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Mike Viti

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This is asinine.


Anyway, the fact is that anyone who has been there will tell you that the furthest thing from one's mind is finding a way to get out of doing one's duty. I honestly don't see how one can be in that environment and not come away with a deep sense of Duty, Honor, and Country.


As such, the notion that somehow he is trying to "get out" of something or that he would be unhappy to join the rest of his classmates, basically the people he has eaten, slept, drank, pissed, dug holes, sweat, bled, and had to put up with through good and bad, is not even close to reality.


The reason West Point people are so highly sought after in every profession is because they are carefully selected before they even get there, and a large part of that selection process has to do with weeding out the weak, and that continues right through graduation, especially those who would look at going to war with/being there for one's classmates as something to "get out of".


Perhaps it's the Honor part that's hard to understand? Or is it the Duty? I don't think most people even care about the Country part anymore, so maybe that's it.

It's true one of my best friends from highschool is enrolled at West Point as we speak and I got to see first hand how much sh-- he had to do just to get in, I know I would never get in there, I'm smart enough, but I couldn't pass all the physical tests they make you do jeeze all you are is a piece of meat pretty much and they do w/e the !@#$ they want with you, he's told me stories.

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Yeah, right, but I still don't see how what you wrote isn't asinine. So, what's the point you are trying to illustrate with your expert literary skill? Because it's really not that ironic, in fact it's kind of silly, and based on the rest of your posts, I decided to edit mine so that you would better understand this situation.


Oh I think I see what happened.


You didn't pick up on the fact that my original post is a two parter separated by my "Anyways,". The asinine comment was for you because your post doesn't do much for anyone. The rest was for the rest of the thread. Maybe I'll use bullets next time...my bad.



you're... you... i mean... you really are this slow?




are you accessing the internet through webTV?

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I do not think that this guy, or any one who enrolls at the Armed Forces Academies wants to get out of their service. I think that most of the people who are saying the guy just wants to keep playing football are right. He just wants to knock some heads off. I am sure that he wants to serve the USA the best he can, and if the best way for him to serve the contry is play in the NFL with the Bills or another team and then recruit for West Point Football and be in the active reserves, then thats the best way for him to serve the contry. There are guys doing all sorts of jobs in the Army in Iraq that are not on the front lines being shot at all day. A buddy of mine is building runways in Iraq right now (well maybe not at the moment because its after sundown over there). There are lots of ways for a kid in the Army to serve the Army. If this guy's calling in the serve the Army in this fashion then by all means Mr. Viti, do it up! I don't think it has anything to do with not wanting to honor his contract like the guys of the old days (Staubach).

Well put champ :thumbsup:

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It's true one of my best friends from highschool is enrolled at West Point as we speak and I got to see first hand how much sh-- he had to do just to get it, I know I would never get in there, I'm smart enough, but I couldn't pass all the physical tests they make you do jeeze all you are is a piece of meat pretty much and they do w/e the !@#$ they want with you, he's told me stories.

:thumbsup: It doesn't stop there, in fact it gets much worse, both the things that are part of the formal training and the things that you won't see on 60 minutes.

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you're... you... i mean... you really are this slow?




are you accessing the internet through webTV?

I really don't think you know how to read.


What part of, "it's a two part reply" do you not get? I said your post was asinine because it was, regardless of your point, to the point that it detracted from it.


Separately from that, I am responding to the false choice set up by the OP = "make the Bills or it's Iraq for you" in a manner that actually explains the reality of his situation, rather than using all caps and spouting nonsense. That's it, that's all there is to it.

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