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Everything posted by SDS

  1. I need one volunteer who is watching the draft live to post our picks. i'm out this afternoon.
  2. [This is an automated response] As a courtesy to the other board members, please use more descriptive topic titles. A better title will help the community find information faster and make your topic more likely to be read. The topic starter can edit the topic title line to make it more appropriate. Thank you.
  3. this could possibly be one of the worst things ever written on this message board. Congrats.
  4. I close it for a few minutes to get everyone to comment about our pic in the right topic. This isn’t a group of Norman Einsteins.
  5. weird statement. Of course there were. The second round just started.
  6. you still have Hawaii on the brain. You just quoted what you said in response to me. Here is your original post that I was responding to: “I think one of my biggest issues is he had a presser last night saying absolutely expected to make a pick at 32.”
  7. I just listened to this after your comment. He absolutely did not say he absolutely was going to pick at 32. While I would have to go back to “his exact words, I think he said “we FIGURED we would pick at 32.” Then he said he talking to his friend Dan and they decided differently. Figured is not even close to absolutely.
  8. He def did not say the bolded in that way.
  9. I’m in. Splitting a pair with niece.
  10. there is no lack of buyers for the Buffalo Sabres. That’s insane.
  11. Is there any evidence that the PSL‘s are selling poorly?
  12. To be honest, I’m looking for something new.
  13. People don’t understand that the Baltimore Ravens had PSL‘s back in the late 90s. Buffalo STHs have been the cat who caught the canary for the last 25+ years.
  14. this was my upper limit. Let me know when you wanna compare hose reels. Then we’ll see who’s wallet is fat.
  15. Bad info. It was $10,500 for both seats. $5250 for one. That makes way more sense.
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