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Jerry Gray needs to go

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You are right.  And that STILL has nothing to do with Grey.  McGee played a bad game, and that was the worst play of the game.


You can say they should have been playing back, that's an opinion.  My opinion is different.  Either way, McGee made a bad play.  Not Grey's fault.


I love the passion this Defense plays with, and next week Vincent should be back.  Whether he goes in at Safety or CB, the Defense is only going to get better.



OK here's a question. If McGee was struggling as many of you say he was, why would you put him 1 on 1 with the best WR for the Jets with NO safety help at all??



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Paco I have a serious question for you.  Do you post anything of validity or is every post you make just telling someone else how they are wrong?  I've never seen you make a point of your own, I've just watched you tell everyone else how they are wrong.


That's just funny to me.



And that's better than posting nonsense all the time?

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Perhaps you do. BUT do you think that this one poor defensive call precipitates firing the defensive coordinator who is coaching the #2 defense in the NFL?



I think it's been more then just one call that has led me to say something like he needs to go. I'm not that irrational. I must have let Greggo screw up 100 times before I called for him to get fired.


He just seems very clueless with his calls sometimes. The call doesn't match the situation.

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I think it's been more then just one call that has led me to say something like he needs to go.  I'm not that irrational.  I must have let Greggo screw up 100 times before I called for him to get fired.


He just seems very clueless with his calls sometimes.  The call doesn't match the situation.



I agree with BF here in that we should been playing more of a prevent type defense to take away the quick TD pass, which is what the jets needed with being down by 2 scores with 4 min to go.


With that said, the call wasnt that off the wall. Carter came in and was visibly rusty. He gave a sloppy hand off to C martin which directly lead to the safety. His confidence was low and a sac there would have put the proverbial nail in the coffin. If I recall the play correctly, we blitzed both of our safeties. Carter made a nice move to avoid the blitz and threw a good pass. If Milloy makes the tackle and doesnt get burnt, we are talking about how much we like Gray's aggressive play calling and not slipping into the prevent D. I think Milloy should have been able to wrap up carter.

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BF, you never cease to amaze me. Truly, you don't. Think about what you are saying.


The Bills D has COMPLETELY shut down two teams, two weeks in a row in the second half, take out the 50 something yard TD catch and combine the last two weeks stats.


And lets forget that TM is not only technically a backup, but a heck of a football player. Santana Moss is not exactly chicken feed as a receiver. You are a stats guy, what's the comparison of 40 yard times and height? TM has got talent, but also has things to learn. He's still kind of raw. I'm no football expert, but when you pass blitz, the intent is to either sack or hurry the QB. The blitz didn't work, so the secondary is going to be on an island by themselves. If the CB gets burned, it's out there for the world to see. No way to hide. (Dierdork explaining falling down 6 times doesn't help). Hard to get over the top help when everyone is chasing Quincy Carter around.


Give the Jets some credit, they are not a bad football team, and for one play, they got a gimme. One play. Let's fire the DC.

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I'll say it flat out.  This guy is horrible.


We have a 12 point lead with 5 minutes left, make them work the middle of the field on short passes.  What does this idiot do?  Blitz EVERYONE and leave McGee one on one with Moss.


If we lose this game it's on him.



Jesus Christ, aren't you guys happy about anything???


This board has become a joke. It's really sad. Really.

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BF, you never cease to amaze me. Truly, you don't. Think about what you are saying.


The Bills D has COMPLETELY shut down two teams, two weeks in a row in the second half, take out the 50 something yard TD catch and combine the last two weeks stats.


And lets forget that TM is not only technically a backup, but a heck of a football player. Santana Moss is not exactly chicken feed as a receiver. You are a stats guy, what's the comparison of 40 yard times and height? TM has got talent, but also has things to learn. He's still kind of raw. I'm no football expert, but when you pass blitz, the intent is to either sack or hurry the QB. The blitz didn't work, so the secondary is going to be on an island by themselves. If the CB gets burned, it's out there for the world to see. No way to hide. (Dierdork explaining falling down 6 times doesn't help). Hard to get over the top help when everyone is chasing Quincy Carter around.


Give the Jets some credit, they are not a bad football team, and for one play, they got a gimme. One play. Let's fire the DC.



I'm not ignoring the Jets being a good team. I have stated several times today that we beat a good team and it was a solid win. They are and it was.


