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The real reason why ralph kept DJ

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Where not trying to lose or where not trying to win eithier... we will not even sign a big FA i bet to help are cause... but ask urself this would you rather have a 0-16 team for 20 years straight in buffalo or no team at all... ill keep the team no matter how much they suck....ONCE UR CITY LOSES A NFL TEAM UR CITY IS NO LONGER IMPORTANT ECONOMICALLY OR IN THE EYES OF OTHER PEOPLE



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Gifted observation JBB. One simple question, since they already extended DJ and he did get us back to 7-9, what should we have done with the 3 years we owed him? I cannot remember extending a coach 3 years and firing him the same season, that would of been a first. A embarrasing first and no way it was going to happen.


We're in a recession, this team is going nowhere.


Literally and figuratively.

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then name one if they are so plentiful. Name one that has expressed any interest at all in purchasing the Bills

ummm the people directly under rogers... you think the power of that company is just gonna deflate after rogers.... by the way who is intrested in buying the bills...show me a link prove me wrong..

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ummm the people directly under rogers... you think the power of that company is just gonna deflate after rogers.... by the way who is intrested in buying the bills...show me a link prove me wrong..


So in other words, you have no clue

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in other words u havent given me anything


Only giving what I'm getting from you...a whole lotta nothing


Actually, I'll tell you what I'll give you some info and you can google the rest.


The Bills are worth 885 Million as for 2008 according to Forbes.



Now, if the Bills moved to Toronto, they can't play in the Skydome because that was just ugly its not a football stadium. You could argue they could play with the Argonauts, but that isn't likely either. So you need a new stadium.. rough cost of a NFL caliber stadium is about 700 million. So we're at about 1.6 Billion dollars already


Then the NFL has fees for relocation and what not which last I checked were about 900 million to relocate a franchise. That brings our total cost of moving to 2.5 billion dollars.


Now, google and show me some numbers of people who can afford 2.5 billion and then we can talk.

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Only giving what I'm getting from you...a whole lotta nothing


Actually, I'll tell you what I'll give you some info and you can google the rest.


The Bills are worth 885 Million as for 2008 according to Forbes.



Now, if the Bills moved to Toronto, they can't play in the Skydome because that was just ugly its not a football stadium. You could argue they could play with the Argonauts, but that isn't likely either. So you need a new stadium.. rough cost of a NFL caliber stadium is about 700 million. So we're at about 1.6 Billion dollars already


Then the NFL has fees for relocation and what not which last I checked were about 900 million to relocate a franchise. That brings our total cost of moving to 2.5 billion dollars.


Now, google and show me some numbers of people who can afford 2.5 billion and then we can talk.




k good link... Just one question why cant they play at sky dome... its what a 50,000 capacity stadium times 300 dollar ticket would be just fine for toronto and the nfl... another question to you do you think chicago, Ny, Sanfranscico, Dallas,could cough up that kind of money..probaly... Toronto is just like NY,Chi,SF,DAl fact is toronto has more of an economic boom and with the fifth biggest city in North America im sure that they could cough up the money... And by the way u didnt give me any names of the people that wanna by the bills and keep them in buffalo//O and when u were about 2.0 bill that makes no sense we dont get a bigger price tag just because somone wants to relocate us

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k good link... Just one question why cant they play at sky dome... its what a 50,000 capacity stadium times 300 dollar ticket would be just fine for toronto and the nfl... another question to you do you think chicago, Ny, Sanfranscico, Dallas,could cough up that kind of money..probaly... Toronto is just like NY,Chi,SF,DAl fact is toronto has more of an economic boom and with the fifth biggest city in North America im sure that they could cough up the money... And by the way u didnt give me any names of the people that wanna by the bills and keep them in buffalo//O and when u were about 2.0 bill that makes no sense we dont get a bigger price tag just because somone wants to relocate us

This economic downturn is a bad one!! No one is exempt from it, including the rich. This downturn is gonna last a lot longer than what people think it's going to be. I guarantee you that the downturn we are in right now is altering the plans of any future projects that anyone is considering in investing in. This recession depression what ever you want to call it could be the best thing that happened in regards to the Bills staying in Buffalo.

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This economic downturn is a bad one!! No one is exempt from it, including the rich. This downturn is gonna last a lot longer than what people think it's going to be. I guarantee you that the downturn we are in right now is altering the plans of any future projects that anyone is considering in investing in. This recession depression what ever you want to call it could be the best thing that happened in regards to the Bills staying in Buffalo.


