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Murdoch for Obama!

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Murdoch political interview at WSJ 'All Things Digital'


[Obama] is a rock star. It's fantastic. I love what he is saying about education. I want to meet [him]. I want to know if he's going to walk the walk.... McCain has a lot of problems.


Reuters article


"You have got the Obama phenomenon. You have got, undoubtedly, a recession ... The average American is really getting hurt financially and that all bodes well for him (Obama), Murdoch said.


Wonder how Fox News handles this :thumbsup:

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So let's get this straight...Faux Snooze is the great Satan of the newsworld that the Dem's are deathly afraid of, and won't go near (that Hannity guy sure is a badazz :thumbsup: ), and yet the owner is considering endorsing the Messiah?


So if Fox a good guy or bad guy? FAR- when you figure it out, let us all know would you?


BTW- Is Molten Retard banned? It has been quite peaceful here lately W/O him. But FAR kind of reminds me of a neutered Molten...Jusy a thought...

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So if Fox a good guy or bad guy? FAR- when you figure it out, let us all know would you?

I'm not passing judgment on Fox News. Murdoch is well known for his strong conservative views and Fox reflects those views.


I think it's going to be interesting to see if they even report that their leader has gone to the dark side, and if they do, how will they position it.

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I'm not passing judgment on Fox News. Murdoch is well known for his strong conservative views and Fox reflects those views.


I think it's going to be interesting to see if they even report that their leader has gone to the dark side, and if they do, how will they position it.


What exactly are you referring to with that remark?

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I'm not passing judgment on Fox News. Murdoch is well known for his strong conservative views and Fox reflects those views.


I think it's going to be interesting to see if they even report that their leader has gone to the dark side, and if they do, how will they position it.



It's called frontrunning. Murdoch is obviously not an idiot and he knows his side's candidate is charismatically challenged to say the least, so what's wrong with jumping on the bandwagon?



I remember not too long ago he was acting the same way with Hillary when everybody preordained her as the democratic nominee.

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It's called frontrunning. Murdoch is obviously not an idiot and he knows his side's candidate is charismatically challenged to say the least, so what's wrong with jumping on the bandwagon?



I remember not too long ago he was acting the same way with Hillary when everybody preordained her as the democratic nominee.

you're right. He admitted in the same video that he was behind the New York Post's decision to publicly endorse Hillary.

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