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Edwards becomes VanPill's #1 project


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Baffling... as noted by others he should have already been his #1 project as he was the QB coach.


The only silver lining I can glean from this is that perhaps the Pill was getting feedback from Edwards that the offense was too complex for him to grasp, but Schonert was not listening. All indications are that he would not take input from the others in the coaching staff. If that is the case then Alex has the inside track on what Edwards is comfortable running and should be more willing to implement it.


I for one think that, with all the rookies and guys playing new positions on the offensive line, it shows a certain level of complete disconnection to reality if Schonert was not willing to dumb-down the offense enough to allow them to get comfortable with what their assignments were and execute them successfully.


I feel some sense of optimism that AVP will reduce the playbook to the plays he feels that they can be competitive running. I expect some coordinator growing pains, but at least I have some hope for the offense rather than the doom and gloom I have been reading from some posters.


That being said, there is a sense of desparation, but I do not know if that is a bad thing. I wish DJ felt that desparation 2 years ago.

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I didn't get anything out of that article at all besides why AVP's nickname is "Pill". It really just seemed like a reach to write an article about this situation. Edwards hasn't been hiding in my opinion like Sully states, everyone's been jumping on him as the problem not Schonert and I haven't seen Turk at all. Last year there was more complaining about Schonert's play calling and less about Edwards, the complete opposite of this preseason. The simplified offense could be exaclty what Buffalo needs. Heck, I have like 5 plays I run over and over in Madden and they work for me, same thing, right?

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I don't think the article headline is necessarily an accurate representation of Van Pelt's own priorities.


Perhaps baffling wasn't the best term. Just trying to poing out what looks like another case of creating a misleading, but catchy title for an article when most folks with a pulse are aware that Edwards has been Van Pelts #1 priority for some time. That was my only point in regards to Sully's journalism.


I don't know what I would be feeling if I were in Van Pelt's shoes. He has stated his desire to be an OC, and we certainly have some skilled players for him to utilize, but OC is still a big leap from working behind the curtain. I sincerely hope that he and Eric come up with a great plan on how to utilize the guys we have, and that they are able to execute it on game day. What else can we do?


I do agree with Sully that he was a very "heady" QB, with a natural grasp for the game, but lacking some of the physical tools. Let's hope he is able to channel that know-how into our roster.


I am optimistic that they already had a game plan in place for New England, but I expect it will be trimmed down quite a bit and will place a heavier emphasis on the run.


What will be curious is how well the Pill handles the game itself, clock managment, 2-minute drills, challenges, etc... We have seen some erratic game-day managment with Fairchild and Schonert, let us hope that they are at least able to appear organized under Van Pelt.

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Sully hits it out of the park again! :thumbsup:

Nice article but a ground rule double at best. It would be a bit harsh in my judgment to call this a blowjob on the Pill, since much of what he says is true (he was built for Bills fans to love and he did a great job in relief generally when called to come in off the bench for a downed QB)/


However, I think labeling this a handjob is accurate as it must give AVP pleasure to read kind words about him and Sully does not get on his knees and lie about stuff. However, he really only tells half the tale of AVP as a Bill since yes this fan was quite confident when he came in relief but I simply cringed and hoped for the best whenever he was the game starter and both good teams (like the Pats who embarrassed AVP in a start at the Ralph (I think it was still Rich at the time) or the Jets who disguised coverages and picked him off at least a couple of times in one game.


Is this relevant now? Doubtful but then Sully brought up the past with his half accurate description of life with AVP I think my response is fair game. Potentially it also may be relevant if AVP proves to be more of a talent making in game adjustments but is simply outclassed when each side prepares.

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