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Pats pass on Vick


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Please stop saying culture. It is not legal. Nothing to do with culture.

I don't want choir boys, but I sure as hell don't want a dog killing beast of humanity on the Bills either. Vick is garbage.


I didn't say it was legal. He did do his time though.


So no second chances? Someone commits a crime and actually serves the punishment, but can never be allowed to play football again?


He served a far greater punishment than most guys in the NFL who are out there committing crimes.

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I didn't say it was legal. He did do his time though.


So no second chances? Someone commits a crime and actually serves the punishment, but can never be allowed to play football again?


He served a far greater punishment than most guys in the NFL who are out there committing crimes.


I never said he couldn't play in the NFL again. There's also a ton of professions around the country he could work in as well. He'll get a second chance just like everyone else does...probably a 3rd, 4th and 5th chance. I'm not sure he's good enough to play QB in the NFL again to be quite honest.

Bottom line, I don't ever want to see him in a Bills uniform.

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Why do we really hate Vick? Enlighten us.

Steamroller, aren't you the guy who was so anti-marijuana in the thread circulating around not too long ago? If not I apologize. But I believe you were. So I am thinking you probably worked for the Bush administration in some capacity given your social views.

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I damn sure jay-z and dmx don't make songs bout dog fighting that's retarded...and philster you really hate vick I mean jeez its like you have something personal against him its scary you need to get that checked seriously...anyway the man paid his dues he was wrong but callin him a serial killer or the devil has got to be the stupidest thing...like I said before sign him and ill be the first in line to get a buffalo bills vick jersey...

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something you Vick lovers seem to forget...your hero already got a lot of 2nd chances...some of you were probably in favor of Butler signing Lawrence Phillips, too.

Thankfully, that dirtbag will never be a Buffalo Bill..the Bills have already stated that

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Steamroller, aren't you the guy who was so anti-marijuana in the thread circulating around not too long ago? If not I apologize. But I believe you were. So I am thinking you probably worked for the Bush administration in some capacity given your social views.


Yes, that was me and I don't let politics sway my beliefs.

George Bush = Weak Clown.

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I damn sure jay-z and dmx don't make songs bout dog fighting that's retarded...and philster you really hate vick I mean jeez its like you have something personal against him its scary you need to get that checked seriously...anyway the man paid his dues he was wrong but callin him a serial killer or the devil has got to be the stupidest thing...like I said before sign him and ill be the first in line to get a buffalo bills vick jersey...


So DMX has a CD called Grand Champ with pitbull on the front, who according to DMX is a 3 time champ, but I am sure he was just talking about a how he finished at a dog show.


The fact that Jay-Z is holding a dog in a fight pit in his video 99 problems, doesn't have anything to do with Dog Fighting.

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So DMX has a CD called Grand Champ with pitbull on the front, who according to DMX is a 3 time champ, but I am sure he was just talking about a how he finished at a dog show.


The fact that Jay-Z is holding a dog in a fight pit in his video 99 problems, doesn't have anything to do with Dog Fighting.


How did I know you were gonna say that bout dmx...he was talking bout himself as a grand champ fool...I pet you didn't know his record label was called bloodline records cuz they were all comin from him THE GRAND CHAMP.. Know what ur talkin bout before you say it clown..and as for jay it was a video he also got shot in so I guess he susasidal ass well...don't let ur imaganation run wild buddy...and philster ur right bout phillips but I didn't want him...look at ricky he changed so did ray why can't mike is my question 2 you....

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Call me insensitive, but the dude went to prison and derailed his career over DOGS??? It's absurd that it was a federal offense, let alone the fact that the guy had to pay for it with jail time and possibly his livelihood.


Yeah, it was cruel and inexcusable. But you have all these NFL players who beat their wives, do drugs, drink and drive (sometimes hitting, sometimes killing people), and shoot their guns in crowded bars-- and they get second chances. I'm not seeing why Vick is treated differently when his crimes, at least in my mind (I know others will strongly disagree), are less worse since they don't involve danger to human beings.


(Note: I still don't think the Bills should sign him).


That went beyond insensitive and crossed into ignorant.

Once again, he ran a dog fighting empire....raised them, fought them, killed them...for pleasure and money.

