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reading between the lines


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Well there's what I want to see the Bills do, what you want the bills to do and then there's what the bills WILL do. If you look at the writing on the wall or read between the lines I think some of it is very easy to see where they're headed...



First, even though I think passing up on Okoye would be a big mistake, all sings point to them being content with their D-line. They re-signed Kelsey, supposidly tendered an offer to Anderson. Add in Hargrove who will be tendered and the two draft picks and FA pick up from last year (McCargo, Williams and Triplett) and it's really hard to see them going after DT again. Add this to the comments made by Levy about the run defense and it becomes even more evident. Notice that although the media and the fans have consistently been saying that we need to get bigger in the middle of the DL to get better in run stopping, levy has, however, never truely stressed this. Instead, he actually re-directed the question to "attacking" linebackers. It seems evident that the organization seems our run defense problem revolves around our LB's more so then the DT's. That all said, I bet we pass on Okoye (and/or Branch) if he's still available at 12.


In addition to this, this is why i see us going after one of two options with the 12th pick: LB - Partick Willis or CB (Leon Hall, Huyghes, etc...). Of course a lot of this depends on free agency but I definitely see us going after a second-tier vetern CB in FA. With that said I think we'll take Partrick Willis as our number 1 pick.


Speaking of Free agency, don't be surprised if we sign at least 2 offensive linemen. Levy made it a point to mention the three young guys we drafted last year and just from his mannorism and the way he says things, I think he really believes that O-linemen are really a development position and not one that you can contribute to right away out of the draft. Knowing that, and knowing that he said O-line is our number 1 priority, I think we'll add some guys in free agency that can help us right away. I look for them to go after LG and RT. Don't look for these to be HUGE signing however, probably both second-tier guys with decent size contracts. MAYBE we'll go after a prime LG, but the odds are agaisnt us that we'll put up the money necessary to get one of these guys. I can definitely see them skimming hte RFA market for young ventern O-line talent.


RB will we addressed in the first day of the draft. I dont think any of the FA's or trade optiosn are what Levy is looking for or willing to give up a lot for... therefore the draft makes perfect sense. Definitley will be addressed in the second or third round it looks like (note: none of the RB's, aside from Adrine Petterson, who will be long gone by the time the bills pick, really is Levy guy though so that's something to keep in consideration..see below).


Look for other FA sigings to be like last year as low teir guys they are hoping that will come into their prime, i.e. backup LB, FB (if shelton doesn't re-sign)



So overall I see them going after O-line heavily in FA's. Not the big names though, but guys that can start and imporve this O-line right now. In addition look for them to seek out a vertern CB, a young LB coming into his prime in FA, and maybe a FB depending on Shelton. I think that's going to be about it for FA.


For the draft I see us passing on Okoye and reaching for Willis with our first pick. the second or third round will be RB. Look for a WR early on day 2. Also I think they will go after the best player available in most intances, regardless of all our concentrartion on the need positions. That means if there's a guy that is so much better in a non-need/or secondary need position don't be surprised to see us take him over another "need" guy anytime after our first pick.



Again this is not what I would wish them to do, but what it seems like from the inferences from what they have done thus far and what levy has said ( i like p. willis, but I think Okoye is one of those "special" guys you don't pass up... also the best way to stop the run is through the DT's not the LB's...they work together, and you need them both to be successful, but you build from the inside out, not the outside in IMO). So there you have it.



one more thing: draft day has been so unpredictable for the Bills the last few years, so don't be surprised if they do something off the wall again this year. I think Levy wants a "all purpose" back more than anything else. The only true all purpose back in the draft is adrian peterson. If the Bills trade Willis and get another second or third, I wouldn't be surprise to see them use some combination of those and do somehting unpredictiable like making an attem to move up to get peterson (Although i don't see this likely by any means, the bills have shocked me more in other ways before). Also, DON'T look for the Bills to trade down. I don't think levy has any desire to do it, he'd rather get the guy he wants now and not mess with trying to trade down and risk not getting him. Finally, if they don't take willis with their first pick and he's still there late in the first, don't be surpirsed for the bills try to make another move like last year and try to get back into the first round.

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At this point, I think drafting Willis #12 is too early. Sure, this would suggest possibly trading down, but there's still 2 months until draft day and you have to have a suitor for any deal.


I say if Okoye is there, you must select him. I'm a big believer in the DT's with the Cover-2. They form the foundation of this defense along with a strong MLB. Okoye seems too good to pass up, but again, it comes down to how high his stock rises and what takes place in the next two months. It's not even worth predicting now.


Have to hope Marv will address the OLine, but his comments about rookie expectations make me tend to believe it'll be in Free Agency, not the draft. Besides, Marv has always been on record, especially since his HC days, of not playing rookies. Of course, back then they had depth and didn't need to. Now, with free agency, the Bills were forced to go with rookies many times. I'd like them to spend a 2nd or 3rd at the least on a G or T.


I'd rather they not deal WM right now, especially being this close to free agency, unless of course there's someone they have in mind to replace him. It's one more position to fill if they do.

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I agree 100% about Willis. I'll take it a step further and say that i'm not completely sold as him as a "sure thing" (granted no one is a sure thing, but he gives me added worries that I don't have with other guys that are projected for so early in the first round).



Ideally, I think the best route to go is a mix of FA and the draft. As far as MLB's go, quite frankly, there's no FA out there worth getting. London is prob. the best pure middle linebacker out there but if we're serious about 'attacking' linebackers, i think you have to go in another direction, even though i like him imensely and think he's stand up up. My ideal situation would be to me Angelo inside and draft Puslozney in the scound (Spikes-Crowell-Puz). Obviosley though, hoping Puz (or Timmons- even though i don't like him and think he's going to be a bust) are still there in the second round is asking a lot. To solve this problem, i'd pick up a young OLB in FA, on that has flown below the radar (most likely in the RFA market?) that won't be commanding a huge salary. This person wouldn't be a stud by any means, but more of an insurance policy then anything else. That way if, worst case seniario, you're unable to get a OLB on the first day of the draft you still have Ellison and the new guy to try to fill that void.


This allows you to address the DT postion in the first round of the draft, whether it be Okoye or Branch....

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