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Mrs. Kerry


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If it wasn't for the media being so liberal and pro-Kerry, this would have been a slaughter similar to the Reagan/Dukakis fiasco!!


Reagan - Dukakis?!? :)


As for Mrs. Kerry - I met her a couple of times back when Sen. Heinz came to PSU. (R.I.P., John - you were one of the good guys. We miss you.) Didn't care for her then, haven't seen anything since to make me change my mind.

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I actually see it the other way around.  If the democrats had put forth a candidate with a bit more of a conservative record, I think they would have won hands down.




Which points out that we really don't have a choice. The evagelical right wing is in charge, and will stay that way for some time. You are saying that if the Democratic candidate was more like his opposition? You are likely right, which is a very sad statement on where we stand.


It will be interesting to see if the president even attempts to live up to his promise of a non-partison, non-devisive term that he promised (but later scrapped) in 2000. If he does, he will dissappoint his supporters, if he doesn't, this country will be brimming with devisiveness. This election proves that watering ones self down, to attempt to appeal to everyone will not work. This is the ultimate political quagmire. The Democrates will be hard pressed to solve it.....

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The USA is now a one party government, like the Baaths in Iraq, or the Soviets and Chinese.  They keep the Democrats around for show.  I wonder if they will even bother having another election in '08, or will they just declare "W" President-for-life!





Just like the Democrats in 1992, but that was ok, right???????


If you, or anyone else can't deal with the fact that the majority of voting population made a choice that you disagree with.....move to another country.


You live in america. Be thankful that you have the right to vote.

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As for the democrats, there'll be a time where the country will be forced to seriously examine policy issues such as the deficit and health care.  Yesterday wasn't the day.


Well the deficit and health care are mutually exclusive issues. If everyone wants government funded health care than you havent seen anything yet as far as budget deficit goes. Get both hands on your wallet because Uncle Sam is coming for your cash if that ever happens.

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It is said that men with small "little buddy" find independent women intimidating. This post explains everything.



No, that is just what ugly women tell themselves to make them feel better.


Besides, close your eyes, and she sounds as ugly as she looks.


Her "Laura Bush never had a real job comment" is the perfect example of what a pig she is.


I guess being a teacher, a librarian and a mother is nothing like marrying a billionaire and living off his money after he dies.


You can tell a lot about a man by looking and listening to his wife.

Better man won. :D

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No not at all. Kerry lost and I am disappointed but Bush won fair and square and I'll support him.  I just believe in equal rights. I also believe that starting a thread on the losers wife is in bad taste. If I offended you I am sorry. They have pills and pumps for your problem though, don't worry.


and this is in the Bills forum because???

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