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Is this really relevant?

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if they were so uninportant, then why were they on the field ahead of the guys who replaced them,

Who was Kevin Harrison on the field ahead of?


How about all those guys I named.


Honestly, are you this ignorant really, or is this just an act?


Simpson and Poz were the only two players that were on IR for more than a couple of games that we had that started ahead of anyone originally. What that means is that you don't know WTF you're talking about. You can count Webster, but that guy's A, been injured more than healthy and we should have known that before picking him up, and B, not even starter quality.


Kelsay, McCargo, Williams, Schobel, Crowell, Ellison, Whitner, and McGee. Not one of those guys missed significant playing time.


Our entire starting OL didn't miss any significant time either, nether did Royal our starting TE or any of our top three WRs. Losman was replaced and Edwards was completely healthy too.


So keep whistlin' out of your sphincter pal.

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I agree with much of what you said, but Cleveland was flat out better than us. They took advantage of having better lines than us and pounded the ball down our throat at the end.

Just about every team was better than us. We weren't really that much better than the Jets and Fins. Better perhaps, but only marginally. Hell, they nearly beat us. We almost lost to the Ravens and Skins too. We were the hairs on a gnats a$$ away from being like 3-13 ourselves.


Look, we couldn't move the ball or stop anyone from moving it on us. Isn't that the entire F-ing point of football?

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I may be totally off base.....but didn't last years Super Bowl champions drop a string of games at one point and then go on a tear?


My point is in football....ANYTHING can happen.

No. I don't think that they ever lost more than two games in a row. I know that they lost a bunch scattered later in the season.


"Anything" can't happen. This isn't just a game of luck where if the dice pop up your number you get a win like so many of you seem to imply.


Name for me the last team that was dead last in offensive scoring with the 30th ranked defense that made the playoffs then? I mean if anything can happen, then surely it has over the course of what now, 50 years of modern NFL football.


Teams that play solid fundamental football make the playoffs and when a team that can't slips in for some reason, AHEM, Jauron's '01 Bears, they get crushed in the first rounds, AHEM, just like Jauron's Bears did by the worst team in them that year.


It's no wonder some of you think we have a playoff team.

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You seem to be throwing up a lot around here lately.

Does the truth and reality bother you?


It seems to me the ones throwing up are those that have had their noses up Jauron and Levy's sphincters and who are just starting to come back out for a breath of air realizing, "HEY, it really stinks in there," and then yakking about how much better it's going to be with a few more window dressing type "fixes" and corrections like we've made for about 7 or 8 years now.


But hey, whatever, perceptions are up to each individual. Some people enjoy thriving in the world of make believe while others merely call it as they see it.


Your definition of throwing up is no doubt not saying anything critical about the team at all then, huh.


We have some positives, it's just that the most important areas are not positive and that the negative ones outweight the positive ones. That's the default for this team. It's not as if we've made the playoffs in recent history. Yeah, really, go take a look, you may educate yourself.

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After week 15 with two games left 9 of 16 teams in the AFC were still in they playoff hunt including the Texans.


Over in the NFC 12 of 16 teams were still in it after 15 weeks.

Before the Bills closed out the season going 0-3, every team in the NFL had a chance at the playoffs except for the Jets and Dolphins. Big whoop.

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Just about every team was better than us. We weren't really that much better than the Jets and Fins. Better perhaps, but only marginally. Hell, they nearly beat us. We almost lost to the Ravens and Skins too. We were the hairs on a gnats a$$ away from being like 3-13 ourselves.


Look, we couldn't move the ball or stop anyone from moving it on us. Isn't that the entire F-ing point of football?

This post pretty well sums up your very biased view that everything the Bills do is bad and everything the the other team does is good.


You say... "we weren't really that much better than the Jets and Fins." So, how do you explain us beating both of those teams twice in one season? "They nearly beat us" is your argument; therefore, we're not much better than they were. However you further reinforce this negative stance when you bring up the Ravens and Skins. We beat a playoff team and rather than conclude that was a good thing; you state we almost lost.


So, by that logic are the Giants bad because they almost lost to the Bills? What about the Browns, they barely beat the lowly Bills? How could either of those teams be playoff caliber, let alone Superbowl contenders if they almost lose to a team as bad a Buffalo? For that matter the Cowboys, a 13-3 team, almost lost to the Bills and needed a last second miracle to not lose. They must really suck.


Why can't you give the Bills credit for anything? Despite the injuries, they were a competitive team that took several playoff teams to the wire and won most of the games they should have won. Those are positives. And I bring up the injury thing, because you so easily want to dismiss it. But, I ask you.. please name the last team that had 17 players (starters or not) on IR and were even competitive let alone in a position to make the playoffs in the last month of the season. Please.


Regardless of what you want to say, when nearly 1/3 of your opening day roster does not see the season end, its far more likely that you'll end up with the Dolphins' record than the Bills' record. And that is precisely why so many people give Jauron and the Bills credit for last season and expect good things in the upcoming one. Will we have a good season? I don't know. But, I hope we do. Perhaps I'm not a "realist" as you are? Perhaps I don't see the team for how bad they really are, as you do, but rather for how good they can become? Perhaps I'm just a fan of a team with a dream.

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I may be totally off base.....but didn't last years Super Bowl champions drop a string of games at one point and then go on a tear?


My point is in football....ANYTHING can happen.


Yes the Giants started slow and then got hot and stayed hot. That's different from losing your last 3 games of the season when your playoff hopes are hanging by a thread.

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