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What's a couple trillion among friends


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How can you compare the negatvity towards a president who is leaving office less popular than Nixon with irrational negativity towards a week old President-elect who was just given a clear mandate by the country?


C'mon, people were complaining about Bush the same way before he even took office. Not saying they weren't right and a lot had to do with the election debacle that year, but it did occur.

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That's actually not how the $700B is going to be used. The mechanics of the bailout were discussed here a lot a while back, if you want to use the search function...




...he says, as though it's going to make any difference.

You are correct that the $700B was not meant to be used to buy things. It was meant to used for loans to free up capital. That's why this story is so f---in' crazy. These banks are violating the agreement by a) not using the bailout money for loans, b) using that money instead to buy up failed banks, and c) using those failed banks for illegal tax write-offs. Thereby hosing the taxpayers doubly.


Of course that's what you get when you give a Treasury secretary with heavy Wall Street connections unlimited power. He's going to watch out for his buddies first. So do we feel like we've been screwed over yet? We gave Wall Street $700B plus hundreds of billions more in tax breaks, etc. and the economy is still tanking because these a**holes, like AIG, are still using our money to line their pockets.


Again. I will never understand why conservatives who get all cranked about welfare, don't have steam coming out of their ears over this!



...he says as if anyone will pay attention.



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