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Don't judge a book by its cover


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I guess I was the only one who kept having a conflict the camera going back and forth from the woman's face and the XXX in front of the judges. She can sing, but no form of XXX should be around her.


I think the XXX is for that blond chick.....mmmmmm.



I generally abhor "reality" shows, partly because almost none of them have any talent that anyone would want to listen to (as if we need more mediocre, shallow pop stars who can't write music), but this woman is great. What a voice. Good for her for getting her 15 minutes.

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I dare anyone to watch the clip and make it through without shedding a tear. What a voice.


I can't wait to see what she looks like after a stylist gives her a make over. If they can get around the hair, eyebrows and her lack of fashion sense, she may be the next Broadway sensation.

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Finally got to watch the clip. Wow!!!

Dude you remeber her right?


Ginny's sister?


You know, the Ginny that gives you all those Werther's Orginals?


Why do you think Ginny likes you so much?


Hint: It is not your dashing good looks, but it is what you had done for her sister during her visit to the States.


Now I keep reading media reports that this broad is a 48 year old virgin. How is that possible? I checked the old transaction list and either you are very forgetable to women or you filed a false report a few years back. Don't get me wrong, the former seems possible, but I have to think it is the ladder since Ginny still likes you despite her problem a while ago.


If I were you I'd ring up Susan and try to cash in on this thing before it gets out of control.

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