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Boycott the Patriots Game

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I've said this before pipe, you need to stop passing it, because you need all the drugs you can get. We are talking about insulting the 90 year old owner of an NFL franchise here. In case you lost count or can't count, there are only 32 NFL franchises in the United States, and plenty of cities who have never had a team that would pay Wilson anything he demanded to finally get one. Go ahead and pull this fantasy off. Get your full page ad out, drive out to the stadium, and all 73,000 of you morons stay out of the stadium for the entire New England game. Ralph Wilson will have the moving trucks in the parking lot faster then you can get your drunken asses out of them. Half the office furniture will be loaded up for Los Angeles before the Patriots board the plane back for Boston.


This is man that holds grudges for 40 years, as proven by the fact that Lou Saban's name is still not on the wall yet, is it? If this silly idea became a realty, believe me, you would never have to worry about who the next coach of the Buffalo Bills will be, because there will be no Buffalo Bills for the 2009 season.



Or we can keep putting up with this sh-- and they'll move anyways. Difference is that the writing is on the wall already that they might be going. We as fans have been loyal to Ralph and these Bills to no end and we get repaid with a "HOME GAME" where there are more Dolphans then Bills fans. He has disgraced us and himself. If you want to walk on eggshells in hopes that you can save the team by paying for crap then go right ahead. Some like to use their rights to speak up.


This Idea is just as silly as the idea to keep selling out the stadium for a bunch of losers. Wait, in fact this idea is a lot better than that one.

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Doing a walk out at the end of the first quarter is what you need to do as well......

The Bengals tried this a few years back and it really hasn't turned that organization around. Probably more effective to sell our tickets to the smug Patsie scumbags. Have a whole stadium filled with the opponents fans, talk about embarrassing. I would never do it, I'd rather eat my tickets, but it would send a message...

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I've said this before pipe, you need to stop passing it, because you need all the drugs you can get. We are talking about insulting the 90 year old owner of an NFL franchise here. In case you lost count or can't count, there are only 32 NFL franchises in the United States, and plenty of cities who have never had a team that would pay Wilson anything he demanded to finally get one. Go ahead and pull this fantasy off. Get your full page ad out, drive out to the stadium, and all 73,000 of you morons stay out of the stadium for the entire New England game. Ralph Wilson will have the moving trucks in the parking lot faster then you can get your drunken asses out of them. Half the office furniture will be loaded up for Los Angeles before the Patriots board the plane back for Boston.


This is man that holds grudges for 40 years, as proven by the fact that Lou Saban's name is still not on the wall yet, is it? If this silly idea became a realty, believe me, you would never have to worry about who the next coach of the Buffalo Bills will be, because there will be no Buffalo Bills for the 2009 season.


Brilliant VJ - I could not agree with you more. My only suggestion is that I'm one of the season ticket holders so I'll excuse myself from the moron comment. That said, 2 things...first, I said I was a season ticket holder. That's done as of 2008. I live over an hour from the stadium and to drive to Buffalo to see a bunch of animals in the parking lots and sub-par product on the field...well let's just say it isn't worth it. Hey we all have a choice. Second, I am going to (legally) sell my ticket to someone...anyone...at a loss. I have a pretty good inclination that there are PLENTY of Patriots fans out there who wouldn't mind sitting in the 200s, under cover, with a game that matters on the line, pick apart the Bills on both sides of the ball. Now, that's an easy choice.

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And to help introduce you to just a little more reality, here pipe, try to understand this: If you are disgusted with the Bills, just stop watching them play. When I started cheering for the Bills, they were 1-12-1 that season, and the fans were calling for Wilson's head then.....and that was in freakin' 1968. All teams go through bad times. Remember how the Bills used to beat up on the Colts and Pats twice a year for the entire decade of the 90's?? Jim Kelly and Marv Levy owned the Dolphins. Every year the Bills went 3-1 or 4-0 against the NFC, and 7-1 or 8-0 at home? So for the past 9 years it's been bad. So what? That's what being a fan is all about. We love them when they win, we hate them when they lose, but we never drive them out of town, you idiot!! Keep bitching, I am. Write letters, I do. Voice your opinion. But when you start talking about organizing ugly scene's like keeping fans out of the stadium that may want to go despite how bad the team is, then you are talking about sending the message to the organization that they either win or else. Since it is impossible for any team to win every single year, that organization will simply go to a city that appreciates them.



Didn't it feel like a slap in the face to hear "LET"S GO DOLPHINS" at a Bills home game? I heard it from my TV, it was so loud! Since you've been a fan since 1968 please tell me how many times that has happened? I wanted to throw up when I heard that. I guess you just shrug it off.

