even explain your emoticon and I'm the stupid one :thumbsup: P.S. I want these imbeciles out of power. YOU GOT IT BACKWARDS. hold the liberal spenders/Constitution ignoring whores in the Democratic party to task.

    You really don't understand politics 101, do you commrade?

  2. Yes, we only initiated a war over it. No big deal. Nothing to see here. :thumbsup:

    You are such a moron. We went to Iraq because Iraq was in violation of Resolution 1441. Whether or not he had WMD's ,Hussein wanted us to think he had WMD's. The IAEA and U.N. inspectors tried for months to go and take a look. They were denied. I feel no pity for Saddam. Nor should you. Fell sorry for every victim of terrorism both foreign and domestic. Selfishness and shamefulness is this Countries biggest opponent right now.

  3. You know the explanation but are apparently too dumb or too brainwashed to face it. If it walks like a duck...


    Now post again about how the Republicans are going to save us when they're at least 50% of the current problem (try working out that math problem in your head).


    Friggin' partisan shill.

    I am what the Democrats fear the most ...an independent thinker. Go watch Obama's* pet peacock!

  4. You know the explanation but are apparently too dumb or too brainwashed to face it. If it walks like a duck...


    Now post again about how the Republicans are going to save us when they're at least 50% of the current problem (try working out that math problem in your head).


    Friggin' partisan shill.

    A free lesson. The Republican party have had their hands tied for years. But I am sure you already knew that. Thats what I like about you...your attention to detail. I was asking you explain your emoticon. As for walking like a duck...you are right it looks communist, it smells communist, if it talks like a communist, spends like a communist, controls media like a communist, take away your liberties like a communist, tells you whats good for you like a communist then you are right ...it is communism. :thumbsup:

  5. Personally, I think he is slipping. There was a lot more in your diatribe he could have ridiculed and chose not to, so maybe this is the Kinder, Gentler, AD.


    Oh and Saddam Hussein at the very least would beg to differ if he wasn't dead thankfully. We could probably add in most of Afghanistan, Iraq and several of our allies who didn't want to (but did after persuasion) go to war with us.


    Oh and what was the stock market like at the end of Bush's term?


    For the record, I am against the Health Insurance "Reform" as it currently seems to be, and I think the tax on energy (Cap and Trade) is worse.

    I will point out the painfully obvious. Saddam Hussein is dead because he was tried and found guilty by his own people and got the sentence they felt he deserved. The U.S. and allies went in to Iraq because Iraq was in violation of resolution 1441. The same resolution that ended the Gulf war in 1992. Bill Clinton launched missles into Iraq in 1998 for the same reason. The stock market started to suffer at the end of GWB's second term due to a liberal media driven reccession that told people not to spend. The same media that is controlled by the Liberal Democrats and got this Idiot into the Oval office. P.S. any allie that resisted gone into Iraq did so because they knew we would find out about their dirty dealings with Iraq through the last decade, Countries like Germany, France and Russia just to name a few. The life loving citzens of Iraq are glad we liberated them. Pay attention....Obama* doesn't want to help the economy....he wants you to be dependent on the Government.. You know where else they do this? Cuba, Russia, China and Venezula. Is this the change you want? Is this the direction you want this country to go in. Our children deserve better. :blink:

  6. You need to stop drinking the kool-aid and open your eyes bro. Either party can lead us to good times if the people are living right. Unfortunately we aren't,so no matter what political ideology is applied the people will ruin it. Capitalism won't work because the powerful will take it to the extreme and pit workers against each other and make life a battle among wolves for survival. Socialism won't work because too many wouldn't willingly work to their abilities to make it work. It's how we got here and it's how we're gonna keep going unless we get back to morality. It's not about an ideology,it's about doing the right thing for everyone.

