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the mighty schilling


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Can somebody translate "who's your daddy" into english from spanish?  I think Donald Trumps was the only non Puerto Rican in the crowd.  Thank god these people have a place to live and prosper.  The one time I was ever at Yankme Stadium, it stunk of rank body odor.


That is so lame, man. It's one thing to trash-talk between Yankees fans and Sox fans, but what's up with a blatently racist comment like that? WTF?

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apparently your easily amused. Yankee fans are scumbags. Bunch of stained wife beater wearin , beer swillin , fake gold chain wearin daigos.




Ive never wore a wife beater in my life. And I dont have a fake gold chain. So i dont fall under your stupid generalizations.

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Yeah Thurman...because "Yankees suck" at every single home game for the BoSox is really original.




And also hearing a Yankees Suck chant during the ESPN pre-game show of Pats/Colts, thus proving AGAIN where Pats fans hearts REALLY are....Ill start generalizing too why not

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And also hearing a Yankees Suck chant during the ESPN pre-game show of Pats/Colts, thus proving AGAIN where Pats fans hearts REALLY are....Ill start generalizing too why not


They were chanting that at the start of a Pats/Colts game?! I could possibly understand the Jets or Giants, but the Colts?! Sad. No wonder they never acknowledge the amazing officiating they've gotten during their SB years. Take what you can get, eh?

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I was listening to a local sports radio show yesterday. The host is a big BoSox fan.


He was trying to sell the audience the fact that the Yanks should go down b/c they are spending way too much money on talent and are buying up the league.


C'mon man, don't try to sell me that crap. The BoSox salary is 150 million this year. This isn't KC against the Yanks. It's the two biggest salary teams in the game going against each other.

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I was listening to a local sports radio show yesterday. The host is a big BoSox fan.


He was trying to sell the audience the fact that the Yanks should go down b/c they are spending way too much money on talent and are buying up the league.


C'mon man, don't try to sell me that crap. The BoSox salary is 150 million this year. This isn't KC against the Yanks. It's the two biggest salary teams in the game going against each other.



Hey as a Yankee fan I understand the concerns of other fans such as Pirates fans, KC fans and so on...but Red Sox fans really shouldnt bring up $ that much, or at least as much as they can do. And I hate to beat a dead horse, the the Diamondbacks of 2001, the Angels of 2002, and the Marlins of 2003, the last 3 WS champions, didnt outspend the Yankees by a longshot. And part of me is happy to see that there is hope for these teams, as long as they have the right management making the right decisions.

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Hey as a Yankee fan I understand the concerns of other fans such as Pirates fans, KC fans and so on...but Red Sox fans really shouldnt bring up $ that much, or at least as much as they can do.  And I hate to beat a dead horse, the the Diamondbacks of 2001, the Angels of 2002, and the Marlins of 2003, the last 3 WS champions, didnt outspend the Yankees by a longshot.  And part of me is happy to see that there is hope for these teams, as long as they have the right management making the right decisions.



The Diamondbacks of 2001 made me sick. I actually rooted for NY to win that series.


The DBacks had to take loans out through MLB because they were struggling financially so what did they do??? They went out and got Randy Johnson and Curt Schilling. That doesn't sound like a team struggling to make money to me.

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That is so lame, man.  It's one thing to trash-talk between Yankees fans and Sox fans, but what's up with a blatently racist comment like that?  WTF?


What is racist about the comment....the majority of people I saw at a Yankee?devil rays game were hispanic....and it did stink of body odor in the section we sat in....I know I showered that morning, please enlighten me on how that is a blantant racist comment..its just observations

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That is so lame, man.  It's one thing to trash-talk between Yankees fans and Sox fans, but what's up with a blatently racist comment like that?  WTF?


What is racist about the comment....the majority of people I saw at a Yankee?devil rays game were hispanic....and it did stink of body odor in the section we sat in....I know I showered that morning, please enlighten me on how that is a blantant racist comment..its just observations

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What is racist about the comment....the majority of people I saw at a Yankee?devil rays game were hispanic....and it did stink of body odor in the section we sat in....I know I showered that morning, please enlighten me on how that is a blantant racist comment..its just observations



Don't worry, you don't seem to be the only one that has noticed it in NY.


John Rocker said the same thing.

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