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Let the Whitner Debate END

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Donte just posted a new video blog on his facebook page.


And not only does he drink Riesling, he does so at 1 in the afternoon.


Trade this guy. Now.


yeah trade him now, because none of us have EVER had a drink at 1 in the afternoon on a day we were not working :rolleyes:

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last time i checked the bills usually play at 1PM... man im sure theres no one who tailgates drinks before 1PM


Last time I checked the Bills don't play on Tuesday.


Who's gayer, the guy drinking reisling at 1pm, or the guy checking an NFL player's facebook page at 2:30 in the afternoon on a Tuesday?


I say it's a push.


Says the guy on a message board who obviously doesn't know anything about Facebook.


dude, his Gramma just died.


He said he was gonna get some food and fruit.


He's all good! (and he's my friend on facebook!)


Man, where'd you find a horse that high? It was a joke. :rolleyes:

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Donte just posted a new video blog on his facebook page.


And not only does he drink Riesling, he does so at 1 in the afternoon.


Trade this guy. Now.



Wow, what a brilliant analysis. Keep up the high level of posting, Cat!

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I could be wrong but I think the word, sarcasm, should be put in paranthesis because some people don't really pick up on it. That is if you were in fact trying to be sarcastic, if not, WTF are you kidding me with this post!

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Oh, I've never said "no" to a sip/glass/bottle/case of 2 Buck Chuck, my friend. Just not the Riesling variety.



When I first started drinking wine, in my late teens, and very early twenties, I drank a lot of German kabinett/spatlese/auslese wines. Not my cup-o-tea, now, but not a bad way to get introduced to wine.

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