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(OT) Nine years in the clink for sending Spam?


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Thank you, you have just made my whole point for me (you didn't even do it on purpose).


You say people choose to come here?  True, SDS is providing them something they want.  They are hurting their employers by yapping here instead of working.


Spammers are forcing the loss of production time.  In that sense, I would agree that is criminal.  The force of harm in my eyes is criminal.  However, a drug dealer hardly has to force anything on anyone.


So you're saying that the problem is not the supplier of the drugs, but rather the fault of the person who takes the drugs, who should be at fault because they need to account for their own actions in taking the drugs? Is that what you're saying?

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So you're saying that the problem is not the supplier of the drugs, but rather the fault of the person who takes the drugs, who should be at fault because they need to account for their own actions in taking the drugs? Is that what you're saying?



I think you understand my point, now let's see your witty reply to what you expected me to say Paco.

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BF, I don't even agree with you on this one.


My whole point was that drug dealers provide something that someone wants anyway; meaning that if Drug dealer A goes to jail, Drug dealer B will be right there to take his business.


I was just saying that there are worse crimes, like pedophilia, murder, etc.


But, is dealing drugs a crime? Yes. Should it be? Yes.


Is sending spam? Apparently. Should it be? Maybe. But by no means punishable by jail time.

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BF, I don't even agree with you on this one.


My whole point was that drug dealers provide something that someone wants anyway; meaning that if Drug dealer A goes to jail, Drug dealer B will be right there to take his business.


I was just saying that there are worse crimes, like pedophilia, murder, etc.


But, is dealing drugs a crime? Yes. Should it be? Yes.


Is sending spam? Apparently. Should it be?  Maybe. But by no means punishable by jail time.



I'm not asking you to agree with me Steve. I have been able to state my case with examples relating to other things, while the people trying to disprove what I'm saying have simply given up on their arguments because they have nothing to support them with.

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I'm not asking you to agree with me Steve.  I have been able to state my case with examples relating to other things, while the people trying to disprove what I'm saying have simply given up on their arguments because they have nothing to support them with.



Either that or they think you're insane and there's no way you'll ever admit that you're cracked in the head on this topic. If you ever took a logic class (which it's obvious you havn't), you'd realize that your "supporting examples" are complete bull. Therefore, no sense in arguing with you.



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I think you understand my point, now let's see your witty reply to what you expected me to say Paco.


Calm down, BF. I'm simply asking if I understood your point correctly...which is to say that people who use drugs need to be held accountable for their actions, not the people who supply the drugs.


This is just ironic given that you feel that the government is responsible for providing jobs, and people who are unemployed should not be held accountable for their situation.


You know what? That WAS a witty reply. I take back my initial comment.

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Either that or they think you're insane and there's no way you'll ever admit that you're cracked in the head on this topic.  If you ever took a logic class (which it's obvious you havn't), you'd realize that your "supporting examples" are complete bull.  Therefore, no sense in arguing with you.





Now we start with the personal attacks, the usual result at the end of a debate when one person is defeated.


Go on, let it out.

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Calm down, BF. I'm simply asking if I understood your point correctly...which is to say that people who use drugs need to be held accountable for their actions, not the people who supply the drugs.


This is just ironic given that you feel that the government is responsible for providing jobs, and people who are unemployed should not be held accountable for their situation.


You know what? That WAS a witty reply. I take back my initial comment.



Paco, there are many reasons that someone may be unemployed. Not everyone that's unemployed DOESN'T want a job. Most of them do.


Just so you know.

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I think you understand my point, now let's see your witty reply to what you expected me to say Paco.



What? That was an example that proved your point? I'm absolutely stunned that you think it made sense, yet alone proved any point.




Jesus H. Christ...remember when your posts were coherent with intelligent, sensible content? Yeah...neither does anyone else...

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This is incredible. I'll go now, as I don't have a dog in this fight.


Drug dealers=Gun dealers?



You bring up a good point. Our own government has firmly supported the "Guns don't kill people. People kill people." motto by allowing their citizens to buy and carry arms.


So if we buy into the "Guns don't kill people. People kill people." motto isn't dealing drugs the same type of thing?


I could just as easily go shoot someone with a newly purchased gun as I could OD on drugs.

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Now we start with the personal attacks, the usual result at the end of a debate when one person is defeated.


Go on, let it out.





Ok, I conceed. You are the master debater! I bow before you. You don't even need to follow proper logic and you win. Amazing.







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