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Da Big Man

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Posts posted by Da Big Man

  1. Yeah, too bad he was president for the whole 8 years, including that little footnote called 9/11, which you revisionists conveniently like to forget. And the shoe bomber. And the mysterious 11/12/01 crash in Queens. But who's counting? Oh, you are!






    Hard to tell since she quit before she had to make any hard decisions.

    She quit because the Liberal warchest has no bottom...especially when it is federally funded like ACORN. She was to busy disproving false accusations to run her state out, of her own pocket, Not out of Barry Obamas*.

  2. Mysterious? The Airbus shed it's vertical stabilizer. How the !@#$ is that Bush's fault?



    You're all morons. :lol: These things don't happen based on whether or not the President is actually in the White House at the time.

    That seems to be the new excuse for everything for these Liberals. Bush did it!

  3. Yes and Bush should have left the classroom immediately.....that's where I categorize this rubbish as well...........

    Bush was in Office for 8 months when this happened and there were 3000 deaths. He was trying not to raise hysteria. Cool and collected, then he got down to business. Bush said the people that did this would hear from us soon and they did. now Obama * is apologizing for that. I fail to see the comparison but good luck fitting that square peg in that round hole. :censored:

  4. Every news program I've listened to (mainstream, liberal, corporate sponsored, independent, et al) has covered it in great detail.


    Just like the President's comments, what would you have them do? Hold a peace rally? Candlelight vigil? What? What action could the flaming liberals among us take that would possibly appease you in all your human-rights insatiability?

    How about getting back to the security that we had under the Bush administration. How about calling this what is, a terrorist attack. Making DHS mean what it did a year ago. Not having paralysis by analysis. Profiling works. No attacks for 7 and half years and now 2 in 3 months under Obama's * administration. We are so PC and now have a Pres* that apologizes for our actions. Barry Obama* is making us weak. If we were a joke when GWB was in Office then we are comedy series with these clowns..the laughing stock of the world. The Prez.* is more worried about cramming a shady healthcare bill down our throats( where there is 66% opposition by the by) than creating jobs or stimulating the economy the right way or dealing with the all to real threat of global terrorism which comes from the same radical religion he himself is a part of. No wonder we wants to take it easy on Iraq, Iran and Afganistan. We all better wake up before it is to late. Mid-term elections in 2010 will prove he and his experiment has failed. I just hope that the next Rep. Pez. in 2012 can clean this HUGE mess up. That potential bomber had ties to terrorist that Obama* set free from Gitmo. Kinder , gentler my ass. Lay these bastards to waste. Look at whats happening in Iran, large majorities are going up against radical gov't. and getting killed because of it, seem familiar. No one cared about Hitler until he came for them. Don't wait until he comes for you. :censored:

  5. Ha!


    Fasco-communist Socialism.


    Turns out philosophies aren't poultry.


    Regardless of how much you want everyone to hate Obama, you can't just name three things you think are bad and make a political-economic turducken out of them.


    And besides, hot gin and milk is a more likely to exist, anyways.

    Thats just three of many.. I don't have time to type all of the atrocities he is attempting in his fist 10 months of office. You are smart you know what they are..Its the agenda to reach his socialist goal. P.S. I love the turducken reference I am going to use that if thats ok.

  6. You all read it here folks. I'm now an Obama Lovin' Dem backing liberal.


    Here's a newsflash, small minded-guy: Everyone who can see the Republicans for what they are isn't a Democrat. The fact that you're too stupid to understand that isn't anyone's problem but yours. But tell us all again what you feel in your heart and how calling names is someone else's problem.


    You can't "debate" topics unless your response comes from some ridiculous neocon website. That's not debate, it's regurgitation.

    Again with the labels..out of ideas again? Turn off CNN.

  7. Really? How about the Patriot Act, preemptive invasion based predetermined conclusions, and torturing captured enemies? Were those S.O.P. throughout our history?

    If torturing one Arab saves one life ...I am all for it. I have nothing to hide if the Patriot Act is slighty invasive so what It keeps this Country safe. As for S.O.P. through history...we never had to worry about jihadists for 233 years.

  8. There was a point in all that? All I saw was what looked like a typically hypocritical partisan rant - which is pretty much the root cause (along with apathy) of everything that ails this country's political climate.


    Lather, rinse, repeat.

    I got it! You are another Obama* lovin, Dem backing lib who tries to squelch the true voice of reason and truth. Go pump your agenda somewhere else. Lets debate topics. If you can refrain from telling us how smart you think you are and how dumb us small mind, parrot, lemmings are. Who do you work for Anita Dunn, CNN, CNBC, MSNBC, NBC, CBS or do you have nothing to do all day but watch CNN , smoke pot and have your mom make you blueberry pancakes and serve them to you in her basement that you turned into a bedroom! :unsure:

  9. I never liked Bush, the guy was a complete joke plain and simple. However at least you always felt like he was on our (America's) side. Obama is a flat out embarrassment as the President of the United States. He acts and governs like he's the leader of the entire world. America's security and interests take a back seat to what's in the best interests of the global nations. He needs constant attention and praise. He's infantile. He's an embarrassment. Just ask Japan. Seriously, how many trips and speaking functions has he gone on while the country is going through it's worst economy since the depression? The independents who stupidly bought into his bs were forewarned about him. After seeing the seismic shift of independents bolting from the democrats in the Virginia and New Jersey Governor races, it's clear that there is serious buyers remorse going on. Let's hope he does as little damage as possible before 2012.

    Amen brother! :unsure:

  10. I know. Admitting it publicly is a good step forward.


    The fact that I don't feel the need to explain anything to a partisan lemming has nothing to do with intelligence, though I'm not surprised that's the correlation you came up with.


    Whoopie. Then the other gang of thieves gets to continue the downward spiral. I know you don't understand the difference but that's pretty much expected.


    Any mirrors in your world, tube steak?

    You are almost as good at spinning as Obamas* pet peacock, Lib.

  11. It's honestly not worth the calories, and I'm on my way to watch The Bills game anyway.


    You're the independent thinker here, figure it out for yourself, there's plenty of sources available to you.


    Once you've completed your research, then you can sell me on how Obama has done the same.


    Welcome to 2009.

    Thanks for proving my point. GWB did nothing to try to change the USA as we know it and have known it for 233 years.

  12. I just find it ironic that a person who touts himself a "independent thinker" is lock-step with a major party's platform. If that's not a troll-like paradox, I don't know what is.


    Okay, Obama has committed atrocities enough to unravel the fabric of our democracy. For this sake of this argument, I will admit to that. But to say these things SUDDENLY happened in the last eleven months indicates to me that you're calling them how you want to see them, through the eyes of someone who falls all over himself to advocate for the Republican party. Then I go back to you calling yourself an "independent thinker," and I all can assume is, yep, this guy's just trolling. Nobody in their right mind is this confident over such transparent nonsense.

    It is not about party lines , it is about what feel in my heart to be right. However I am relieved that you feel Obama* is unraveling this Country. :thumbsup:

  13. Happy Trolling!

    When will enough be enough? When they come for you? When your fed income tax is at 45%? When you get fined or imprisoned for not getting healthcare? When they rewrite the Constitution? When we are Communist? Socialist? Fascist? When all your freedoms are gone? Then you will ask yourself...How did this happen? Look in the mirror...thats how. :thumbsup:

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