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Brilliant VJ - I could not agree with you more. My only suggestion is that I'm one of the season ticket holders so I'll excuse myself from the moron comment. That said, 2 things...first, I said I was a season ticket holder. That's done as of 2008. I live over an hour from the stadium and to drive to Buffalo to see a bunch of animals in the parking lots and sub-par product on the field...well let's just say it isn't worth it. Hey we all have a choice. Second, I am going to (legally) sell my ticket to someone...anyone...at a loss. I have a pretty good inclination that there are PLENTY of Patriots fans out there who wouldn't mind sitting in the 200s, under cover, with a game that matters on the line, pick apart the Bills on both sides of the ball. Now, that's an easy choice.


Come to think of it, I will probably have a tough time selling my tickets to a Pats fan...competition will be fierce. I will join the same group who unloads tickets for Sabres/Leafs games and have the joint fill up with 40% of Leafs fans. Only in the 716 would you see this...

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The Bengals tried this a few years back and it really hasn't turned that organization around. Probably more effective to sell our tickets to the smug Patsie scumbags. Have a whole stadium filled with the opponents fans, talk about embarrassing. I would never do it, I'd rather eat my tickets, but it would send a message...


How did that match up with their playoff run? Because up until last year the Bengals were contenders for a couple of years.

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And to help introduce you to just a little more reality, here pipe, try to understand this: If you are disgusted with the Bills, just stop watching them play. When I started cheering for the Bills, they were 1-12-1 that season, and the fans were calling for Wilson's head then.....and that was in freakin' 1968. All teams go through bad times. Remember how the Bills used to beat up on the Colts and Pats twice a year for the entire decade of the 90's?? Jim Kelly and Marv Levy owned the Dolphins. Every year the Bills went 3-1 or 4-0 against the NFC, and 7-1 or 8-0 at home? So for the past 9 years it's been bad. So what? That's what being a fan is all about. We love them when they win, we hate them when they lose, but we never drive them out of town, you idiot!! Keep bitching, I am. Write letters, I do. Voice your opinion. But when you start talking about organizing ugly scene's like keeping fans out of the stadium that may want to go despite how bad the team is, then you are talking about sending the message to the organization that they either win or else. Since it is impossible for any team to win every single year, that organization will simply go to a city that appreciates them.

VJ91 - I pay respect to the emotional and time investment you have placed in this organization - truly a feat to be admired, however, if you think that attending games with the lowest ticket prices in the NFL will keep the team in WNY, you might be the one in need of some chemical sedation. As it stands, I think everyone knows, but have to varying degrees, not yet come to grips with it, this team has better than a coin toss's chance to be in another city in 2012. Maybe this is the right time to finally stand up as a group and call Ralph on it. Look, I know he is the owner and can (and will) do whatever he wants, however when is enough enough? Ralph knows he is pushing an inferior product down the cumulative pie hole of WNY, but he has no problems with it because he knows you will lap it up.


In the end - Ralph himself will never move the team (too old and too much time invested), that fate will be determined by the new owners and the league itself. That said, maybe the time is right to let the whole the Bills Nation to show a display of their dissatisfaciton with a naitonal spotlight on it once and for all. It it miraculous what a bunch of people can do when they band together...Just ask King George III

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VJ91 - I pay respect to the emotional and time investment you have placed in this organization - truly a feat to be admired, however, if you think that attending games with the lowest ticket prices in the NFL will keep the team in WNY, you might be the one in need of some chemical sedation. As it stands, I think everyone knows, but have to varying degrees, not yet come to grips with it, this team has better than a coin toss's chance to be in another city in 2012. Maybe this is the right time to finally stand up as a group and call Ralph on it. Look, I know he is the owner and can (and will) do whatever he wants, however when is enough enough? Ralph knows he is pushing an inferior product down the cumulative pie hole of WNY, but he has no problems with it because he knows you will lap it up.


In the end - Ralph himself will never move the team (too old and too much time invested), that fate will be determined by the new owners and the league itself. That said, maybe the time is right to let the whole the Bills Nation to show a display of their dissatisfaciton with a naitonal spotlight on it once and for all. It it miraculous what a bunch of people can do when they band together...Just ask King George III




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In all good concience, I could not support a boycott or a walk-out. We go to games to show our support of the team. To me, that means the players. I don't go to support the owner, the coaches or the water boy.


Sorry, but when my team (the players) run onto that field to play hard under ridiculous coaching, I thnk that most of our players are doing their best and I want them to know that we support them.


