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Few practice notes for today (8/5)

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Thank you so much. Reports like this balance out all the "You suck"/"No, you suck"/Stop calling me names. You really suck" posts that seem to have grown more common over the years.


I guess I'll take the positive view on Hangartner. While I'm not hearing any overwhelming reports about him a la Eric Wood, I'm also not hearing that he's getting "Fowlered" or "Prestoned". Also good news on Walker.


On the other side of the line, did you catch anything significant on McCargo? Did he do anything to make an impression on you (good or bad)?

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Thank you so much. Reports like this balance out all the "You suck"/"No, you suck"/Stop calling me names. You really suck" posts that seem to have grown more common over the years.


I guess I'll take the positive view on Hangartner. While I'm not hearing any overwhelming reports about him a la Eric Wood, I'm also not hearing that he's getting "Fowlered" or "Prestoned". Also good news on Walker.


On the other side of the line, did you catch anything significant on McCargo? Did he do anything to make an impression on you (good or bad)?

Sadly, I didn't notice anything about McCargo good or bad. I've heard he's been having one heck of a camp so it could have just been a ho-hum practice for the big guy.


A couple of funny things I forgot to mention though.


Eric Wood was out a good 20 minutes before practice again (accompanied for some strange reason with Shaine Smith) and Wood eventually wandered over to the goal posts. He then proceeded to punch the goal posts for a minute and then head butted it. Strange, violent man...


Bobby April was hilarious all day, screaming all sorts of wonderful profanities that i'm sure the parents who brought their kids to camp must have absolutely loved to hear. At one point he asked Marcus Buggs (after Buggs whiffed on an INT) if Vandy ever beat another team in the SEC.


I managed to snag two really funny pictures as well. One has this giant positional drill going on with I'd say at least 30 players on offense and defense participating...and standing on the outskirts of it all is Brian Moorman just watching. It's almost as if he's saying "Hey...guys...can I uh...play too?". Another good one is a side by side picture of Marcus Stroud and Roscoe Parrish, it really looks as if Marcus brought his kid into work with him.

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Eric Wood was out a good 20 minutes before practice again (accompanied for some strange reason with Shaine Smith) and Wood eventually wandered over to the goal posts. He then proceeded to punch the goal posts for a minute and then head butted it. Strange, violent man...


Let's hope St. John Fisher charges the Bills for damage to the goal post. It's anecdotes like this that make me excited to watch the run game to the right side this year.


I'm having a hard time with the constant use of the term "Nasty" around here to describe the attitude of the new-look O-Line. "Nasty" is for pre-schoolers. "Nasty" is the kid that put tacks on the teacher's chair. "Nasty" is for limp-wristed nancy-boy wimps.


Eric Wood is not "Nasty". Eric Wood seems capable of much more than "Nasty". Eric Wood seems capable of "Manslaughter". Lynch and Jackson have to be reviewing their contracts vis-a-vis performance incentives. It's going to be a good year on the right side.

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"--Demetrius Bell didn't look very good on the individual drills, letting Kelsay get around him twice. During the "scrimmage" portion of the practice he more than held his own though."

This is a key point right here-everybody that says the Kelsay and Schobel look so great in camp. When it's on the line and they need something from these two there curled up in the corner of the locker room.

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