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Da Big Man

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Posts posted by Da Big Man

  1. How about March one Inch...he played like a beast today didn't he? As for Trent Edwards, I have been saying for three going on four seasons now. Players like TE, JP, McGahee, McCargo and any other early round drsft pick with potential may be being miscoached by these amateurs coaches. Common denominator is Ralph Wilson, his short arms and short sightedness makes it impossible to get the job done. In the late 80's, eraly 90's we were good by luck. Most of the players were bargains. Thomas was questionable, Reed was from Kutztown, Beebe was from Chadron. Even Jim Kelly didn't want to come here and would have if the USFL didn't fold. Bruce was a first pick over all and Bennett was a trade. What happened then was luck not money.

  2. Welcome back March One Inch...6 carries for 3 yards. You are a beast! Trent eyeballing his WR's all the way and a total breakdown in protection. The bright side is we took timeouts with us to the locker room so we will have extra in the second half. I knew that the Bills would be totally unprepared for the Wildcat. We are proud to serve up this team with a first time starting QB their first victory. As I predicted in pre-season...3-13 here we come! :(:(:rolleyes:

  3. :( Is this thing still on? Test 1, 2... Test. I say, if I can still hear the music, I give her the boot.

    Get it? Anyone??



    I got a pretty good laugh out of it anyway.

    I love that joke! Especially if the music is turned way up!!!!! Fat chicks need lovin to and besides they try hard and are willing to try anything. :lol:

  4. Whoa, is "march one inch" supposed to be a play on the name Marshawn Lynch? If you were hoping to show off how clever you are, you kind of did the opposite.

    We will talk again at the end of the season :lol: Don't you know by now I am always right ? Check my post history.

  5. Husband and wife in bed in the morning, wife says" can I make you some breakfast?" and husband replies" I'm not hungry, it must be the Viagra". Lunch time wife says" can I make you some lunch?" husband replies" Nope not hungry, it must be the Viagra". Dinner time wife says" You gotta be hungry now how about some dinner?" husband replies "no I'm still not hungry, it must be the Viagra". Wife says" well I'm hungry, so get the !@#$ off me". :bag:

  6. Check it out here, or search "Bills and Beers" on the iTunes store and hit "subscribe."


    We had a sick amount of listeners last week, so thanks to all the Stadium Wallers for tuning in, and thanks to those who have passed it on to their friends!


    On this week’s episode:


    1. How will our battered defense hold up against their run-attack?

    2. Lynch makes his triumphant return to a struggling offense.

    3. Who is your least favorite current NFL player?

    4. Who will play Marshawn Lynch




    If the Bills play March one Inch. Then they need their heads examined. Fast Freddy Jackson is a way better all purpose back...period! :bag:

  7. So far Maybin is being out-tackled by Roscoe Parrish and Derek Fine. He is also tied in the tackle department (1) with the likes of Geoff Hangartner, Rian Lindell, Corey McIntyre, Drayton Florence, Ashlee Palmer, and Demetrius Bell. Maybin is surely primed to add to his stats against a first time starting Qb though.


    Allen Wilson Article






    This is a perfect opportunity for the best pass rushing DE taken in the last draft to display his storied first step and live up to the expectations of a Bills first round draft pick. Actually, considering that Mike Williams, Willis McGahee, J.P. Losman, John McCargo, Donte Whitner, and Leodis McKelvin are the standard, he may already be doing precisely that.

    Yeap! Another first round bust. :bag:

  8. Yess!!!!!!! A change is due. Time for Fitzpatrick to show us what he can do. TE is petrified back there. He is sooo afriad to throw the ball down field even when players are covered man to man. And where was the screen today? That D line of N.O. was all jacked up to get to Trent , why no screens? And T.O. , don't even get me started :wallbash::doh::censored:

  9. Just proves that you're a little slow on the uptake Simon. Why Kick and play to get the ball back when YOU HAVE THE BALL and you are DOWN BY 10 POINTS? Pick up the yard and march! Terrible decision by a terrible coach and you are a fool for agreeing. I wonder how long this post will stay up before you sensor it. :censored:

    Agreed! All Trentative Checkwards had to do is lean forward and get the first down . This team gave up both Offensively and Defensively. And I guess Simon forgot that N.O. just got rolling and scored to make it 17-7 . Good idea Simon give the ball back to the hot team ...it worked out well for us , didn't it? :doh:

  10. One again the Bills find creative ways to lose football games ...again snatching defeat from the jaws of victory. Two things . Yes Mclovin should be hung. But the defensive coordinator should be fired tomorrow for the preventless D that was put out on the field for the drive that made it 19-24. I almost came on here a little earlier to say that I was never so happy to be proven wrong about their performance but I said wait there is 5 mins left and low and behold we piss this one awat also. This team sucks. This coach sucks and once hockey starts this whole damn city will suck.



  11. One again the Bills find creative ways to lose football games ...again snatching defeat from the jaws of victory. Two things . Yes Mclovin should be hung. But the defensive coordinator should be fired tomorrow for the preventless D that was put out on the field for the drive that made it 19-24. I almost came on here a little earlier to say that I was never so happy to be proven wrong about their performance but I said wait there is 5 mins left and low and behold we piss this one awat also. This team sucks. This coach sucks and once hockey starts this whole damn city will suck.



  12. One again the Bills find creative ways to lose football games ...again snatching defeat from the jaws of victory. Two things . Yes Mclovin should be hung. But the defensive coordinator should be fired tomorrow for the preventless D that was put out on the field for the drive that made it 19-24. I almost came on here a little earlier to say that I was never so happy to be proven wrong about their performance but I said wait there is 5 mins left and low and behold we piss this one awat also. This team sucks. This coach sucks and once hockey starts this whole damn city will suck.



  13. Would you rather lose like this or 41-3 like everyone was predicting?

    Yes I would have rather had our azzes handed to us then to lose like that. I want to beat the shiiitttt out of Leodis. Thats the difference between the Bills and the Pats. They are a team, we are a bunch of individuals. If Leodis took a knee in the endzone we win! period. :censored::censored:<_<

  14. One again the Bills find creative ways to lose football games ...again snatching defeat from the jaws of victory. Two things . Yes Mclovin should be hung. But the defensive coordinator should be fired tomorrow for the preventless D that was put out on the field for the drive that made it 19-24. I almost came on here a little earlier to say that I was never so happy to be proven wrong about their performance but I said wait there is 5 mins left and low and behold we piss this one awat also. :lol::lol::) This team sucks. This coach sucks and once hockey starts this whole damn city will suck.

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