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But Ted had a pretty good step and a great hustle and push in Buffalo... then a huff and a puff or too, but a great push. Williams it seems can barely push a plate aside.


Neither The Bills nor Dick Jauron have made the postseason since Ted Washington last played for them. That's why I'm getting an early start on the Terrence "Mount" Cody 2 Buffalo campaign for 2010. :devil:

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down! Damn - what an accomplishment. Pay the man. Pay him well. --->"below 400 lbs" !! :devil::(


From kffl.com:


Redskins | M. Williams feels he can start at right tackle

Tue, 05 May 2009 09:35:54 -0700


Zach Berman, of The Washington Post, reports Washington Redskins OT Mike D. Williams is confident he will be a candidate to start at right tackle for the team, assuming he can manage his weight. Williams has already lost 55 pounds and has worked himself below 400 pounds.


Wow, the personal trainer is finally paying off for him. :devil:




(that's how.)





Careful, '78 - even those 'small' burgers can do some damage...




New law; Fat guys on the beach must wear mumus.


Looks more like a bagel to mine eyes, actually.


It looks like a donut hole in his hands. :blink:



Long snapper! :w00t:


I don't think he could fit a football between his thighs. :sick:



Hide a PB&J in the QBs helmat ala Little Giants and he will get there


That won't work with Mike. Now if you could cram half a cow in there somehow. ;)

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Redskins | M. Williams feels he can start at right tackle

Tue, 05 May 2009 09:35:54 -0700


Zach Berman, of The Washington Post, reports Washington Redskins OT Mike D. Williams is confident he will be a candidate to start at right tackle for the team, assuming he can manage his weight. Williams has already lost 55 pounds and has worked himself below 400 pounds.


futility, thy name is Mike D. Williams

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Don't call him lazy. It takes hard work to weigh 400 pounds. I mean, how does that even happen? How is that possible? Even if you sit on your azz all day, how is it possible to weigh 400 pounds? And a professional athlete, no less. Sure, he's got a big frame, but Jesus.




Seriously, have you seen the shoulders on that guy? He had to turn sideways to get into church. Through the double doors. He's probably in great shape at about 370. But that wasn't his main problem, as someone said above.

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