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What Was The Purpose Of The "Terror Alerts?"

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The war was the most heinous act of the Bush presidency, but those terror alerts sure were damned dispicable, too. They served no other purpose than to terrorize the section of the public that actually believed them to be legimate government warnings. They were a significant factor--along with the gay marriage amendment--that won Bush a second term.

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The war was the most heinous act of the Bush presidency, but those terror alerts sure were damned dispicable, too. They served no other purpose than to terrorize the section of the public that actually believed them to be legimate government warnings. They were a significant factor--along with the gay marriage amendment--that won Bush a second term.


Got an alternative? Got a better plan?


If they weren't there, you would be wetting your diapers along with screaming for blood about how they didn't warn us when something happened. ;)

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Keep on topic.


Tell me your alternative. Tell me how you would react if there were no attempt at some sort of alert system.


If you can.

Alternative to what? Trying to freek everyone out? You really think this was made to stop terrorists? And why did they happen right up until the 2004 election and then stop?

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Alternative to what? Trying to freek everyone out? You really think this was made to stop terrorists? And why did they happen right up until the 2004 election and then stop?



Stop dancing. And the warning system still is in use.


You get an "F" for reading comprehension. And apparently not even comprehending your own posit...


Lenin certainly had you in mind when he uttered the term, "useful idiots"....

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I have no problem with using undisclosed "terror alerts" for military and civil personnel, as it gets them to a certain level of preparation in case they are needed. But I never thought they should be made public; all it did was raise concerns among the general public but never told us what we should do differently. In the end I believe it was mainly a feable P.R. attempt to show the public that the gov't was doing something, and it turned into an on-going late-night talkshow joke.

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Stop dancing. And the warning system still is in use.


You get an "F" for reading comprehension. And apparently not even comprehending your own posit...


Lenin certainly had you in mind when he uttered the term, "useful idiots"....

But the alert level hasn't been raised since the election is my point. And you of all people, defending the terror alerts, should not be calling other people useful idiots! You fit the definition to perfection.

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But the alert level hasn't been raised since the election is my point. And you of all people, defending the terror alerts, should not be calling other people useful idiots! You fit the definition to perfection.

Again...the reading comprehension thing...'twas Lenin's words.


I don't know where you work, but I hope you are not at a place where your inability will hurt innocent folk.

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I have no problem with using undisclosed "terror alerts" for military and civil personnel, as it gets them to a certain level of preparation in case they are needed. But I never thought they should be made public; all it did was raise concerns among the general public but never told us what we should do differently. In the end I believe it was mainly a feable P.R. attempt to show the public that the gov't was doing something, and it turned into an on-going late-night talkshow joke.


Absolutely not realistic to limit such alerts to military and civil personnel involved in such matters. It would be leaked to the press within 20 minutes and then certified idiots like molton_goldfish would be starting threads whining about how Bush was keeping the terror alerts 'secret'.

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Again...the reading comprehension thing...'twas Lenin's words.


I don't know where you work, but I hope you are not at a place where your inability will hurt innocent folk.

Hey, I'm not the one stuck in Cincy. Anyway, Lenin couldn't have been thinking about me, I wasn't born yet. You should write more clearly. And furthermore, these terror alerts were right up his ally. Using propaganda to motivate stupid people like you.

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The war was the most heinous act of the Bush presidency, but those terror alerts sure were damned dispicable, too. They served no other purpose than to terrorize the section of the public that actually believed them to be legimate government warnings. They were a significant factor--along with the gay marriage amendment--that won Bush a second term.



Your right, all those things are way worse than blowing up children, cutting of heads off of aid workers, bombing red cross base camps, killing people riding trains and buses, or forcing children to be slaves, because they are infidels.... yep, way worse.



Akech Arol Deng has not seen his wife and son since they were seized by Arab militias from their home in south Sudan 19 years ago.


His son, Deng, was just three years old at the time but Mr Arol is sure they are still alive, being used as slaves in the north.


"I miss them so much. I really hope that one day they come back," Mr Arol told the BBC News website mournfully in his home of Malualbai, just a few hours' on horseback from the Bahr el-Arab river which divides Muslim northern Sudan from the Christian and Animist south.


Some 8,000 people are believed to be living in slavery in Sudan, 200 years after Britain banned the Atlantic slave trade and 153 years after it also tried to abolish slavery in Sudan.


Arab militias rode in to her village on horseback, firing their guns. When the adults fled, the children and cattle were rounded up and made to walk north for five days before they were divided between members of the raiding party.


The northern government is widely believed to have armed the Arab militias in order to terrorise the southern population and distract rebel forces from attacking government targets.


According to a study by the Kenya-based Rift Valley Institute, some 11,000 young boys and girls were seized and taken across the internal border - many to the states of South Darfur and West Kordofan.


The boys generally looked after cattle, while the girls mostly did domestic chores before being "married", often as young as 12.


Most were forcibly converted to Islam, given Muslim names and told not to speak their mother tongue.

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Hey, I'm not the one stuck in Cincy. Anyway, Lenin couldn't have been thinking about me, I wasn't born yet. You should write more clearly. And furthermore, these terror alerts were right up his ally. Using propaganda to motivate stupid people like you.


Your power to appreciate concepts also seems to lack. And when one has to resort to gratuitous insult, it's time to regroup.


It's "alley", not "ally", BTW. Even us stupid people know that...

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Alternative to what? Trying to freek everyone out? You really think this was made to stop terrorists? And why did they happen right up until the 2004 election and then stop?


They still happen. They're just now more like "New York City and Washington DC have an alert level of red for air travel..."


Which highlights the stupidity of the original system: five color-coded levels, two of which are practically useless (blue you'd never reach, red you'd really only hit retroactively after an attack) indicating the national level of threat for the mouth-breathing USA-Today reading population was a level of nuance more fitting for the back of a cereal box than national security issues. More specifically, it was targeted to the likes of you, who think that a non-specific "no sh--" memo that says "terrorists can crash airplanes into buildings" equates to a specific warning of a specific attack against a specific target on a specific day. You, specifically, are responsible for the BS rating system. It's your ignorance they're targeting with it. You understand simple ideas like "red", you don't understand nuance like "we have non-specific information that a there is a significant immediate threat to Wall Street in the next month."


But there's nothing sinister about it. It's just a retarded system targeted to retarded people like yourself who can't grasp more complicated concepts...and apparently even have trouble with the retarded ones sometimes.

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You, specifically, are responsible for the BS rating system. It's your ignorance they're targeting with it.

Are you trying to out do Wacka for the "Idiot of the Board" award this year? If the system was designed to target my ignorance, stupidity and retardation, then why am I the one questioning the stupid thing? Do you think at all before you write your moronic posts? How many times do you bang your leg with knee jerk reactions?


And BTW, you get my vote! Sorry Wacka

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