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[closed]The TRENT BOWL


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Posted by Mike Florio on September 23, 2008, 12:09 p.m.


As Rams coach Scott Linehan sees his football life flashing before his eyes, he’s doing the one thing that any coach can do to try to save his butt.


He’s changing quarterbacks.


Adam Schefter of NFL Network reports that the Rams have benched Marc Bulger, and that he’ll be replaced by Trent Green.


Last year, the Rams made the same move at a time when Bulger was nursing broken ribs. This time around, Bulger is healthy.


Ironically, the guy who replaced Bulger last year was Gus Frerotte, who last week became the starter in Minnesota after Tarvaris Jackson was benched.


It’s a far bigger deal in St. Louis, where Bulger received a six-year, $65 million deal in 2007 after missing a day or so of training camp. Roughly 14 months later, Bulger has been yanked from the lineup.


The move is surprising but not shocking. Linehan can’t worry about whether the Rams get a return on their investment in Bulger; Linehan needs to win games or he’ll be gone.


Meanwhile, Green has regained the gig that he had in 1999, until a preseason hit to the knee from Rodney Harrison opened the door for the ascension of Kurt Warner and the rest of the Greatest Showoffs on Turf.

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