Bring the rest of the league down to our level? :thumbsup:

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50000 is 13000 below the smallest current NFL stadium


Also, the sight lines of the skydome were created for baseball primarily and anyone who's watched a football game in a stadium not designed for it will tell you that you can get some real awkward views in a stadium like that. the KingDome in seattle was famous for this.


That is why a new stadium is necessary.


As for buyers, no one has really expressed interest one way or the other have they? Golisano is the only one who said anything thus far about making the purchase and truthfully I would prefer him not buy it because I think he would be just as bad as Wilson as the owner.


So right now from the looks of it, it will be a time consuming process even after Wilson dies, which could very well be this evening, before any type of move is made. But the numbers speak for themselves, to move the team from Buffalo is going to cost a substantial amount of money and still require League/Owners group approval before anything happens. On top of that, there are other teams in just as bad of shape financially. Personally, I see Jacksonville and the Bay area teams as the top contenders for a move along with the Bills. And don't leave out Minnesota, they are the lowest valued team in the league and could really use a new stadium as well.


So like I said, find some real info to support your thesis rather than the old run of the mill crap that gets cycled all over the net and you might get some people to really listen.

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50000 is 13000 below the smallest current NFL stadium


Also, the sight lines of the skydome were created for baseball primarily and anyone who's watched a football game in a stadium not designed for it will tell you that you can get some real awkward views in a stadium like that. the KingDome in seattle was famous for this.


That is why a new stadium is necessary.


As for buyers, no one has really expressed interest one way or the other have they? Golisano is the only one who said anything thus far about making the purchase and truthfully I would prefer him not buy it because I think he would be just as bad as Wilson as the owner.


So right now from the looks of it, it will be a time consuming process even after Wilson dies, which could very well be this evening, before any type of move is made. But the numbers speak for themselves, to move the team from Buffalo is going to cost a substantial amount of money and still require League/Owners group approval before anything happens. On top of that, there are other teams in just as bad of shape financially. Personally, I see Jacksonville and the Bay area teams as the top contenders for a move along with the Bills. And don't leave out Minnesota, they are the lowest valued team in the league and could really use a new stadium as well.


So like I said, find some real info to support your thesis rather than the old run of the mill crap that gets cycled all over the net and you might get some people to really listen.




So Mcaffe Collesium and Pro player stadium are not baseball stadiums?

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yes jacksonville sucks... but u r crazy to say that r stadium sucks... watching a game in ATL is like watching a game i a movie theater.. so how does r stadium suck



JAX stadium is a boring concrete pit with ZERO atmosphere. nothing around it and tailgating sux.


Nobody was claiming that the GA dome was great btw...

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Both are football stadiums that can be configured for baseball. Ever go to baseball game at one of those?


no but ive been to skydome for a jays game my favorite team.. anyway yes The USA has alot of econmonical problems.. But last time i checked toronto was in CaNADA.... Even though they have some tough economical issues there dollar is worth double then ours. I love the Bills and would probaly die if they moved.... So what do u guys think could keep the bills in buffalo forever..input please

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Yes you are correct kinda....... Jacksonville is a rapidly growing city and has a stable economy.. The reason why the super bowl will be here again because the NFL loves to see a small city like jacksonville put on a super bowl.. and by the time we get another super bowl we will deff have enough hotels and night life..... And for LA,Besides the differences in population, jacksonville and LA are the same type of football city... There both college crazy.. they dont care about NFL because they already have proffesional teams... Univ of Florida, and USC... I went to the same high school as team tebow so when a local kid is playing football on saturday(this goes for LA to) they would rather go see a game on saturday than sunday...... and really who has the time to see two games in two days

Isnt Jax the largest city in the US per sq mile?

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no but ive been to skydome for a jays game my favorite team.. anyway yes The USA has alot of econmonical problems.. But last time i checked toronto was in CaNADA.... Even though they have some tough economical issues there dollar is worth double then ours. I love the Bills and would probaly die if they moved.... So what do u guys think could keep the bills in buffalo forever..input please




Double check your exchange rates genius


The economic downturn is not just a US thing, its a global thing.


As for watching a baseball game and a football game at the skydome, they are two completely different things. The skydome is designed to watch baseball where the majority of the action takes place in one corner of the field.

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So Mcaffe Collesium and Pro player stadium are not baseball stadiums?


Pro Player Stadium is NOT a baseball stadium. It is a football stadium that people were stupid enough to house a baseball team in. It is not even remotely suited for baseball and that (combined with zero local interest) has shown in attendance figures.

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