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I can't say I've ever seen a show go with a cliff hanger ending that was so intentionally obvious. Sure, there's some question as to what Renee did and whether or not Jack will live, but we all know what happened. She tortured him and he'll live. I like it.

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I was really hoping for zombie Edgar, but I was happy with that show yesterday. The wrap up on the Tony storyline seemed fair. It fit in pretty well with some of his reckless actions in the past attempting to save Michelle. I'm glad Jack didn't kill him at the end, because there are so few links remaining from the original season. They need to hold on to as much as they can. I'm sure we'll see him again in season 8, but who knows how they'll bring him back.


I really wish they had sorted out the whole deal with the first family earlier in the show. I didn't want to deal with that crap in the final 15 minutes. But anyway, it was good to see a little David Palmer in the president.

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All in all, it was a great season, but I was disappointed with all the cliffhangers.


Jack - The Muslim thing was cool, and as of now, I think next season will be his last. It will be interesting to see if the stem cell actually saves him or just prolongs his life for a few days.


Kim - I wish she had died. Only Kim would be stupid enough to follow the guy with a gun through that door. Again, I wish he would've killed her.


Agent Walker - Jack definitely rubbed off on her and she's got a new mindset. We'll have to wait and see what goes down with her and Allen.


Tony - I really liked the explanation to all of Tony's action. He even did a little acting in his last scene! (Thats' for you, Dean)


First Family - Somewhat drawn out, but it'll be interesting to see how much Henry tries to get Olivia off the hook. I wish she would've been killed, too.


Chloe and Janice - I really thought Chloe was going to do something crazy to finish off the season, but it didn't happen...yet. She may do something unexpected in the next season. I wish Janice would've been killed, too.


Agent Pearce - He's still the man.

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Kim - I wish she had died. Only Kim would be stupid enough to follow the guy with a gun through that door. Again, I wish he would've killed her.


There were dead security guards all over. How about picking up a gun or two off the ground, before pursuing?



Tony - I really liked the explanation to all of Tony's action. He even did a little acting in his last scene! (Thats' for you, Dean)



Very, very little. Keanu Reeves is an actor extraordinaire compared to that mook.

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There were dead security guards all over. How about picking up a gun or two off the ground, before pursuing?


Not only that, she went over and checked on one of them. How did she not grab his gun and/or radio?


I like how Tony yelled "what about Terri" to Jack as he was being dragged off. Ummm, Tony, Jack murdered Nina in cold blood. He got his revenge.

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I've heard speculation that Season 8 will begin right where Season 7 left off. I don't know -- it seems like a bed-ridden Jack Bauer (he'd presumably be recovering from the stem cell treatment) wouldn't make for a very exciting 24.


I've also heard that next season will be set in NYC (which would seem to contradict the above scenario).


Kind of glad that Tony is still alive, and Pierce is one solid ass mofo.

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I've heard speculation that Season 8 will begin right where Season 7 left off. I don't know -- it seems like a bed-ridden Jack Bauer (he'd presumably be recovering from the stem cell treatment) wouldn't make for a very exciting 24.


I've also heard that next season will be set in NYC (which would seem to contradict the above scenario).


Kind of glad that Tony is still alive, and Pierce is one solid ass mofo.


I was under the impression that the NY thing has been confirmed, complete with a restart for CTU.

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I was under the impression that the NY thing has been confirmed, complete with a restart for CTU.


word i have read stories/rumors of a NYC season 8


I think that was the most "bittersweet" season yet.... i love how they brought back Kim, i like how agent walker is becoming Jack's protege, They did a good job tying in Tony's actions and randomness... i half way expected something to happen to chloe or morris (or their child) all season long and nothing happened,


Tony was the real wild card all season he was tough to predict but somehow in the end it all made sense and seemed "somewhat" logical... maybe... at least as best as they could explain his actions


Jack will be back....

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