It's kinda like being against the Iraq war but still sending care packages and supporting the troops.

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In all good concience, I could not support a boycott or a walk-out. We go to games to show our support of the team. To me, that means the players. I don't go to support the owner, the coaches or the water boy.


Sorry, but when my team (the players) run onto that field to play hard under ridiculous coaching, I thnk that most of our players are doing their best and I want them to know that we support them.


It's kinda like being against the Iraq war but still sending care packages and supporting the troops.



Doesn't it seem to you though that a lot of them have quit on us too? They are not like our troops. They get millions and millions of dollars whether we show or not. Soldiers get paid squat to risk their lives.

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In all good concience, I could not support a boycott or a walk-out. We go to games to show our support of the team. To me, that means the players. I don't go to support the owner, the coaches or the water boy.


Sorry, but when my team (the players) run onto that field to play hard under ridiculous coaching, I thnk that most of our players are doing their best and I want them to know that we support them.


It's kinda like being against the Iraq war but still sending care packages and supporting the troops.

AussieW - I sincerely understand your post, however I believe that the players are equally dissatisfied with the current structure. We now have locker room turmoil and player dissatisfaction - Ask Fred jackson how he is feeling today? How long before we cannot lure any player to this organization...or worse, retain our own talent? Undoubtedly, there will be some collateral damage, but players want to be on a winning team - Buffalo is an afterthought.

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Sorry, I got carried away by calling everyone morons. In fact, I would feel bad for the season ticket holders who will go to games no matter what the Bills' record is, the families and fans without season tickets, and the dis-advantaged kids who go to games every week, some paid for by the players, and the younger fans who are just starting to become Bills fans, if pipe's idea gains momentum and becomes a crazy reality. I personally know some fans that are going no matter what. They would get mocked and possibly treated worse by the boycotters, and that would turn ugly fast with the alcohol flowling freely in the lots.


And when it would be all said and done and the arrests made, Wilson would have the perfect excuse to finally leave after staying all these years.....dumb dumb dumb.


You know, I may go just for the entertainment value of it all - the crowd entertainment value, that is. Your points about the boycotters is right on though...it can and will degenerate fast. Don't worry though - my guess is that most of the 'fans' are like a mob riot - lots of noise and pretty scary, but poorly organized and inept with communication and actual planning and execution. In the end they look dumb, classless, and like the laughing stocks they are.


The Wall Street Journal recently had an article about the Eagles fans...ever since they opened their new stadium, the arrests are down and the behavior has been vastly improved. It was handled through having more security, more intolerance, and a modest but fair increase in the ticket prices. The article went on to mention the laggards of the NFL...you guessed it - BILLS FANS. They said the baton was passed...rightly so.

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AussieW - I sincerely understand your post, however I believe that the players are equally dissatisfied with the current structure. We now have locker room turmoil and player dissatisfaction - Ask Fred jackson how he is feeling today? How long before we cannot lure any player to this organization...or worse, retain our own talent? Undoubtedly, there will be some collateral damage, but players want to be on a winning team - Buffalo is an afterthought.


Kawika Mitchell is on the record stating he doesn't care where he plays...as long as he gets paid. Trust me, while the players are disappointed, they are not even close to being as frustrated as the average fan is.

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AussieW - I sincerely understand your post, however I believe that the players are equally dissatisfied with the current structure. We now have locker room turmoil and player dissatisfaction - Ask Fred jackson how he is feeling today? How long before we cannot lure any player to this organization...or worse, retain our own talent? Undoubtedly, there will be some collateral damage, but players want to be on a winning team - Buffalo is an afterthought.


I agree KH. Our players are competitive. They may get paid millions of dollars (some of them), but they WANT TO WIN. Anyone who would suggest that those players run out on the field not caring if they win or lose doesn't understand the heart of an athlete. They know there are lots of problems with management, coaching, and a few players who are just not that good. But they are powerless to fix it. I'm surprised that so many of them are trying to keep their frustrations under wraps - that shows a lot of class IMHO. I would imagine it's very difficult for them to get motivated now especially with no passion coming from the coaching staff and no true leadership on the field (sorry Trent supporters - I still don't think either Trent or JP is our QB of the future).

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Yeah I heard it, and it pissed me off too. But perception is reality. Wilson and Brandon have decided that Toronto is the only way to keep the Bills in Buffalo for the forseeable future or until Wilson dies. Or, they are just cashing in on easy money. Either way, that unfortunately is our reality, whether we accept it or not. So yes, I do shrug it off, because I still like cheering for the Buffalo Bills, and I won't cheer for the Toronto Bills or Los Angeles Bills or who ever else they become if and when they move. And as for your question about how many other times the away team cheered more loudly then us at a Bills home game since 1968? Exactly zero.