I just notice Jerry Gray will make 2 or 3 calls throughout the game evey week that are just horrible and always at the worst time.


Remember when we played NE? We blitzed NE all day and Brady torched us. Who is the one quarterback in the ENTIRE LEAGUE you don't want to blitz? Tom Brady.


Some of his gameplans are just terrible and I already discussed his play calling above.

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Im sure BF could coach this team to that elusive #1 spot...I just KNOW it.



Let me ask you a question.


In 2000 The Baltimore Ravens did not have the #1 defense in the NFL. The Titans did. Gregg Williams would be the first to tell you that.


Now if given a choice, which defense would you rather have had? Baltimore or Tennessee?


I choose Baltimore. Their defense WON GAMES FOR THEM SINGLEHANDEDLY. Jerry Gray has coached a defense that has not even come close to doing that in his 4 years here. Saying we have the number 2 defense means squart to me. I want PLAYMAKERS not doorstops.

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I'm not ignoring the Jets being a good team.  I have stated several times today that we beat a good team and it was a solid win.  They are and it was.


I just notice Jerry Gray will make 2 or 3 calls throughout the game evey week that are just horrible and always at the worst time. 


Remember when we played NE?  We blitzed NE all day and Brady torched us.  Who is the one quarterback in the ENTIRE LEAGUE you don't want to blitz?  Tom Brady.


Some of his gameplans are just terrible and I already discussed his play calling above.


Brady looked very rattled in that last game. If not for some god-awful officiating, losing 3 starters during the game, and two blown plays at the end by Travis, the Bills would have won that game, thanks in large part to Gray's play-calling.


And the Ravens I believe were ranked #1 in points allowed, which is the most important stat, not yards allowed.

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What you want is somethings that looks pretty on TV. Just because a defense doesnt generate a ton of turnovers and sacks, that doesnt make it any less effective, just less exciting. In the end, its both two ways to an end.


And you HAVE TO be careful about making comparisons to that Baltimore defense. It was historically one of the best ever.

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What you want is somethings that looks pretty on TV. Just because a defense doesnt generate a ton of turnovers and sacks, that doesnt make it any less effective, just less exciting. In the end, its both two ways to an end.


And you HAVE TO be careful about making comparisons to that Baltimore defense. It was historically one of the best ever.



OK let me simplify this so maybe you can better understand where I'm coming from.


Would you agree that our offense has been more effective the last few weeks when playing a short field? On the other side of the 50 after a turnover or big return?


I'm sure you would agree. We put up 20 today on offense and 38 last week by playing with a short field.


A TOP NOTCH defense gives this to their teams every week. Grays defense has not done this on a regular basis in 4 years.


Why do you think we wanted to ditch Gray and hire LeBeau this offseason?

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Let me ask you a question.


In 2000 The Baltimore Ravens did not have the #1 defense in the NFL.  The Titans did.  Gregg Williams would be the first to tell you that. 


Now if given a choice, which defense would you rather have had?  Baltimore or Tennessee?


I choose Baltimore.  Their defense WON GAMES FOR THEM SINGLEHANDEDLY.  Jerry Gray has coached a defense that has not even come close to doing that in his 4 years here.  Saying we have the number 2 defense means squart to me.  I want PLAYMAKERS not doorstops.




I'll take Ray Lewis, if that's what your inane question is really asking. But I would also have to consider taking Jevon in his prime.


What the hundreds of people have a beef with you is not that Gray made a bad play call on that ONE particular play, but that you want him fired for that ONE particular play. If that doesn't make you the king of the overreaction, I don't know what does.


Perhaps you can divine us with your unique rainman talents and prove that every play from the 2000 Ravens season didn't have a single bad defensive call.

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OK let me simplify this so maybe you can better understand where I'm coming from.


Would you agree that our offense has been more effective the last few weeks when playing a short field?  On the other side of the 50 after a turnover or big return?


I'm sure you would agree.  We put up 20 today on offense and 38 last week by playing with a short field.


A TOP NOTCH defense gives this to their teams every week.  Grays defense has not done this on a regular basis in 4 years.


Why do you think we wanted to ditch Gray and hire LeBeau this offseason?



Except that this defense has been giving the offense a short field all year long, you ignoramus. It just took the offense four weeks to get its act together.


PS - if you start an argument, it's usually not a good idea to introduce facts that undermine your argument.

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