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I 'd like some opinions here on this question,,?


Isnt it time for the NFL to take draft day on the road?


my thinking is the NFL IS loosing a great opportunity by keeping it in NYC... if they took draft day on the road to regonial nfl cities I think they would increase the draft s interest in fans .. by picking regonial cities , ie .. Pittsburg they would draw more Steelers fans ,Browns fans ,Bills fans , Cinci etc.. same as choosing San Diego so to include raiders ,Cards .. or Chicago. with Vikings ,Packers and Colts fans ..

with technology available they could easily do this anywhere .. and the best part is you would nt have to listen to the jets fans anymore ,,,hopefully . .


AND I think itd makea great offseason party,,er roadtrip !

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I like it. Every other major sport has the all-star game that changes locations on a rotating basis. Why not do this with the NFL draft, and give most teams the chance to go to the draft closer to home?

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I 'd like some opinions here on this question,,?


Isnt it time for the NFL to take draft day on the road?


my thinking is the NFL IS loosing a great opportunity by keeping it in NYC... if they took draft day on the road to regonial nfl cities I think they would increase the draft s interest in fans .. by picking regonial cities , ie .. Pittsburg they would draw more Steelers fans ,Browns fans ,Bills fans , Cinci etc.. same as choosing San Diego so to include raiders ,Cards .. or Chicago. with Vikings ,Packers and Colts fans ..

with technology available they could easily do this anywhere .. and the best part is you would nt have to listen to the jets fans anymore ,,,hopefully . .


AND I think itd makea great offseason party,,er roadtrip !



I agree.


Since each NFL franchise is so heavily subsidized by state and local governments, the NFL should rotate meetings, conferences, and drafts as often as possible to help boost local economies.

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