    Freedom means that every one has an equal chance for both success and failure. The Goverment shouldn't make sure that the bottom 10% can ride the coat tails of Joe hard working public. Healthcare, stealthy stimulus and your tax dollar, if you work, getting spent to fund a monster of a Government is not the answer. The road to how we got here is not the question..it is what is happening now. You need to open your eyes and realize that Obama* is weakening this once great Country and that values that were held around WWII are what is need to make it through this and get this Country back on Track. Health care is not a right...welfare is not a right....liberalism is crippling. This Administration is trying to make us all dependent on the Government. Double digit unemployment and Gov. backed healthcare is a symptom of that.. if it wasn't the economy would be the primary objective. PUT THE MONEY BACK IN THE HANDS OF THE PEOPLE WHO SPEND IT. :blink:

  7. It's easy to blame politicians,liberal or otherwise, for the decline of our country,but I don't buy it. The real reason is the decline of moral values in the citizenry. And not just the obvious things like drugs and sex. Much more subtle is the lack of economic morals. From poor folks who rip off welfare and refuse to work,to the rich who export the jobs that used to feed families and eliminate workers to increase executive pay. Everybody does whatever thay can get away with,instead of whats right and good for others. Until we get back to doing the right thing and willfully taking care of each other,instead of being forced to by our government,this country will continue to decline. No matter who's in office.

    The question here is not how we got here. It is a matter of Obama* wanting to irrevocably changing this Country into a Socialist/Communist nation. Make matters worse is he thinks we don't see what he is trying to do. The Government should fear the citizens, not the other way around. George W. Bush never forced anything on anybody and I , for one , lived very safe and comfortable under his Administration. The stock market was at record highs, home ownership was up and the homeland was safe. Bush never apologized to any country and there was never an attack on our soil after 9/11. Then came Fort Hood. Now Obama* is installing two Muslims to high positions in the Dept. of Homeland Security. Are you kidding me? Secret votes and stealthy stimulus packages, 39 Czars from high business positions to Communist ties and Anita Dunn who thinks Chairman Mao is a politcal philosopher. We are in trouble and this must stop NOW! Protected under the Constitution and should demand this abomination step down. Our founding fathers seperated from a tyranical King for these same reasons...CONTROL...not freedom. Mid term elections will show that the majority is fed up but that won't stop the destruction. Instead it will make this Administration act faster to plunder our liberty so that in 2010 the new Republican President will have four years of mopping up to do. Just like GWB had to clean up after Wild Bill Clinton.

  8. IMO- we have slowly fallen down the slippery slope to mediocrity ever since WWII. It started with the first unpopular effort in Korea, then we killed a president, then we had Vietnam, and slowly have devolved into a Nation of People who are easily offended, thin-skinned, Blow-hards. I will sue! You cant call me that! My coffee is too hot! You were mean to me! You looked at me funny!


    We were a Nation who conquered all. Space. Freedom. Ideology. Technology. Science. Medicine. We stood against Nazism, and Fascism, and Socialism. Now, we are becoming Socialist by choice.


    We are a shell of what, and who we once were. We are afraid of being sued, or thrown in jail, let alone stand up and fight for an Ideal, or God forbid die for one. We can't and wont defend our own borders for crying out loud. We are Nation of short memories. How many remember 9/11? We need to move past the anger we are told. we wont show the towers coming down because we dont want to cause pain. We need to be more understanding of people who are harming us, instead of fighting back, we are told. We are embarrassed for being strong, opinionated, kind, and generous. We give away our rights to be "safer". We agree to surveillance at levels I would have never thought possible. We let the Politicians tell us what we can do, and say, and think, and listen to. Whatever happened to live and let live?


    Where are we headed? What will The USA be like in another 20 years?


    The Nation you have been admiring from just 70 years ago, IMO, doesn't exist anymore.


    Again, these are just opinions. Others may be different. Flame away if you must. It is after all what we have become. My opinion is neither right nor wrong, as is anybody else's.

    I don't think you will get much flaming here partner. Even the idiots that voted for Obama* are speechless. When you don't look into a candidate and just vote to be part of history, you get what we have here. An underqualified, inexperienced, maybe non-U.S citizen elected into Office to turn this Country into the Socialist, Fascist, Communist eutopia that Obama* and the other Dems including Pelosi , or who I call the real Satan, always wanted since the 60's . Pax et Bonum!

