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do we take Raji at 11?

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None of the pro-pothead-Raji people remember Hawthorne because their memories are shot.

Man crayonz you gotta lighten up a bit with this crusade you are on, you are defintley in the minority,

you gotta be over 60, besides, if you would just sit back and toke a little, you wouldn't have to eat

crayons to get your kicks.

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That would be great if pot weren't such a de-motivating drug. He would not be able to commit to the NFL level of football if he is committed to pot. It is fine in college where he can cruise but as soon as the going gets tough, the loser mentality will kick in and he will be useless. If he can't resist pot long enough to test negative at the combine he with definitely smoke while playing. It will kill his short term memory and he will be useless trying to know the plays. I'd rather have him be useless for another team.


You're a loser. You have no idea what you're talking about. At least you got an 'A' in health class.



The biggest hole on the Bills is the pass rush. Sure Raji will help colapse the pocket but that is only effective when you have some speed off of the edge. We MUST get a pass rush from the outside in order to make this defense work. You can't hang Mitchell and Poz in the 1 and 2 gaps to create pressure every play. I like Raji but he is no Warren Spap and DT's, are very slow to adapt to the NFL because the lineman are so much biger/stronger/faster. I can't think of the last rookie DT to make an impact. Rookie edge rushers routinely get 10 sacks and that is what we need from that 11th pick.


Please, tell me which rookie DE's have 10 sacks? Julius Peppers did. Reggie White did. Name another one.



Dude have you not noticed as generations go by, Californians get progressively stupider? Why do you think the entire state is drowning in red ink? Nobody produces any more and they are ill equipped to start. Between the surfer dudes, the pot heads and the even worse pot head surfer dudes, the place is devoid of a brain powered workforce. Three more generations like this and we're talking Canada south.


God, you're stupid.

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No, I don't think he is making theses statements to get a reaction, I belive that these are his

sincere stone age beliefs. He is a knuckledragger.



He EATS crayons!!



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This is the number one reason why legalization is only a matter of time. It would be a nice money maker. On a side note I find the whole pot crusade, bizarre. It's pointless and stupid that it is still illegal. At the same time I find it just as wierd that so many middle aged men get so passionate about weed. I haven't smoked since my early twenties and really don't have the urge too. I want too see the damn thing legalized because I'm sick of hearing the potheads whine. Of all the things you could be doing, you choose smoking weed? I guess, I just don't get the attraction. I got over the giggles and high, a long time ago. So legalize it, tax it, and smoke it in public for all I care.

Hey push, are you a drinker? If so, why can't you just get over the Beer/Liquor buzz, fall down, puke, and wake up

with a headache attraction, man I graduated from that a long time ago.

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Seriously, I'm very, very proud of our President and the first lady and I would never want the Worlds opinion of him tainted now or centuries from now when we read about President Obama in our History Books.


We already have tobacco products and alcohol killing folks, there's no way another drug gets introduced into Society, not by our President anyway.


The way I see it though you could sell a pack of joints ( 20 ) for $10.00, 1/3 goes to the grower, 1/3 goes to cancer research, 1/3 gets applied to our national deficit. ZERO goes to Thugs and drug pushers.


If 20% of the nation smokes pot and buys 10 packs a month, 120 packs a year,( $1,200.00 per smoker) x 60,000,000 (approximate)=$72,000,000,000.00 a year to be divided three ways, all three of which helps our economy and the over all health of the nation not to mention the protection it provides to our younger generation.


Even makes it a little more affordable to the weed smokers <_<


200 joints per month per user? That's about 7 joints a day for 60 million people.


On 7 joints a day, how in the heck are the stoners going to manage to make $1200 in income during the year to pay for their habit if they are running around all day saying "Whoooooa dude, like what if the sky was like green and the grass was like blue dude"?


Will lost potential suddenly become a marketable skill?


You also left out our country being overrun by sober foreigners as part of your equation. That can't be good for the economy.

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If Raji's there at 11, we take him. Period. The only way we pass on him is if Curry is also available.


Raji next to Stroud would be great. Plus, Stroud's 30 and doesn't necessarily have many good years left. Finding a good DT to play next to him and ultimately replace him, should start now.

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Guest dog14787
200 joints per month per user? That's about 7 joints a day for 60 million people.


On 7 joints a day, how in the heck are the stoners going to manage to make $1200 in income during the year to pay for their habit if they are running around all day saying "Whoooooa dude, like what if the sky was like green and the grass was like blue dude"?


Will lost potential suddenly become a marketable skill?


You also left out our country being overrun by sober foreigners as part of your equation. That can't be good for the economy.



:thumbsup: You may have a point there, lol, 7 joints a day may be rather high through the week, but I was figuring about 1 carton a month because on weekends you might make up for what you don't smoke during the week. Beer drinkers can easily drink a six pack a night and probably a case on the weekend.


6 beers, 7 joints, not to much of a difference and remember there's no hangover with pot so you can stay up a little later, puff a little longer <_<

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Hey push, are you a drinker? If so, why can't you just get over the Beer/Liquor buzz, fall down, puke, and wake up

with a headache attraction, man I graduated from that a long time ago.

HaHaHa! So I took a little shot at you blazers. No, I'm not much of a drinker. I get drunk a handful of times a year and usually regret it. My source of frustration comes more from friends, then posters on this message board. I get sick of hearing about how pot should be legalized. It is always a high volume, low quality, in your face, rant, that usually ends with packing the bowl. It gets really old, especially when no one ever disagrees with legalizing it. The real reason I don't smoke is because I've become a high strung, control freak. Nice, huh? I don't know how to relax anymore, and it takes a brutal workout to get that mellow. I wish I could enjoy a little green now and again.

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Guest dog14787
HaHaHa! So I took a little shot at you blazers. No, I'm not much of a drinker. I get drunk a handful of times a year and usually regret it. My source of frustration comes more from friends, then posters on this message board. I get sick of hearing about how pot should be legalized. It is always a high volume, low quality, in your face, rant, that usually ends with packing the bowl. It gets really old, especially when no one ever disagrees with legalizing it. The real reason I don't smoke is because I've become a high strung, control freak. Nice, huh? I don't know how to relax anymore, and it takes a brutal workout to get that mellow. I wish I could enjoy a little green now and again.



Even if I don't always agree with you push, your a nice fella and a respectful poster <_<

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Guest dog14787
Thank you dog. I think your a nice guy as well. :thumbsup: I'll see you over in the Edwards threads. <_<



Naww, I'm still waiting for you to explain how you expect TE to play any better without a Tight End, and midgets for WR's :thumbsup:

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A report recently stated that Raji's agents are disputing the SI oarticle on the failed test.

They are adamantly denying that he failed it, and the NFL apparently has not been in-formed of a failed test.

His agents are livid over this. But let's keep it quiet and grab the SOB.

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A report recently stated that Raji's agents are disputing the SI oarticle on the failed test.

They are adamantly denying that he failed it, and the NFL apparently has not been in-formed of a failed test.

His agents are livid over this. But let's keep it quiet and grab the SOB.



The results are given to the teams before draft day (April 20th?), so all the teams will know who is, and isn't, on the list.

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