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Red Sox take Game 1, 11-9


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Man, if all the games in this World Series is going to be like this, my heart is not going to take it.


"Good" start for the Sox. Strange how quickly Wakefield lost it tonight. Francona jinxed him during the between inning interview! Better hope Foulke's arm doesn't fall off.

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Man, if all the games in this World Series is going to be like this, my heart is not going to take it.



Mine either...I'm dying here....whew!


3 to go! :devil:

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Boston throws its worst starter and he gets rocked. The Red Sox defense looks like complete crap. The Cardinals score nine runs and don't make an error.


And the Red Sox win. I'd say you guys are in great shape. The pressure was on St. Louis to win the first game. For one, they had to cool off Boston, which just beat the Yankees four straight. More importantly, now the Cards face Schilling and Pedro. Advantage Boston. Then again, that's why you play the games. I just think the Cards needed Game 1 and they didn't get it done. Top of the eighth...bases loaded and one out with two of their better hitters coming up and they didn't take the lead. They will be thinking about that for a while.

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Boston throws its worst starter and he gets rocked. The Red Sox defense looks like complete crap. The Cardinals score nine runs and don't make an error.


And the Red Sox win. I'd say you guys are in great shape. The pressure was on St. Louis to win the first game. For one, they had to cool off Boston, which just beat the Yankees four straight. More importantly, now the Cards face Schilling and Pedro. Advantage Boston. Then again, that's why you play the games. I just think the Cards needed Game 1 and they didn't get it done. Top of the eighth...bases loaded and one out with two of their better hitters coming up and they didn't take the lead. They will be thinking about that for a while.



Cards DID make an error. Renteria's error on Varitek's grounder in the 8th which was then followed by Bellhorn's go ahead HR that made the difference.


You could argue that the ball that hurt Womack could have been an error.


Anyone know his status?

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Man, if all the games in this World Series is going to be like this, my heart is not going to take it.



Hey T-Bone and the rest of you Sox fans....did your heart skip a beat when Manny misplayed that ball in left? The error was one thing, but for a second I thought his knee was going to buckle.

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Cards DID make an error.  Renteria's error on Varitek's grounder in the 8th which was then followed by Bellhorn's go ahead HR that made the difference.


You could argue that the ball that hurt Womack could have been an error.


Anyone know his status?



I think they called Varitek's ball a hit. With Varitek's lack of speed, Renteria might have thrown him out had he fielded it cleanly. Could have been scored either way. Ortiz smoked that ball that hurt Womack. That was definitely a hit. If he fields it cleanly, it may have been a doubleplay and would have prevented a run, but like I said, that's definitely a hit. He scorched it and it took a weird hop.

Just saw the graphic on SportsCenter. Looks like they did call an error on Renteria. My mistake.

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Good opener to the Fall Classic. Neither team covered themselves in glory tonight. Even though 20 runs were scored, many more were left on the field.


Both teams like they were hung over from the LCSes. Looking for a well-pitched, more clean game played tomorrow night!

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Both teams like they were hung over from the LCSes. Looking for a well-pitched, more clean game played tomorrow night! 


mike, i believe shilling will dominate tomorrow I only saw the first inning and innings 8 and 9 (see my computer saga thread for details on why i didn't watch the game). What i did see was a great STL team that ran into destiny. The sox seem to just take whatever's thrown at them and they find a way to win. Hopefully that Dr. will put in his 4 stitches and life will be great. Well, except for a patriots loss tomorrow.


Go sox, go jets, and GO BILLS!

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I agree the Sox are in good position. A win tonight is huge as when they go to St. Louis they are pitching Pedro, Lowe, and Wakefield. Should be a great series. But you Sox fans should be happy you played defense like crap, your pitching staff was exposed by a good hitting team (not a Yankee team that went up to the plate flailing away) and you still win. Should give you guys confidence!

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Hey folks...with Schilling and Morris starting tonight, does anything think these teams can again collectively put a lot of runs on the board? The ova/unda is 10 1/2. Last night's game it was 11 1/2 and I opted to ignore the bet. Will this series be slugfest hell...and more importantly, do you think the Cards can hit Schilling?

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