  9. I love this post! It is about time we mobilize as God fearing , freedom loving Americans and show this Liberal agenda forcing, Democratic stanglehold having Government, that we mean business. I can't wait to see if they crash and burn. I think we all must become active and anyone who voted these clowns into Office...I hope you are happy .Is this the change you were after? Falling so far from grace as BLZFAN4LIFE so perfectly put. We are protected under the Constitiution and we are all being violated by this Administration. Why? Because they think there is nothing we can do about it. They are wrong to read this topic brings tears to my eyes and like I said on election day I weep for this Country. The Libs want this to become the new Sodom and Gomora. Remember, the Lib/Dems realize desensitization works so watch your children and what they are being exposed to not only in school but on T.V. also. The Liberal agenda is starting to target our children. Even Disney channel participates in endoctrinating our kids. Keep hope alive , defend the Constitution, Don't give up. The current Administration wants us all to feel lost in a sea of helplessness. Don't fall into the trap .We will overcome!!!! Next time all you change makers ....VOTE REPUBLICAN. :lol:







  10. Remember..I warned all of you on election day. We are reaping what we have sown. Blame this on anyone who just wanted to" be a part of history" . Voted in a man without researching what a communist he was. So next time you see a inner-city inhabitant wearing a Obama* concert tee shirt...remember, you just wanted change. Sleep tight mates. Your lives are about to change irrevocably. :wallbash:

  11. It is Hispanic Heritage Month- or did you totally miss that? :wallbash:


    I'm sure all the Italians, Irish, Slovaks, etc. who came flooding off the boats just irked your ancestors and they crippled the country back then... :wallbash:

    Take off the rose colored glasses and get back to me when one of those ethnicities are recognized. P.S. I am Italian and my ancestors came here legally. The melting pot was great back then and they ALL contributed to our society and even learned the language. :doh:

  12. Now the NFL is embracing latinos and their lifestyles. A spanish speaking ref and a GM commercial done only in spanish. WOW! The message for Obama* was the tops saying roughly "We are all mexicans" . Why not just escort them across the border to further strain our economy. Thanx Barry* :wallbash::wallbash::doh:

  13. Here's the crux of the issue. You're arguing a falsehood. He is expendable. It's incredibly unlikely the Bills ever achieve success with Trent Edwards at QB. You're using ends to prove the means though.


    The Bills can draft the top rated QB next year, but it's not going to change their fortunes. They could trade for an established successful QB (I think they tried this one) and they would not be successful. The problem is much, much deeper than QB and they need a change in those areas before addressing the "problem" at QB because no matter what QB they bring in at this point, it's not going to change "what" this team is..the direction this team is headed each week.


    The sheer amount of bonehead decisions from nearly every player on this team should make it obvious there's a big problem that Fitzpatrick isn't going to do anything to fix.

    Ok ,Ok Trent!

  14. I have no idea what it is you watch on Sundays but I'm sure it's all in your head.

    I obviously watched the game closer than you did and even DVR'd it. We could watch it again via computer camera and count the times he had 4 or more seconds ... I know you are the type of person who is right....even when you're wrong.

    P.S. It seems you are alone in your opinion here. the proofs in the pudding.

  15. I'm neither a supporter nor defender of Edwards but there's not a QB on this planet who could do anything under this staff and behind that OLine. Not one. Maybe he'll be OK and maybe he'll end up sucking, but we'll never find out about him until he's put in a tenable situation.

    For the most part he had time to throw. He also had targets down field open. I refer to the third down when he had March one I nch wide open and wouldn't throw it untill a LB was on his back....He is broken...it might have been the staff who broke him, but he is broken. He sucks and now it is time for Fitzpatrick. I need to know if this kid can throw the ball. Trent Edwards could have had a better game today.He had time and lanes. He is afraid to throw the ball down field. It all stems from Dicky J pumping into the brains of these players it is alright to punt. :w00t:

  16. yeah you're the only one that has been saying this organization stinks

    For the past three seasons I have been alone in my mind set about this team. Even when they were 5-1 last year I said they were a .500 club and was almost thrown off this site. Last three years all love here. These season...not so much.. I say we have a march on one Bills drive to show these POS's we want them better or gone! :lol:

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