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Libertarian-minded people here

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Just wondering because I hope Badnarik does really well, even though I decided a month ago to fill out my absentee ballot for Bush.



I really, really wanted to vote Libertarian this year, but I found Badnarik to be more of a waffler than Kerry when interviewed.

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I really, really wanted to vote Libertarian this year, but I found Badnarik to be more of a waffler than Kerry when interviewed.



The problem I have with the Libertarian Party is that they are way too much into isolationism, a policy which is neither practical in this era of economic globalization nor safe in this era of nationless terrorist organizations.

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if you live in a contested state, vote bush

if you live in a safe state, vote badnarik



Regardless of what type of state he lives in, he should vote for who he thinks is the best candidate, regardless of outcome.

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but if he did that then you wouldn't get to be on the board so much cuz you'd be prez :D



...and a lot of people would be happy that I was not here. Of course, they would not be happy with me a Prez either, but that is a different story. :devil:

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...and a lot of people would be happy that I was not here. Of course, they would not be happy with me a Prez either, but that is a different story.  :devil:




I tried to vote for you but both the rep & dem observers saw my choice - laughed, crumpled up my ballot and tossed it in the trash.

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I tried to vote for you but both the rep & dem observers saw my choice - laughed, crumpled up my ballot and tossed it in the trash.





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yeah i tried voting for you too

i searched and searched for KRC

but the closest thing i found was KFC down the street


so i voted for badnarik and got a crispy strips meal

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I voted for Badnarik and I live in FL.


Here's the skinny: I tried to do the early voting thing 3 times at the place near work. Each time the line was way too long for my taste (3+ hours for this past Saturday). So I waited until after work today. I was prepared to wait as long as it would take (brought a book and some bottled water), but there was practically no line. I walked right up and presented my ID to some lady that probably began volunteering during the Johnson administration (Andrew not Lyndon). She was interrupted by some other old gal about not sending people to the wrong line. I signed near my name and got my "ticket".


I made my way over to the new computer booths and just sort of waited to be noticed. Methuselah's brother came over and led me to an open screen. He put the key and showed me how it worked just like he's supposed to, but he didn't take my "ticket", so I just held onto it. I was thinking to myself that there might be problems so they want you to hold it until your vote was registered. Since I had my cheat sheet with me, I was able to motor through all of the referendums and I was done in about 3 minutes. I reviewed my picks and hit the red button.


I turned around and took a couple of steps. Methuselah came over and said, "Are you all set?" I said, "Yup!" and presented my "ticket" and he starts to lead me back to the machine. That's right! I could have voted again! But my good side wouldn't let me do it and I said, "No, I just voted. I'm okay." He gave me a sheepish look and some other lady put the "I voted" sticker on me.


That's democracy in the Sunshine State. :devil:


Anyway, that's my story.

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