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A little game to make it to 5:00- just add


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takes him to the food court, to buy one of those giant pretzels, ya know aunt millies or whatever... Bum's son orders 108 pretzels....



without salt. This really ticks off the counter staff causing...



Bum & Floutie to be given the bum's rush out of the foodcourt. Just in time too, because Travis...

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Yo Cincy...about your tagline.


Say what you want about Kerry but he didn't have the same info as the President of the United States of America. So, to say that Kerry is twofaced is a direct result of the information given by the President and his advisors. Which fooled all of us Americans.

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Where they ran into a transvestite named Darryl.  Both Flutie and Travis were smitten with Darryl so the proceded to


Explain the benefits of PMing to gantrules so that he doesn't step into the middle of our fun time and lay down political smack ever again.




Meanwhile, Darryl and Floutie...

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Explain the benefits of PMing to gantrules so that he doesn't step into the middle of our fun time and lay down political smack ever again.

Meanwhile, Darryl and Floutie...


Laid a French kiss on each that made the strippers blush.

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