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The Distribution of Income

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not at all. If the rich have all the money the average person couldn't buy cars and all the auto workers would lose their jobs. So we have Progressive [i.e. very good] taxation which re-distributes the wealth so the economy can keep going around.


Is this a joke? Anyone?

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not at all. If the rich have all the money the average person couldn't buy cars and all the auto workers would lose their jobs. So we have Progressive [i.e. very good] taxation which re-distributes the wealth so the economy can keep going around.


after reading this, i no longer think you ate paint chips as a kid. I now think your mom gave you lead based paint in place of milk in your cereal.

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after reading this, i no longer think you ate paint chips as a kid. I now think your mom gave you lead based paint in place of milk in your cereal.

All three of you are such morons. Can at least one of you clowns make a counter argument? Two of you I understand can't, but Tom I would expect you could show something of an argument. Perhaps it's that I'm so obviously right you can't touch me. I figured one of you would throw out some right wing talking point for me to debunk at least but you all are even too afraid to do that. Fugging pussies! :wallbash: Really, stupid fugging pussies

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All three of you are such morons. Can at least one of you clowns make a counter argument? Two of you I understand can't, but Tom I would expect you could show something of an argument. Perhaps it's that I'm so obviously right you can't touch me. I figured one of you would throw out some right wing talking point for me to debunk at least but you all are even too afraid to do that. Fugging pussies! :wallbash: Really, stupid fugging pussies

Thing is ramius and I don't see eye to eye on a lot of this stuff because he is a liberal hack as well. However, he isn't a retarded political hack which puts him up a few steps from most liberal hacks.

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All three of you are such morons. Can at least one of you clowns make a counter argument? Two of you I understand can't, but Tom I would expect you could show something of an argument. Perhaps it's that I'm so obviously right you can't touch me. I figured one of you would throw out some right wing talking point for me to debunk at least but you all are even too afraid to do that. Fugging pussies! :wallbash: Really, stupid fugging pussies

I would, but I don't even know where to start after reading your last couple posts.

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Thing is ramius and I don't see eye to eye on a lot of this stuff because he is a liberal hack as well. However, he isn't a retarded political hack which puts him up a few steps from most liberal hacks.

No, I'm sure Ramius is just seconds away from whipping out the "right wing talking points." :wallbash:

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Is this a joke? :wallbash:


Of course not. He's living the high life of government wealth distribution. Just think of the boom that will come with the new court house building. It will follow the big party at the local Chevy dealers, as they welcome the checks the IRS sends them to allow the commoners to buy cars, so they don't have to blighten good neighborhoods.

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I figured one of you would throw out some right wing talking point for me to debunk at least but you all are even too afraid to do that.


You're going to be waiting a while then. The reason i dont care to support some of my views on here is that retards like you give dems a bad name. Frankly, i'd rather be quiet and be lumped in with the right than lumped in with an idiot like yourself.

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You're going to be waiting a while then. The reason i dont care to support some of my views on here is that retards like you give dems a bad name. Frankly, i'd rather be quiet and be lumped in with the right than lumped in with an idiot like yourself.


Of course, being lumped in with the right means being lumped in with Holcomb's Arm. Pick your poison.

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You're going to be waiting a while then. The reason i dont care to support some of my views on here is that retards like you give dems a bad name. Frankly, i'd rather be quiet and be lumped in with the right than lumped in with an idiot like yourself.

Then why even respond? My point is so obviously true and simple, I am pretty surprised anyone would challange it--with insults, not counterarguments, btw. That I'm being called an idiot by you for stating a basic fact of how our government and economy interreact successfully says more about you than me. Your response tells me you simply don't know very much. Carry on with your ignorant insults

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Then why even respond? My point is so obviously true and simple, I am pretty surprised anyone would challange it--with insults, not counterarguments, btw. That I'm being called an idiot by you for stating a basic fact of how our government and economy interreact successfully says more about you than me. Your response tells me you simply don't know very much. Carry on with your ignorant insults


This is still a joke, right? Can you honestly look at federal income and expenditures and tell anyone that the government robs from the rich and gives to the poor? Have you ever paid any attention to what the federal government does?


Hell, did you pay attention to my earlier posts? My salary is generated via that redistribution of wealth. I'm taxed at an exorbitant rate. Those taxes are redistributed to the company I work for. That company pays my salary. My salary is then taxed at an exorbitant rate. And you would easily consider me wealthy. And I'm a very small example of how the government works - look at the contracts for the LCS or how HUD works sometime. The government resdistributes wealth to the wealthy, not the poor.

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