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It is clear MM is a major problem


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I am just frustrated with the whole season - I mean, I can't watch a game without thinking the Bills are going to screw up in some facet of the game - I am always on edge - I tell you what, I went to the game last night and all I got from Pat fans was sympathy - they all reminded me of the days when Kelly, Reed and Thomas would kick the butts of the Pats on a cosistant basis - they all said how Bledsoe is a good guy but just doesn't have it anymore - I don't know - I want to blame someone, but I just don't know who - the negativity I read on the sites is frustration - I will always stick with the Bills, but it just is never easy

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Guys, again - there is a bigger picture here...I hate what happened last night as much as the next guy - but again it's apples and oranges...


To me, our woes started when we canned Wade and then Butler - I know, I know he got us in cap jail blah, blah, blah - but the one thing they knew how to do was draft and coach (the exception being the last Butler draft).


The Steelers organization has benefited from continuity. They've been in the same system for years. We on the other hand have a new staff, system on offense.


That's particularly Donahoe's fault IMHO, the Williams hiring set the franchise back 2 decades. He and Donahoe not just didn't have the goods but he sucked the heart right out of the organization, players etc.


I believe it all began when Donahoe started treating players like disposable tissue. I just don't see most of the newer guys putting it on the line like the Wade/Butler. The only players who seem to care are some guys on defense and a couple of guys on offense.


There's just no heart and guts in our personnel anymore. I believe Mularkey will turn that around - but it ain't happening this year, perhaps not even next. It takes time to build these things but just overnight to tear it down.


To prove the point, see how the Steelers stood up for one of their own against Cleveland yesterday. That hasn't happened to any significant degree in Buffalo. I see a bit of that starting to happen on defense but definitely right now, on offense anyway, it's just 11 individuals running around clueless. The team simply doesn't exist.


We all want a quick fix for what's happening. But the problem is systemic not ALL on one individual. I don't believe we have coherent strategy to get there. So I think we need a new strategist.



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Don't blame Mularkey for not starting Losman. It's Donahoe and Ralphie:


they DON'T want to risk losing money next year if Losman is as much of a bust as the other two QBs Numbnuts Donahoe has brought into the franchise.


You won't find out until next year, so get used to Drew, or Shane.


From that strange glimpse MM allowed us to see of Losman, he looks like RJII.

Meanwhile the QB we should have tried to get is playing like an all-pro at age 22!


We know why Pittsburgh dumped Donahoe, Mularkey and Clements on us, don't we?

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What's also tossed under the rug, was TD's first major free agent decision to keep Moulds & say bye to Wiley....



yes, but an even bigger decision was flutie v. johnson. i don't think there's a soul on this earth who can now look at what transpired and argue that johnson was a better choice than flutie. flutie may not have taken the team to the playoffs in 01, but he sure as heck would have led a team that was at least competent (6+ wins). i've now come to think that the 3-13 season produced a lot of players with loser mentalities - good players, but ones who can't think like players in a winning culture - clements, henry, jennings. and of course RJ was the headmaster in the school of non-positive thinking. granted, i thought RJ was a dog going back to his usc days, but in retrospect how could he bungle this one so badly?


i will never be able to prove this (obviously), but if the 01 bills kept ted w, which they could have done, kept holocek, a. smith, carpenter, and jones AND started flutie, they were probably an 8 win team. holocek, jones and carpenter didn't do very well elsewhere, but i do think they would have been ok if they had remained within the same cast of players. sort of like a lot of pats players today - they'll play well there, but not so well elsewhere. people may say "8 wins - who cares?", but not being pathetic brings its own rewards in future years. I'll take 7-9 and a mid-round draft pick any day over a 3-13 fiasco. finally, being subjected to a year of awful entertainment should factor into the equation as well.


basically, that 3-13 season didn't have to happen, and donohoe was able to explain it away via a pack of lies about the salary cap. that season had repercussions to this day, i think.

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Gee, how about the longest tenured coach with same exact systems (regardless of coordinator changes)?


How about the virtually unblockable Joey Porter instead of the woefully inadequate Jeff Posey?  The Steelers frustrated Brady all day by sending no more than zone blitzes and Porter all day.  Virtually everytime we blitzed, Brady ripped our safeties for huge gains.  Jerry Gray should have learned a VERY valuable lesson yesterday.


How about the emergence of Deshae Townsend in the Steelers backfield, while we're playing a virtual rookie and friggin' Ike Reese.  Aaargh.


How about the fact that Donahoe drafted 5 of the Steelers OLinemen?


How about the fact that no matter who was our coach in 2001 or 2002, we weren't going to contend because our salary cap situation was ridiculous?  The choice of Greg Williams cost us pretty much only last season, which probably would have been an 8-8 campaign, plus the learning curve of the new (and vastly improved) staff.  Whoopie.


There were a few of us who said the acquisition of Bledsoe was a mistake when it happened.  We were called idiots when the team got out of the gate 5-3 his first season.  Thanks for jumping on.


Everytime the BILLS lose a game, the naysayers come out and say we need to can everyone from the owner to the fuggin' waterboy.  Stability is the key to longterm success in the NFL.  I'll grant everyone the frustration we've earned as fans over the past few seasons, but tossing the baby out yet again is not going to result in the immediate turnaround so many people seek.


The hotpockets crowd shows their ugly impatient face, yet again.



Probably the best post I've seen on here in a long, long, long time.

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The Steelers frustrated Brady all day by sending no more than zone blitzes and Porter all day.  Virtually everytime we blitzed, Brady ripped our safeties for huge gains.  Jerry Gray should have learned a VERY valuable lesson yesterday.



Jerry Gray should have learned that lesson a long time ago. There are successful defensive coordinators-turned unsuccessful head coaches out there who need employment. Dave McGinnis is one of them. We should replace Gray with a guy like him.

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