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An Angel in Queens, "The Chicken and Rice Man


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The Angel Of Queens


Nice to read of people helping others. This man and family , certainly most committed. Something of value to read and ponder on.... imo :thumbsup:


In the beginning, Mr. Muñoz’s commitment to feeding these men was modest. Three nights a week, he stuffed each of eight brown bags with a piece of fruit, a cookie and a juice box, loaded the bags into his truck, and drove to the corner where the men congregated. Word spread, and within a year, Mr. Muñoz and his mother were churning out 15 hot dinners a night. Now they feed several dozen on a single evening.


“Once I started, I can’t go back,” he said as he headed off one recent evening. “Those guys are waiting for me. These guys, they got nothing. They live in the street. They have no family. They have no relatives, nothing. They just wait for me. And I say, ‘O.K., no problem.’”

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At times things get to seem so course and negative, it is a challenge to us all (imo) to see a rather anonymous man giving so much of himself. Each doing a good work each day, what a different that could make. :censored:


Nice story... :blink:
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To everyone reading this thinking its a nice story, and it truly is...please keep in mind that is very easy for each of us to make a difference in these tough times. I have been volunteering at the local foodbank once a week for 2-3 hours stocking the shelves(that's it!!). After this week, the organizer of our group sent us this email to put things into perspective how our small contribution can help....below is a copy of the email. I encourage you to do what you can, especially in these times, the littlest bit helps and it really does not take much effort...heck even if it is going to walmart and spending the extra 40 bucks on peanut butter, tuna fish, rice, beans and potted meat for 6. It makes you feel better and it really does help....


....and lest you think I am some wonderful person for doing this...the reason i started going was because a girl i had been 'stalking' at work was the organizer and I figured this was a good in for me....as usual, i haven't acted on it, but hey...


Hi everyone,


Just wanted to give you a real sense of the impact you are making each week at the Foodbank.


Typically we clear out 3 or 4 boxes of food per visit. Here's the breakdown:


Each box contains approx. 700 lbs. of food, so if our minimum is emptying 3 boxes, that's 2100 lbs. of food.

1 pound of food typically = 1 meal for an adult. A 1/2 pound of food typically = 1 meal for a child.

That means that our 3 hours of work each week will serve 2100 people!


And we've been helping out since the end of January (8 weeks) so that means our mighty little team has helped feed 16,800 people!


Honestly, that's just an amazing contribution of time and energy within our community. I couldn't be prouder of each of you for making the effort at such a crazy time in your life to volunteer at the Foodbank. Whether you've been there once or all 8 times, we couldn't do it without you.

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the reason i started going was because a girl i had been 'stalking' at work was the organizer and I figured this was a good in for me....as usual, i haven't acted on it, but hey...


What food bank do you work at? I'm thinking about joining and would like to ask the organizer some questions about it before I start..... :blink:

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To everyone reading this thinking its a nice story, and it truly is...please keep in mind that is very easy for each of us to make a difference in these tough times. I have been volunteering at the local foodbank once a week for 2-3 hours stocking the shelves(that's it!!). After this week, the organizer of our group sent us this email to put things into perspective how our small contribution can help....below is a copy of the email. I encourage you to do what you can, especially in these times, the littlest bit helps and it really does not take much effort...heck even if it is going to walmart and spending the extra 40 bucks on peanut butter, tuna fish, rice, beans and potted meat for 6. It makes you feel better and it really does help....


....and lest you think I am some wonderful person for doing this...the reason i started going was because a girl i had been 'stalking' at work was the organizer and I figured this was a good in for me....as usual, i haven't acted on it, but hey...



That's real nice, Pooj.


Now, ask the girl out!

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i am just not good at 'cold calling', she barely knows i exist, and if i were to man up and ask her out, and if she said no, i would never be able to go back to volunteer again....that is the way my mind works...i need a wingman...i am not good at selling myself :blink:



That's real nice, Pooj.


Now, ask the girl out!

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oh you are just so shy, no worries we are all here to assist.... :censored:


i am just not good at 'cold calling', she barely knows i exist, and if i were to man up and ask her out, and if she said no, i would never be able to go back to volunteer again....that is the way my mind works...i need a wingman...i am not good at selling myself :blink:
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i am just not good at 'cold calling', she barely knows i exist, and if i were to man up and ask her out, and if she said no, i would never be able to go back to volunteer again....that is the way my mind works...i need a wingman...i am not good at selling myself :blink:


You put too much pressure on yourself. If you volunteer with her, just say, "Hey, want to grab some coffee after we're done working here sometime?"


It's just coffee -- if she says no, she's not going to read anything more into it and you can still volunteer there. If she says yes, it's still just coffee -- but at least you can chat. :censored:


Nothing you haven't been told before though, so I'll shut up now :blink:

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No, no, he cannot fool around , has to get down to it right away..... Hi there, my name is Poojer and I am member of

"The Stadium Wall". This said with passion and emphasis, be putty in his hands... :blink:



You put too much pressure on yourself. If you volunteer with her, just say, "Hey, want to grab some coffee after we're done working here sometime?"


It's just coffee -- if she says no, she's not going to read anything more into it and you can still volunteer there. If she says yes, it's still just coffee -- but at least you can chat. :censored:


Nothing you haven't been told before though, so I'll shut up now :blink:

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oh you are just so shy, no worries we are all here to assist.... :blink:



Or scare away!





Those Leafs are getting mighty close to the good guys in the standings Mill. Maybe the Sabres better wave the white-flag and fold the tent and let the Leafs lap them in order to get a better lottery pick. :blink::blink:

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No, no, he cannot fool around , has to get down to right away..... Hi there, my name is Poojer and I am member of

"The Stadium Wall". This said with passion and emphasis, be putty in his hands... :blink:





With that pick up line, something is very likely to be "putty in his hands", but I doubt it will be the girl.

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