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Why do we really hate Vick? Enlighten us.


The reason MOST hate Vick is because he fought an animal that you have as a pet. Most dogs are part of people's homes and they make a real connection with them. A lot of people see the dogs Vick fought as an extension of their own. Thus you connect with the issue on a personal level. If Vick had been fighting Rats or some other non-domesticated animal there would be no where near the level of outrage because you don't see a rat as anything of value.


Thats my reasoning. I have never owned a dog because growing up my mom didn't allow me to because she grew up on a farm and doesn't view animals as pets. So I don't know first hand the personal connection one can have with a dog so I am able to get a little separation from the whole Vick issue and look at it form the surface.


If Vick fought Rats honestly would you have cared as much or at all? Keep in mind Rats do feel pain and basic emotion.

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That went beyond insensitive and crossed into ignorant.

Once again, he ran a dog fighting empire....raised them, fought them, killed them...for pleasure and money.


He ran an empire...haha talk bout exageration...john gotti ran a empire the mafia empie...so mike is equal to john gotti is what ur saying...you are distubed if you think that....

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He ran an empire...haha talk bout exageration...john gotti ran a empire the mafia empie...so mike is equal to john gotti is what ur saying...you are distubed if you think that....


WTF are you talking about?

I'm not distubed....my tubes are still connected.

In all seriousness, you need to proofread what you're typing. This isn't a text message and you lost me a couple posts back.... :thumbsup:

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I didn't say it was legal. He did do his time though.


So no second chances? Someone commits a crime and actually serves the punishment, but can never be allowed to play football again?


He served a far greater punishment than most guys in the NFL who are out there committing crimes.



sure he can, just not for my favorite team-

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Why do we really hate Vick? Enlighten us.



For the record I dont hate Vick, and used to call myself a Vick fan, but NOT ANYMORE


But to answer the question at hand=


Why? Because I am a Dog lover. Ever hear the phrase "mans best friend" I mean c'mon, he signs the Largest contract in NFL history (over $100 MILLION) and is not smart enough to cut ties with his dog fighting crew. PURE STUPIDITY!!!


I just don't feel sorry for him until he TRULY SHOWS REMORSE for what he did, and that will take some time.

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How did I know you were gonna say that bout dmx...he was talking bout himself as a grand champ fool...I pet you didn't know his record label was called bloodline records cuz they were all comin from him THE GRAND CHAMP.. Know what ur talkin bout before you say it clown..and as for jay it was a video he also got shot in so I guess he susasidal ass well...don't let ur imaganation run wild buddy...and philster ur right bout phillips but I didn't want him...look at ricky he changed so did ray why can't mike is my question 2 you....




I pet you don't know how to spell.


DMX got busted for dog fighting. He had an album with a pit bull on the cover called the Grand Champ. Jayz had dog fighting in his video.


Its a different lifestyle, which was my point from the beginning.


Ur the expirt though, so maybe you can tell us all about who the record label is since that is very helpful info.

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He ran an empire...haha talk bout exageration...john gotti ran a empire the mafia empie...so mike is equal to john gotti is what ur saying...you are distubed if you think that....



Empire or not-


Don't forget he hung them, electrocuted them, and even body slammed them to death!! Pretty nice guy huh? I have a pit bull as a pet, so I take this to heart. The way I look at it is my dogs could have been unlucky and born on Vick's compound, what do you think would have happened to it? I guarantee it would not be the caring and loving dog it is today-


And he did not need the money, which makes it even worse. By the way, my dog is a Bills fan, but not at all a Michael Vick fan LOL

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Steamroller, aren't you the guy who was so anti-marijuana in the thread circulating around not too long ago? If not I apologize. But I believe you were. So I am thinking you probably worked for the Bush administration in some capacity given your social views.



my opinion: smoke as much pot as you want (its your body,life and decision) but don't Kill innocent dogs-


and you think he would have stopped doing this if he did not get caught? you know the answer-

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my opinion: smoke as much pot as you want (its your body,life and decision) but don't Kill innocent dogs-


and you think he would have stopped doing this if he did not get caught? you know the answer-


Would you have cared if Vick fought Rats. OR is it because its an animal a lot of people have as pets that you really chastise Vick's actions.

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