And I still think trying to completely boycott a home NFL game is a dumb idea.



I see your loyalty and respect it. I am very loyal myself, almost to a fault. I will never root for another team as long as I live. But why? I love football and I love the Bills but they seem to be okay with our misery. I say they as the FO BTW.


What happened Sun. was disgusting. It felt as though we were cheated on. A statement should be made, we can't stay mindless drones.


Buffalo Bill fans = William H Macy's character in Boogie Nights. Eventually somethings gotta give.

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I've said this before pipe, you need to stop passing it, because you need all the drugs you can get. We are talking about insulting the 90 year old owner of an NFL franchise here. In case you lost count or can't count, there are only 32 NFL franchises in the United States, and plenty of cities who have never had a team that would pay Wilson anything he demanded to finally get one. Go ahead and pull this fantasy off. Get your full page ad out, drive out to the stadium, and all 73,000 of you morons stay out of the stadium for the entire New England game. Ralph Wilson will have the moving trucks in the parking lot faster then you can get your drunken asses out of them. Half the office furniture will be loaded up for Los Angeles before the Patriots board the plane back for Boston.


This is man that holds grudges for 40 years, as proven by the fact that Lou Saban's name is still not on the wall yet, is it? If this silly idea became a realty, believe me, you would never have to worry about who the next coach of the Buffalo Bills will be, because there will be no Buffalo Bills for the 2009 season.



That's the point, let him/them go. I don't care to support a losing product anymore. If a guy with about a billion dollars of equity can't figure a way to put a better product on the field then let somebody else have a shot, even if they reside in LA, where I live by the way. You appear to be content with a low budget product and perpetual losing seasons, what does that say about your mental state? I can tell you that you would never get through an interview with me. Further, you are the one that has a drug problem if you need this pathetic organization as your security blanket. Do yourself a favor and go watch the UB Football Program instead, an organization that is committed to improving and maybe you'll get the point.

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Kawika Mitchell is on the record stating he doesn't care where he plays...as long as he gets paid. Trust me, while the players are disappointed, they are not even close to being as frustrated as the average fan is.

Wow - I did not hear/read/see that one...If I had a Mitchell Jersey, I owuld toss it when I got home...that's a shameful comment for an athlete to make...

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I don't think paying the cheapest prices in the NFL will keep the team in Buffalo. I don't think the Bills will be here after Wilson dies any more then you do. But I'm still a Buffalo Bills fan, and like rooting for the Buffalo Bills. You and Bills Nation rise up and pull off this stupid idea, and you are risking Wilson getting pissed off and taking the team out of town sooner then it has to happen. That is my one and only point. But hey, go nuts and have fun with it. I'll watch on ESPN like the rest of the football loving nation.

I mean no offense of course, but by your own admission, they are not recipricating the love you are bestowing upon them, who are you rooting for? This is akin to buying a diamond ring for your girl who is already making hay with the guy up the street...she is as good as gone, let her leave. Along this same train of thought, you are afraid to piss off RW with the outcome of him perhaps moving the team (a foregone conclusion to many already including yourself)....so you find your girl in bed with the poolboy, but you say nothing for fear she may leave you? Does this make any sense? Have some pride in yourself man.


Look, I don't care if people up and leave or drink in the lot the whole, game, but what I am advocating is being honest with the organization and yourselves - if you are happy merely being able to attend a game and cheering for a team because it is from Buffalo - be happy with that, but stop bitching about the quality.

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I don't think paying the cheapest prices in the NFL will keep the team in Buffalo. I don't think the Bills will be here after Wilson dies any more then you do. But I'm still a Buffalo Bills fan, and like rooting for the Buffalo Bills. You and Bills Nation rise up and pull off this stupid idea, and you are risking Wilson getting pissed off and taking the team out of town sooner then it has to happen. That is my one and only point. But hey, go nuts and have fun with it. I'll watch on ESPN like the rest of the football loving nation.



VJ91, you are motivating me even more! I am a big game hunter and would love to put Mr. Wilson's head over my fire place! I am going to establish a PO Box to collect the proceeds to fund the ad in the Buffalo News, extra proceeds will be donated to the Children's Hospital. Can you imagine Mr. Wilson's hate list: Lou Saben, Bill Polian, Tom Donahoe, and Pass-the-Pipe!

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