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Hey NBC..........

Special K

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Anyone know where video of the game will be availabe (if at all?). I haven't missed watching a down since 1987 when I was 13 yrs old and it just feels wrong. I can't relate to any of the stats because I only got to see about 45% of the game. Talk about frustration!

NFL Network will probably air it, since they were recording.


DirecTV also has a "Shortcuts" program where they cut each game down to 30 minutes -- every play, just without the filler in between.

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NFL Network will probably air it, since they were recording.


DirecTV also has a "Shortcuts" program where they cut each game down to 30 minutes -- every play, just without the filler in between.


I just watched DirecTV's "Shortcuts" of the Bills/Chargers. It was missing all the video from the power outage. It just had a note saying something about the power outage causing footage to be missing. I was pretty dissapointed.


Great game though! Trent is the real deal! :angry:

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Tell John Madden to take the rest of the year off. I know I'm stating the obvious, but the Michaels/Collinsworth combo is much easier to listen to...even though the game is a real stinker.


I've always liked Collinsworth and Esiason as color guys or breaking down "tape". They rank up there with Jaws.

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Keith Olberman has some of the most solid and lucid political takes on TV. Hating on his sports reporting because of his politics? That classifies one as an idiot (and probably redneck, pro-war Palin supporting fool).


Oh, great game BTW. If we go 2-1 over the next three, talk switches to SB, not just playoffs. What a year.


Anyone know where video of the game will be availabe (if at all?). I haven't missed watching a down since 1987 when I was 13 yrs old and it just feels wrong. I can't relate to any of the stats because I only got to see about 45% of the game. Talk about frustration!


You forgot the 25 in your username.

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I just watched DirecTV's "Shortcuts" of the Bills/Chargers. It was missing all the video from the power outage. It just had a note saying something about the power outage causing footage to be missing. I was pretty dissapointed.


Great game though! Trent is the real deal! :angry:


Really? Wow, surprising since they showed some video from the power outages on the broadcast yesterday. Just assumed they were recording everything, but I guess not. :thumbsup:

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Really? Wow, surprising since they showed some video from the power outages on the broadcast yesterday. Just assumed they were recording everything, but I guess not. :angry:


It was recorded. Other stations didn't get the footage though as they weren't able to record the live CBS feed. I'm sure they'll all get it eventually.

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Keith Olbermann went to college at Cornell. While there, he was a member of the radio station WVBR. On WVBR he invented and hosted a show called Sports Roundup. The show is still around today and I am the current host of it. As part of a campaign to run for sports director at the station next year, I thought a good initiative would be to get in contact with Mr. Olbermann and try to convince him to do a phone-in interview on the show. (WVBR keeps good tabs on all its alumni so finding him wasn't so hard) After a grueling process of having a multitude of conversations with his underlings because apparently he just doesn't like answering phones, I convinced them to put me on with Olbermann himself. This is how the conversation went.


Me: Hello Mr. Olbermann, my name is Jay Sage and I'm with WVBR sports. I host Sports Roundup and I was wondering if you could take some time out of your schedule for a short phone interview. The show is Sundays at 7.


Keith: I'm going to stop you right there. I bailed you as*holes in 97 with the understanding you wouldn't bother me anymore. If your general manager had you call me, he can go to hell.


Then he hung up. What he was referring to was a large donation he gave in 1997 which bailed the station out of some hard financial times.


I couldn't believe how much of a complete dick he was to me. It seems Keith has forgotten his roots. ESPN and (to some extent) WVBR made him what he is, and now he is a pure and unadulterated as*hole to both. He can go to hell.

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