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This is the guy that some of you said


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At least wait a couple of days before you convict him.


I have not convicted him.


I just think that it is hilarious (and ironic) that many Willis haters hitched their wagon to Marshawn Lynch.


By the way, there is no doubt in my mind that the Willis haters already would have "convicted" Willis if he had been accused of sexual assault.


They already have "convicted" him even though he said that he loves Buffalo and "thanks God" for the situation in Buffalo.


They already have "convicted" him even though, by all accounts, he had consentual sex.

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They already have "convicted" him even though, by all accounts, he had consentual sex.


I didn't even realize there were accounts of McGahee's sexual escapades available. I would love to see them. Obligatory I hope he hits the hole harder in bed than on the field...

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I have not convicted him.


I just think that it is hilarious (and ironic) that many Willis haters hitched their wagon to Marshawn Lynch.


By the way, there is no doubt in my mind that the Willis haters already would have "convicted" Willis if he had been accused of sexual assault.


They already have "convicted" him even though he said that he loves Buffalo and "thanks God" for the situation in Buffalo.


They already have "convicted" him even though, by all accounts, he had consentual sex.



I agree, I have no problem with what Willis said, I think people here in Buffalo should get real. How many millionaires in their twenties have moved to Buffalo? I don't think many (unless they are pro athletes).


So much that is said about him is speculation and rumor. I think that he knows he hasn't performed that well, and is more concerned about getting a good contract now for his own security. I think he is worried. We haven't heard what kind of numbers ($) he is looking for, everyone just assumes that it will be some outrageous demand.


I am positive that alot of Bills players through the years would have rather played somewhere else. So what, as long as they perform I don't don't care how they feel about the area (though it is cool when they can appreciate the area's positive aspects).


I think Willis is alright, but I can't see him being the MVP of a Super Bowl. I think the Bills need a better back.


All that said, the Lynch story just came out. It doesn't look good, but lets get a few more rumors to convict him with at least.

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Considering that news came out just yesterday, I don't see how you can blame anyone for wanting Lynch to replace Willis since the opinion was based purely on football. Besides, the girl could be lying.


Obviously Lynch should be considered innocent until proven guilty in the judiciary. Yet, one does wonder whether having this trouble will drop him down a bit in the draft since judicial courts, business decisions, and the court of public opinion are all different things which quite reasonably operate by different standards.


If this issue is unresolved when the draft rolls around, likely the Bills will and should avoid taking him because uncertainty about his availability if he is found guilty or cops a plea to a lesser charge makes him not a good risk for a football team to take with building the team and certainly with a big draft choice.


The Bills likely would also hold Lynch to a higher standard than the norm based on their emphasis on character. The drafting of Brad Butler shows that a bad act (or accusation of) is not a disqualifier, but he looks like a thought which is on hold right now.

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