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Belicheck & Law at it again?


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Like the last assromping they got on opening day mattered... :w00t:




Sure was fun though. I was shitfaced at the Bengals/Broncos home opener down here in Cincy during that game last year. The Bengals were getting slaughtered, but I was cheering the entire game (watching updated stats on my PCS phone). :D

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Soooo...in the NFL, you have to pay somebody to show up prepared, for the job they are getting paid for in the first place?



Apparently...yes. :w00t:


Although, you do have to give the guy credit. He showed up to camp in shape.


And to think that just 4 of 5 months ago Law said he didn't even want to be there. Huh.

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There's been rumblings in the Boston press that Ted Johnson and Law might be cut before the season starts.



Really? Is Asante Samuel ready for the number one corner spot? I figured TJ's career should be winding down. I always respected TJ's game.

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I wonder if another Milloy situation is brewing. Could he be cut before the opener ? Sounds like it's being set up .





One has to wonder how effective Law will be with the new rules to keep CB's like him in check. Now don't get me wrong, it's likely Law will still be pretty good...But will BB feel his price tag out weighs his effectiveness? I'll say this much, it was only one Pre Season Game, but no one on the Patsies D looked good vs. Cincy...Law definitely included...


This may just be a lot of nothing...A $100K Bonus is chump change in todays NFL...But it does show that all is not well, still, with Law and the Patsies...And I think Ty Law is the type of Player that will speak his mind if he feels wronged...


It's interesting due to the fact that Milloy left and the Bills thumped the Pats, much like they got thumped a couple days ago. And if you did not see the Game, granted it's only Pre Season, but the Pats got thumped up and down the Field by the Bengals. I was a little shocked at how easy Cincy made it look, which brought back memories of Opening Day 2003...Just a thought...

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know what,  I posted something like this about a month ago and was called a lier.  Funny thing about this situation.  He will be cut 3 days before the season opener.  Mark my words


well if he is I say sign him mr. donahoe (however you spell it you know who I mean

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Ted Johnson's career is just about over. He's been nothing more than a bit player the past few years anyways. I, for one, hope he retires as a Patriot.


Asante Samuel has actually taken over Tyrone Poole's spot in camp; Poole was relegated to nickel-back duties. Samuel, by all accounts (I only made it to camp twice) has been very impressive. He clearly hit the rookie wall last year and didn't make many plays the latter half of the season. Eugene Wilson (who played S last year) was drafter out of Illinois as a corner and could concievably be moved back to CB if rookies Guss Scott or Dexter Reid pan out to play alongside Rodney Harrison. Law most likely isn't in NE after this year, but I'd be shocked if he wasn't with the Pats this year. Law makes game-changing plays, unfortunately the last guy the Pats cut in this fashion (Milloy) hasn't been a game-changer for a few years now. Not flaming, just a fact as I see it.

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CB: Nate Clements SS: Lawyer Milloy FS: Troy Vincent CB: Ty Law



SLB: Jeff Posey MLB: London Fletcher WLB: Takeo Spikes



DE: Chris Kelsay DT: Sam Adams DT: Pat Williams DE: Aaron Schobel


Opening day starting D, perhaps? Hmmm...

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Welcome to Fantasy Island......


Who's des guys boss?


Ahh, they are Buffalo Bills fans who lust after any Patriot player who might get cut thinking that will win them a Super Bowl....



Fantasy Island is what happens when you grab your tissues and open your bookmarked "Favorites" :w00t:


If your coach insists on cutting players like Milloy and Law right before the season then we'd be happy to help out.

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