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Don't blame the players blame the coaches...


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There is only one reason why the Bills lost today and that is conservative play calling on both defense and offense. There are a few indications of this.


1) DB's playing 10 yards off the WR's. No Jamming at the line. This means the coaches decided they didn't want to give up the big play and keep everything in front of them. It's like they were playing prevent defense the whole game.


2) Not much blitzing from LB's, CB's and safeties. the front 4 could not get consistent pressure on their own. Any decent QB with good WR's and time would have put up Warner numbers today.


3) 3rd and 5 elect to run? Was it coincidence that the run play put the ball in the middle of the field?



There is only one starter who deserves to be benched and that is Melvin Fowler. I believe he is the sole reason why the pass protection and the run blocking is poor.

One quality the defensive coaching staff must have is the ability to adjust and take away or at least offset what is working for the opposing offense. I didn't see much, if any of that, in the game. Warner, for the most part, was blissfully passing away like it was a non-contact scrimmage. I didn't see much evidence of Fewell making adjustments to the defensive alignment to either put pressure on Warner or apply tighter coverage to the receivers. It seemed that the Bills felt their defensive scheme would work if they just stuck to it. Instead, they got stuck.


Even if Edwards had not been injured, the defense allowed way too many points and lost the time of posession by nearly 13 minutes. Not too many teams are going to win a game under that scenario.

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Yes, play the style that had us 4-0 ! I'm disappointed in the conservative attitudes lately. Play wide open guys !

But thats not going to always work against every game. Different teams need different adjustments. Thats why they need to watch game film of what worked against the opponent and what didn't and try to do what worked against them more. The Bills defence obviously didn't watch last weeks Jets Cards game cause then they would have known that pressure on Warner would make him turn the ball over, and that they can be a very dangerous team on offence if they sit back and try to let the Cards beat them

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But thats not going to always work against every game. Different teams need different adjustments. Thats why they need to watch game film of what worked against the opponent and what didn't and try to do what worked against them more. The Bills defence obviously didn't watch last weeks Jets Cards game cause then they would have known that pressure on Warner would make him turn the ball over, and that they can be a very dangerous team on offence if they sit back and try to let the Cards beat them


And that is disappointing that they didn't game plan properly or make adjustments when it wasn't working.

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There is only one reason why the Bills lost today and that is conservative play calling on both defense and offense. There are a few indications of this.


I respectfully disagree.


It wasn't the coaches that lined up offsides and took stupid penalties at stupid times.

It wasn't the coaches that held onto the ball too long and took stupid sacks.

It wasn't the coaches that couldn't tackle.

It wasn't the coaches that couldn't block.


While there may be some underlying game planning that contributed to the loss, this loss was all about the lack of execution.

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I respectfully disagree.


It wasn't the coaches that lined up offsides and took stupid penalties at stupid times.

It wasn't the coaches that held onto the ball too long and took stupid sacks.

It wasn't the coaches that couldn't tackle.

It wasn't the coaches that couldn't block.


While there may be some underlying game planning that contributed to the loss, this loss was all about the lack of execution.


41 points allowed outweighs any of the points you just mentioned which was the heart of my original post. Tackling wasn't an issue that i saw.

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And that is disappointing that they didn't game plan properly or make adjustments when it wasn't working.

That was one of my biggest complaints about the game. We all saw what worked last week against the Cards in the jets game. We have all seen that pressuring Warner turns him into a turnover machine. It seems like the defence and the coaches went into the game thinking they were smarter then everyone else cause the defence was ranked so high that they could just come in and do what they have done to this point, instead of adjusting to neutralise the strengths of the opponent. They put no pressure on Warner, and decided that they prefered the idea of letting him try and beat them, something that if given time, he will do

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41 points allowed outweighs any of the points you just mentioned which was the heart of my original post. Tackling wasn't an issue that i saw.

Take out the part about the sacks, and the points he made were all reasons why they were able to put up 41 on the Bills so easily. Missed Tackles, missed blocks, stupid penalties, they all made it easier for the Cards offence to score easily. The Bills defence finally stops the Cards offence and keeps them in the game by forcing the FG, and Jenkins has the stupid penalty giving the Cards 4 more tries in the Red Zone for 7 instead of getting out of it with only 3 and still being in the game

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