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How are the 2004 Bills worse then 2003 Bills?


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We add Willis Mcgahee, Chris Villereal, Lee Evans, Tim Anderson, Troy Vincent. We lose Ruben Brown, Antoine Winfield, Sammy Morris. I dont get it. Seems like we upgraded some positions. We got rid of Gilbride and Williams. Why are we worse then last year?

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We add Willis Mcgahee, Chris Villereal, Lee Evans, Tim Anderson, Troy Vincent.  We lose Ruben Brown, Antoine Winfield, Sammy Morris.  I dont get it.  Seems like we upgraded some positions.  We got rid of Gilbride and Williams.  Why are we worse then last year?


they're not worse. they just have a worse record. all of the games have been very close. or do you not actually watch the games?

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because the 2003 bills romped on new england and jacksonville to start the season!this year we will be swept by the patsies for sure.there was hope last year this year we know there will be no playoffs for us and we have only played 4 games!

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Because the stink on this team emanates from the trenches. This offensive line (and "offensive" it is) could not block a doorway, and cannot protect the Statue of Bledsoe from breakage. It is the worst in football.


You watch the holes the Tennessee OLs plowed for Brown to run through last night at GB and it makes you sick. The Bills have neither the players nor the coaching needed to excel. When's the last time you saw the Bills OLs (namely guards) pull and open up a hole for TH (unless he falls down on his own)?


Tom Don Ho should be accountable for this mess of a OL. He can blow his "tiny bubbles" out his *!

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